Isn't THIS what Jesus COMMANDED?

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Why was forgivness suspended? I think just because what he says was difficult, doesnt mean that it was not true. I do not think that what he says was against Jesus, I think it was the same, what did he say that was wrong? Maybe he just went strait to the point. I would like to hear what else he had to say, and just because people didnt like it, doesnt mean he should have been kicked out. Jesus was killed for making people think how bad they really were, and we have thrown forgivness out. I wonder if that means we are in a way like those people who killed Jesus, who did not like what he said becouse he made them think that maybe they were doing the wrong things. Maybe he was right, Jesus did say that if a person did not give all their money to the poor, that they could not be his disciple. How can we call ourselves Christian if we havnt done that, we are going against what jesus said. Why are we too scared to stop and think for a minute and wonder if we really are good enough, if we are actually scared to do what Jesus said. Why havnt we given up all our things when Jesus said we had to? we should have faith, maybe we do have to do the right thing and give it all up. It was wrong i think to target forgivness, he was only saying the right thing. Why are the priests too scared to let money go? does that mean they dont believe Jesus? maybe the people who are already on the streets are the ones we should be looking up to, instead of leaving them there. Maybe we should make them greater than we are. I do think that was what Jesus said.
Why was forgivness suspended? I think just because what he says was difficult, doesnt mean that it was not true. I do not think that what he says was against Jesus, I think it was the same, what did he say that was wrong? Maybe he just went strait to the point. I would like to hear what else he had to say, and just because people didnt like it, doesnt mean he should have been kicked out. Jesus was killed for making people think how bad they really were, and we have thrown forgivness out. I wonder if that means we are in a way like those people who killed Jesus, who did not like what he said becouse he made them think that maybe they were doing the wrong things. Maybe he was right, Jesus did say that if a person did not give all their money to the poor, that they could not be his disciple. How can we call ourselves Christian if we havnt done that, we are going against what jesus said. Why are we too scared to stop and think for a minute and wonder if we really are good enough, if we are actually scared to do what Jesus said. Why havnt we given up all our things when Jesus said we had to? we should have faith, maybe we do have to do the right thing and give it all up. It was wrong i think to target forgivness, he was only saying the right thing. Why are the priests too scared to let money go? does that mean they dont believe Jesus? maybe the people who are already on the streets are the ones we should be looking up to, instead of leaving them there. Maybe we should make them greater than we are. I do think that was what Jesus said.
I do not know why he was suspended but I thought he would be.

He was not here to discuss only to rant with long repetitive posts that were not charitably written.
Isn’t it kind of odd that just after forgiveness was banned, jignatius joined the board, and though s/he doesn’t capitalize or put in paragraph breaks, tends to write in the same rambling style replete with rhetorical questions and even implicit statements supporting the former’s positions? Hmmm. I wonder if these two are ever seen together.
Isn’t it kind of odd that just after forgiveness was banned, jignatius joined the board, and though s/he doesn’t capitalize or put in paragraph breaks, tends to write in the same rambling style replete with rhetorical questions and even implicit statements supporting the former’s positions? Hmmm. I wonder if these two are ever seen together.
I was thinking EXACTLY the same thing!:yup:
On other threads I’ve seen likes with notes that these are very Anticatholic sites. I haven’t visited them because I don’t want my blood pressure to go any higher than it is. That said I find it interesting, I have never seen anyone be down right rude to obvious noncatholics but I can’t say the same for noncatholics how visit this site. Why can’t they be civil? Why can’t they come without an obvious agenda? Why don’t theyh read the CCC before they start telling me what I believe? This form, as I understand it, is to gain a deeper understanding of our Catholic Faith. Noncatholics are welcome as long as they come to learn what Catholics really believe and help us understand where they are coming from.

I’m sorry for the rambling. It makes me angry :mad: when someone tries to tell me what I believe when they have no idea what I believe.
On other threads I’ve seen likes with notes that these are very Anticatholic sites. I haven’t visited them because I don’t want my blood pressure to go any higher than it is. That said I find it interesting, I have never seen anyone be down right rude to obvious noncatholics but I can’t say the same for noncatholics how visit this site. Why can’t they be civil? Why can’t they come without an obvious agenda? Why don’t theyh read the CCC before they start telling me what I believe? This form, as I understand it, is to gain a deeper understanding of our Catholic Faith. Noncatholics are welcome as long as they come to learn what Catholics really believe and help us understand where they are coming from.

