I've never been baptized- Do I get less of God's greatness?

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I’m 17 and I’ve never been baptized. I don’t come from an agnostic or atheistic family, it’s just my mom and step dad don’t go to church (they come from baptist backgrounds, not catholic). So usually, I’ve went to church with my friends a couple of times and on some occasions when my family went. I’ve always felt bad about not being baptized because it’s a big deal and my friends were all baptized when they were babies. So it’s kind of embarrassing saying I’ve never been and I’m a teenager. I never wanted to confront a church about it because I was scared about being judged by it and plus I felt like I didn’t even go to church enough to get baptised. Fortunately, I’ve always felt I’ve had a relationship with God and I have prayed ever since I was little. As of now, I am taking the classes to get baptized into the Catholic Church next month. The past couple of days I have been attempting at praying the Rosary. The first Luminous Mystery is the Baptism of Jesus and my little Rosary booklet said to think about and live my baptismal promises… I got kinda sad because I haven’t made such promises (yet). So I felt I was offending God and Mary for praying the rosary.
Anyway, what I mean about my question is am I not getting all of God’s affection (?). I don’t know how to put it without it sounding weird. Like do people who are already baptised get more priority and their prayers answered? My prayers are usually answered in some way but is God holding back on somethings because I’m not Baptised?

(sorry if I put this thread in the wrong catagory)
I think you are mixing up graces with God’s love for you. God loves you as much as He loves anyone else, baptized or not. Nothing to worry about there. After you are baptized, and by the way welcome home, you can receive graces when you go to communion and receive the other sacraments. They will help you grow in your faith.

How did you become so spiritual and pray so much when your family was so lukewarm about it all, if I may ask? That was wonderful.
I’m 17 and I’ve never been baptized. I don’t come from an agnostic or atheistic family, it’s just my mom and step dad don’t go to church (they come from baptist backgrounds, not catholic). So usually, I’ve went to church with my friends a couple of times and on some occasions when my family went. I’ve always felt bad about not being baptized because it’s a big deal and my friends were all baptized when they were babies. So it’s kind of embarrassing saying I’ve never been and I’m a teenager. I never wanted to confront a church about it because I was scared about being judged by it and plus I felt like I didn’t even go to church enough to get baptised. Fortunately, I’ve always felt I’ve had a relationship with God and I have prayed ever since I was little. As of now, I am taking the classes to get baptized into the Catholic Church next month. The past couple of days I have been attempting at praying the Rosary. The first Luminous Mystery is the Baptism of Jesus and my little Rosary booklet said to think about and live my baptismal promises… I got kinda sad because I haven’t made such promises (yet). So I felt I was offending God and Mary for praying the rosary.
Anyway, what I mean about my question is am I not getting all of God’s affection (?). I don’t know how to put it without it sounding weird. Like do people who are already baptised get more priority and their prayers answered? My prayers are usually answered in some way but is God holding back on somethings because I’m not Baptised?

(sorry if I put this thread in the wrong category)
You have nothing to worry about because it was not your fault you weren’t baptised. On the contrary, God loves you very much because you prayed even though your religious education was neglected…
Plus if you get baptized now ALL your sins are forgiven and you don’t go to purgatory for them - this is why lots of people try to wait until the last minute to be baptized especially people who are “secret” Christians like Jews etc.

Theologically speaking you can kill and rape and plunder but wait until you are baptized then all your sins are forgiven and you don’t go to purgatory for any of the sins you’ve committed… that’s why the slippery Christians wait until the last moment.

Interestingly God knows this but He seems fine with it… 🤷

People also get indulgences for the same reason… this was big business back in the day… they still do it now but it’s more hush-hush…:rolleyes:
Anyway, what I mean about my question is am I not getting all of God’s affection (?). I don’t know how to put it without it sounding weird. Like do people who are already baptised get more priority and their prayers answered? My prayers are usually answered in some way but is God holding back on somethings because I’m not Baptised?

(sorry if I put this thread in the wrong catagory)
Let me say this at the outset… You are a truly remarkable young person to have found the true faith with your background. How could you say that you are missing anything from God. The Holy Spirit must have a special place for you.
No you have missed nothing in being delayed in your journey, but only greater the joy in heaven at your baptism given you can speak for yourself before the Lord. Congratulations!
No. God loves everyone equally, and provides everyone with all his love and might.

However, those who do not get baptized have to live with the burden of sin. If your sins overwhelm you, you might lose your connection to God partially or even entirely.

God Bless.
Let me say this at the outset… You are a truly remarkable young person to have found the true faith with your background. How could you say that you are missing anything from God. The Holy Spirit must have a special place for you.
No you have missed nothing in being delayed in your journey, but only greater the joy in heaven at your baptism given you can speak for yourself before the Lord. Congratulations!
👍 Joining in Cogratualtions!~
No. God loves everyone equally, and provides everyone with all his love and might.

However, those who do not get baptized have to live with the burden of sin. If your sins overwhelm you, you might lose your connection to God partially or even entirely.

