
How did you verify this homeless mans story? You do realize it is a sin to “bear false witness” don’t you? Did you contact these Churches? How did you verify the death in Scotland? How about the jumping story? Somehow I doubt you verified this person’s claim, as I wouldn’t either, nor would I expect the Church to. Ask for food, if they can, they will provide it or let you know where you can get it. Ask for shelter, chances are good they’ll find some for you. Ask for prayers and we will surely accommodate. The Catholic Church provides more money, time and talent for the care of the poor than ANY other organization. Name one who gives more. Yet you can sit there and call them “HYPOCRITES!”? Shame on you.I met a homeless man today, his grandmother had died a few days ago and he needed money to get to Scotland where she lived in time for her funeral. This man had just ‘recovered’ from jumping off a bridge, so you can imagine how welcome that news was. He went to THREE Catholic ‘Churches’ asking if they would give him some money to get the fare and they all flatly refused. They said that the Church does not give out its money because if they gave it to one person, then everyone would ask, and then they would be left with nothing. So what they did was to refuse all requests outright.
Just to satisfy my own curiosity, what were the names of the Churches, in what town? I’d just like to get their side of the story. Perhaps there are circumstances you aren’t aware of. I’m more than willing to contact them.