I’m sorry for the rambling. It makes me angry :mad: when someone tries to tell me what I believe when they have no idea what I believe.
You’re not rambling, and you’re NOT alone in that frustration. 😦
Isn’t it kind of odd that just after forgiveness was banned, jignatius joined the board, and though s/he doesn’t capitalize or put in paragraph breaks, tends to write in the same rambling style replete with rhetorical questions and even implicit statements supporting the former’s positions? Hmmm. I wonder if these two are ever seen together.
:twocents: Yes, you are so right. May be they are seen together!
On other threads I’ve seen likes with notes that these are very Anticatholic sites. I haven’t visited them because I don’t want my blood pressure to go any higher than it is. That said I find it interesting, I have never seen anyone be down right rude to obvious noncatholics but I can’t say the same for noncatholics how visit this site. Why can’t they be civil? Why can’t they come without an obvious agenda? Why don’t theyh read the CCC before they start telling me what I believe? This form, as I understand it, is to gain a deeper understanding of our Catholic Faith. Noncatholics are welcome as long as they come to learn what Catholics really believe and help us understand where they are coming from.

I’m sorry for the rambling. It makes me angry :mad: when someone tries to tell me what I believe when they have no idea what I believe.
:rolleyes: "Why don’t theyh read the CCC before they start telling me what I believe?"

May be the CCC is to difficult too understand for people with a hidden agenda? 😃

It’s good we have a grown up administration of the forums! They are our guarantie that the forums stays catholic! :clapping: :yup: :clapping:

God Bless!

Point of fact, if you use Scripture references to condemn the Pope and the Magisterium, you are making yourself your own pope, which Christ does not allow. You rebel against Christ Himself if you rebel against His Church.

Matt 10:32-33, 40, “So every one who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven; but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven… He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives him who sent me.”

In this passage, Jesus is telling the Apostles that their authority comes directly from Christ, who gets His authority from the Father. He who rejects Jesus rejects the one who sent Him. So, if you reject the authority of the Apostles, or their decendents, you reject the source of their authority, namely the Father through Jesus. I am not arrogant enough to reject the authority of the Church.
It isn’t that forigiveness was straight to the point or in anything that was posted. It was that he/she REFUSED to discuss their points any further… This is a DISCUSSION Board. It means you throw ideas around and talk about them. You DISCUSS Things. Its not a BULLETIN Board where you make make announcements and expect everyone to just fall in line. Forgiveness ignored post after post and refused to answer objection after objection. That is not what this place is for. That is the work of a troll.

dream wanderer
I thought that the work of a troll was to guard bridges?
That’s one definition. The definition here is to ‘lure’ as in trolling a fishing line. The poster wants to lure unsuspecting posters into his argument, not to make a point but usually for his own entertainment. They might for example go to a Tolkien board and post “Tolkien was a hack!” or they might even do it in very elaborate language that seems to come from a well educated person. Then they slighly twist their arguments around and do things just to inflame people.

Sometimes you see the reply "Don’t feed the troll’ which means usually if you ignore them they go away because they are offerered no entertainment.

dream wanderer
Of course, you are right. But I only had 3000 words. I would have quoted the entire gospels if I had had the space, because it is all the same simple message. But everyone tries to interpret it so that they don’t have to give away their money, for starters, and that is why people say they find it confusing and open to interpretation. And besides, they have the likes of the Pope, among many others, who act as their example, and he himself has gone against Jesus’ word. And surely you know what Jesus said would be a better fate for that person who diobeys even the least of his commandments and teaches others to do the same.
What exactly does the Pope own?
A more measured response. As others I think Forgiveness is somewhat of a tortured soul who needs our prayers. There is a great deal of passion about a subject that I personally have thought about a great deal. And actually I have come to some similar conclusions.

However, let us assume a hypothetical for a moment. What if, by some miracle, every last American became a devoted Catholic. And what if each and every one decided to become a priest or religious, take a vow of poverty and live a contemplative life. Question; how would they eat?

Hardly a likely scenario but it points to the fact, as illustrated in the parable of the talents, individuals are given different abilities and resources. Furthermore, we are responsible for the best possible use of those talents and resources. The fact is, some people have to work in the fields to grow the food, some people work in the factories that process and preserve that food and some people have stores to retail it. And some people just sweep the floors. All are God’s children and are called to do their work as though Jesus was the foreman.

So what does Jesus mean when he told the rich man to sell all that he had, give it to the poor and follow Jesus? In the case of that man, exactly what he said. For that man, it was the one thing he was unwilling to do. What about us as Christians?

I think there could never be enough emphasis put on Jesus response when asked what was the greatest commandment. What does loving God with all our hearts and souls and minds mean? We spend our whole lives learning that, but it at least means this; getting up every morning and getting on our knees and giving God everything, our home, our family, our job, our toys, all of it. And then going about our day living with these things “in trust” from God. And if one day we came home, like Job, and all of it had been taken away, in our grief we could turn our eyes to God and say thank you for allowing us to enjoy those people and things in the time that they were with us. We would still say Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

And as Forgiveness points out so passionately, there are plenty out there on which to practice the second part of Jesus commandment. That is the other part of the stewardship of what God has given us. It’s all God’s money, not our own, and we know that part of the reason he gave it to us was to help those in need.
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