God Bless.
God does not love everyone equally. God is more merciful to some than others. Our Blessed Mother. John the Baptist. etc. etc. etc.

Anyway, God is merciful to the OP it seems but only at the end of OP’s life will we know for sure. Baptism of desire should translate to actual baptism…
I’m 17 and I’ve never been baptized. I don’t come from an agnostic or atheistic family, it’s just my mom and step dad don’t go to church (they come from baptist backgrounds, not catholic). So usually, I’ve went to church with my friends a couple of times and on some occasions when my family went. I’ve always felt bad about not being baptized because it’s a big deal and my friends were all baptized when they were babies. So it’s kind of embarrassing saying I’ve never been and I’m a teenager. I never wanted to confront a church about it because I was scared about being judged by it and plus I felt like I didn’t even go to church enough to get baptised. Fortunately, I’ve always felt I’ve had a relationship with God and I have prayed ever since I was little. As of now, I am taking the classes to get baptized into the Catholic Church next month. The past couple of days I have been attempting at praying the Rosary. The first Luminous Mystery is the Baptism of Jesus and my little Rosary booklet said to think about and live my baptismal promises… I got kinda sad because I haven’t made such promises (yet). So I felt I was offending God and Mary for praying the rosary.
Anyway, what I mean about my question is am I not getting all of God’s affection (?). I don’t know how to put it without it sounding weird. Like do people who are already baptised get more priority and their prayers answered? My prayers are usually answered in some way but is God holding back on somethings because I’m not Baptised?

(sorry if I put this thread in the wrong catagory)
Some people just wanted to see Jesus as he went through the towns in Galilee, some wanted hear what he had to say, some wanted to be healed by him. Others wanted to be with him as his disciples, because they realized he was the Messiah, the King whom God had promised to send into the world and these people wanted to be in his Kingdom. When they came to ask to join him, he baptized them (actually, he asked his disciples to baptize them in his name).

It continued that way after Jesus died and rose, after he ascended into Heaven. In the book of Acts, we have many scenes of people wanting to be part of Jesus’ Kingdom, and being baptized into citizenship by his disciples. I remember the words of one person, after hearing about Jesus, he said to the disciple, “Here is water; is there anything to prevent you from baptizing me?” He was baptized; he was now a member of the People of God; he went away rejoicing in happiness because he was included.

So, if you wish to participate, to be one of the People, with Jesus as your Lord and you as his subject in his Kingdom, go to the Church and tell them you want to be included.

John Martin
who so ever would ask like:
“I’ve never been baptized - Do I get less of God’s greatness?”
should get baptized right away - the very day he asks this!

I’m 17 and I’ve never been baptized. I don’t come from an agnostic or atheistic family, it’s just my mom and step dad don’t go to church (they come from baptist backgrounds, not catholic). So usually, I’ve went to church with my friends a couple of times and on some occasions when my family went. I’ve always felt bad about not being baptized because it’s a big deal and my friends were all baptized when they were babies. So it’s kind of embarrassing saying I’ve never been and I’m a teenager. I never wanted to confront a church about it because I was scared about being judged by it and plus I felt like I didn’t even go to church enough to get baptised. Fortunately, I’ve always felt I’ve had a relationship with God and I have prayed ever since I was little. As of now, I am taking the classes to get baptized into the Catholic Church next month. The past couple of days I have been attempting at praying the Rosary. The first Luminous Mystery is the Baptism of Jesus and my little Rosary booklet said to think about and live my baptismal promises… I got kinda sad because I haven’t made such promises (yet). So I felt I was offending God and Mary for praying the rosary.
Anyway, what I mean about my question is am I not getting all of God’s affection (?). I don’t know how to put it without it sounding weird. Like do people who are already baptised get more priority and their prayers answered? My prayers are usually answered in some way but is God holding back on somethings because I’m not Baptised?

(sorry if I put this thread in the wrong catagory)
I would never try to read God’s mind, but if anything, I’d think God gives you extra credit for beimg a young person taking charge of their spiritual health and life. I congratulate you! And BTW, in our church, we just baptized a young teenage lady whose parents are not Catholic and are divorced. She was so proud–and it was a lovely ceremony!
Plus if you get baptized now ALL your sins are forgiven and you don’t go to purgatory for them - this is why lots of people try to wait until the last minute to be baptized especially people who are “secret” Christians like Jews etc.

Theologically speaking you can kill and rape and plunder but wait until you are baptized then all your sins are forgiven and you don’t go to purgatory for any of the sins you’ve committed… that’s why the slippery Christians wait until the last moment.

Interestingly God knows this but He seems fine with it… 🤷

People also get indulgences for the same reason… this was big business back in the day… they still do it now but it’s more hush-hush…:rolleyes:
This is very misguided and incorrect information that you are stating here. Why do I get the feeling you know this and are intentially misleading the OP with this specious reply to her questions?
God does not love everyone equally. God is more merciful to some than others. Our Blessed Mother. John the Baptist. etc. etc. etc.

