I've never been baptized- Do I get less of God's greatness?

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I’m 17 and I’ve never been baptized. I don’t come from an agnostic or atheistic family, it’s just my mom and step dad don’t go to church (they come from baptist backgrounds, not catholic). So usually, I’ve went to church with my friends a couple of times and on some occasions when my family went. I’ve always felt bad about not being baptized because it’s a big deal and my friends were all baptized when they were babies. So it’s kind of embarrassing saying I’ve never been and I’m a teenager. I never wanted to confront a church about it because I was scared about being judged by it and plus I felt like I didn’t even go to church enough to get baptised. Fortunately, I’ve always felt I’ve had a relationship with God and I have prayed ever since I was little. As of now, I am taking the classes to get baptized into the Catholic Church next month. The past couple of days I have been attempting at praying the Rosary. The first Luminous Mystery is the Baptism of Jesus and my little Rosary booklet said to think about and live my baptismal promises… I got kinda sad because I haven’t made such promises (yet). So I felt I was offending God and Mary for praying the rosary.
Anyway, what I mean about my question is am I not getting all of God’s affection (?). I don’t know how to put it without it sounding weird. Like do people who are already baptised get more priority and their prayers answered? My prayers are usually answered in some way but is God holding back on somethings because I’m not Baptised?

(sorry if I put this thread in the wrong catagory)
You are fine, just fine. Follow through with your classes and then receive Baptism, Eucharist and Reconcelliation. At the present moment you have what is called " Baptism of Desire.
". This means, assuming your intentions are sincere, that you are already Baptised - as far as God is concerned. He does expect you to actually receive the Sacrament formally, in fact he is insistent on that. So follow through and then try your best to be a good Catholic.

Don’t feel guilty about saying the Rosary. Mary is your spirtual Mother, she wants you to say the Rosary. Just place yourself in her motherly hands and all will be well.

I’m 17 and I’ve never been baptized. I don’t come from an agnostic or atheistic family, it’s just my mom and step dad don’t go to church (they come from baptist backgrounds, not catholic). So usually, I’ve went to church with my friends a couple of times and on some occasions when my family went. I’ve always felt bad about not being baptized because it’s a big deal and my friends were all baptized when they were babies. So it’s kind of embarrassing saying I’ve never been and I’m a teenager. I never wanted to confront a church about it because I was scared about being judged by it and plus I felt like I didn’t even go to church enough to get baptised. Fortunately, I’ve always felt I’ve had a relationship with God and I have prayed ever since I was little. As of now, I am taking the classes to get baptized into the Catholic Church next month. The past couple of days I have been attempting at praying the Rosary. The first Luminous Mystery is the Baptism of Jesus and my little Rosary booklet said to think about and live my baptismal promises… I got kinda sad because I haven’t made such promises (yet). So I felt I was offending God and Mary for praying the rosary.
Anyway, what I mean about my question is am I not getting all of God’s affection (?). I don’t know how to put it without it sounding weird. Like do people who are already baptised get more priority and their prayers answered? My prayers are usually answered in some way but is God holding back on somethings because I’m not Baptised?

(sorry if I put this thread in the wrong catagory)
Sweety you already have been given a great Grace from the Holy Spirit by wanting and accepting God.

God listens to all prayers and answers them if it is his will, anotherwards good for us. Don’t worry God loves us all the same.
The rich pay out of pocket.

This is getting off topic.

I said OP can wait to get baptized then all op’s sins are forgiven and no time in purgatory.
why would you tell someone to wait to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And how long should the OP wait?

Lets say someone takes this unbelievable advice, and waits and does not have a chance to receive God in the Eucharist, Baptism etc. Then what is your advice is there is no opportunity?

Baptism of desire means that the ;person is in the process of doing all they can do to enter into communion with God.

By the way just wondering, why not advice the person to get Baptised, confirmed, and go to regular confession. Don’t you believe that would be more sound advice?

And by the way even if you get baptized right before you die, by no means guarantees you no purgatory or a free pass to heaven. What about repentance?
op, you will not inherit the kingdom of Heaven if you pass from this life unbaptized. You are clearly aware of of the existence of the catholic faith. Look into it, study the Bible, then start taking RCIA.
I’ve always felt bad about not being baptized because it’s a big deal and my friends were all baptized when they were babies. So it’s kind of embarrassing saying I’ve never been and I’m a teenager. I never wanted to confront a church about it because I was scared about being judged by it and plus I felt like I didn’t even go to church enough to get baptised.
Don’t feel bad! It’s good that you take Baptism seriously. A lot of Catholics have entered the Church as adults. Many have not, but there’s nothing atypical about what you are doing, and certainly nothing to be embarrassed about. You’ve done nothing wrong and are in fact doing something great.
The past couple of days I have been attempting at praying the Rosary. The first Luminous Mystery is the Baptism of Jesus and my little Rosary booklet said to think about and live my baptismal promises… I got kinda sad because I haven’t made such promises (yet). So I felt I was offending God and Mary for praying the rosary.
By no means! Whoever made your Rosary booklet supposed that most people praying the Rosary would have been baptized, but it’s in no way a condition of saying the Rosary. Simply pray for your future baptismal promises.

Keep it up. You are very reflective. You are on the right track; the Church has a process prior to Baptism (ie. taking classes, as you are doing) for a reason. God and Mary certainly don’t fault you for following the Church’s process.
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