It's for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential Election Was Held at All

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I like to think it’s trolling at this point. The other options are scarier and more depressing.
Well, she is actually a he and between trolling and outright delusional, charity has me saying…troll.
A legal development:

"Gohmert and a handful of the would-be electors sued Pence in federal court on Monday in a long-shot bid to throw out the rules that govern Congress’ counting of electoral votes next week. It’s an effort they hope will permit Pence — who is tasked with leading the Jan. 6 session of the House and Senate — to simply ignore President-elect Joe Biden’s electors and count Trump’s losing slates instead.

The lawsuit asserts that the 1887 law known as the Electoral Count Act, the vague statute that has long governed the electoral vote counting process with minimal drama, unconstitutionally binds Pence from exercising total authority to choose which votes to count."
“Grandpa Munster” ran for office in NY; when IL Republicans tried to get someone to run against Obama for the senate, one candidate wore a colonial wig; Hannity trying to seriously interview Andy Martin, the only law school graduate to date who was barred from getting a law license as too crazy; Alan Keyes’ arrest for trying to insert himself in a presidential debate; MGovern telling a heckler to kiss his rear; Rockefeller flipping off hecklers; 'Man from U.N.C.L.E. announcing a run for president; the list never stops!

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Yeah, but by the time this is over, none of them will hold a candle to the current nonsense.
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