Anyway, God is merciful to the OP it seems but only at the end of OP’s life will we know for sure. Baptism of desire should translate to actual baptism…
Plus if you get baptized now ALL your sins are forgiven and you don’t go to purgatory for them - this is why lots of people try to wait until the last minute to be baptized especially people who are “secret” Christians like Jews etc.

Theologically speaking you can kill and rape and plunder but wait until you are baptized then all your sins are forgiven and you don’t go to purgatory for any of the sins you’ve committed… that’s why the slippery Christians wait until the last moment.
Interestingly God knows this but He seems fine with it… 🤷

People also get indulgences for the same reason… this was big business back in the day… they still do it now but it’s more hush-hush…:rolleyes:
WOW…never heard anything like this before…I think you could be wrong about that…
Plus if you get baptized now ALL your sins are forgiven and you don’t go to purgatory for them - this is why lots of people try to wait until the last minute to be baptized especially people who are “secret” Christians like Jews etc.

Theologically speaking you can kill and rape and plunder but wait until you are baptized then all your sins are forgiven and you don’t go to purgatory for any of the sins you’ve committed… that’s why the slippery Christians wait until the last moment.

Interestingly God knows this but He seems fine with it… 🤷

People also get indulgences for the same reason… this was big business back in the day… they still do it now but it’s more hush-hush…:rolleyes:
I agree with Jeanne S and Simpleas- with your name, you suggest you are a work of Aquinas, but your writing shows you do not understand him, nor what he wrote about the error of waiting to the “last minute” to join Christ. People who “wait” do not wish to let go of their sin while they can “enjoy it” and they are “grieving the Holy Spirit” who will perhaps not turn their hearts to the Father at that “last minute”. And you show no understanding of the truth of Indulgences either. Let go of the name Aquinas, or learn from him and do his Opus some Justice by your words.

John Martin
This is very misguided and incorrect information that you are stating here. Why do I get the feeling you know this and are intentially misleading the OP with this specious reply to her questions?
Agree. All of this is erroneous and so wrong to post in response to his honest question.
Please think about this. It’s very serious. Read the Catechism, get a good spiritual mentor or Director. I say this in all charity…you need instruction.
God does not love everyone equally. God is more merciful to some than others. Our Blessed Mother. John the Baptist. etc. etc. etc.

Anyway, God is merciful to the OP it seems but only at the end of OP’s life will we know for sure. Baptism of desire should translate to actual baptism…
Wouldn’t that mean that God is playing favorites?

Anyways, good luck to OP. I do recommend that you get baptized.
Wouldn’t that mean that God is playing favorites?

Anyways, good luck to OP. I do recommend that you get baptized.
Yes, if it were true (what opusAquinas wrote) then God would be playing favorites. But, in fact, God does love everyone equally.
Mercy, however, is an action of God to unite himself to us. The mercy to Mary or to John the Baptist, was not action to unite them personally to himself, but action to unite all of us to himself, thus it was greater due to the greater impact he intended. Each of us receives Grace and Gifts of the Holy Spirit in proportion to the work God wishes to accomplish with us working with him. He may give us extra so that we can be instruments of his mercy and grace to others.
You have been given extra Faith and Hope and Love so that you could encourage OP to seek union with Christ in his Church through baptism. If you had not been given that extra mercy and grace, you might have said nothing.

John Martin
Anyway, what I mean about my question is am I not getting all of God’s affection (?). I don’t know how to put it without it sounding weird. Like do people who are already baptised get more priority and their prayers answered? My prayers are usually answered in some way but is God holding back on somethings because I’m not Baptised?

(sorry if I put this thread in the wrong catagory)
By affection do you mean Grace? Short answer is yes, long theological answer requires me jumping between many sources that I can not be bothered to at this moment in time.

By affection do you mean Love? Short answer; no.
Long answer; it is easily demonstrable the infinite love that God has for you now. First let it be observed that God does not succumb to the passions, so love in God is a purely intellectual act what Aquinas termed the “willing of the Good for others”. As ultimately the Good is interchangeable with Being, Gods act of love is in the eternal, continuous, willing into Being of created beings.

Now go and speak to a Priest, and enrol on the Tiber Swim Team! It has been 4 years since I made the journey across the Tiber.
I agree with Jeanne S and Simpleas- with your name, you suggest you are a work of Aquinas, but your writing shows you do not understand him, nor what he wrote about the error of waiting to the “last minute” to join Christ. People who “wait” do not wish to let go of their sin while they can “enjoy it” and they are “grieving the Holy Spirit” who will perhaps not turn their hearts to the Father at that “last minute”. And you show no understanding of the truth of Indulgences either. Let go of the name Aquinas, or learn from him and do his Opus some Justice by your words.

John Martin
How am I wrong exactly?

The grace very few men have received: The capacity to actually love others. Of course men can follow instructions. Like a good son we feel our Mother’s love for us so we do what we are told to do. But very few can do so out of love and not just from feeling loved.

I think the truth is important - and must be told.

Unless of course, it is like the law once you explain it to people - most try to find the loopholes.
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