James Martin's latest

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Yeah how dare you expose blasphemous depictions of Our Lord!

This reminds me of all the passages where Jesus tells us people will revile you and attack you for defending him.
As with the tacit approval that Lifesite gives pharisaism and sedevacantism.
Which is simply your opinion, and not much else.
As with the Lifesite bloggers opinion.
Yet Martin did display an image from a series of images depicting Jesus Christ as homosexual. This is the express purpose of the images, freely admitted by the artist himself, and evidenced by the title(s). No denying these facts. And no denying the fact that calling or even insinuating that Jesus is homosexual is the foulest blasphemy.
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Lifesitenew’s article was an opinion.
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Then you must not be familiar with LifeSite News because they’re the #1 pro-life website in the world. They flag and remove posts on sedevacantism and other no-nos just like CAF
if they go against the policies of LSN.
As if Lifesite made up these images and imagined their purpose. As if Martin picked that one image out of thin air.

Here is the book’s description on the (sedevacantist) Amazon website. Note that the author of the text, a lesbian advocate for same-sex Christian “marriage,” calls herself a “priest:”

"Product Description

Meet Jesus as a gay man of today in a contemporary city with The Passion of Christ: A Gay Vision. In stunning new images, the modern Christ figure is jeered by fundamentalists, tortured by Marine look-alikes, and rises again to enjoy homoerotic moments with God. His surprisingly diverse friends join him on a journey from suffering to freedom. Readers call it “accessible but profound.” Some are moved to tears. The 24 paintings in the gay Passion cover Jesus’ final days, including his arrest, trial, crucifixion, and resurrection. A queer Passion is important now because Christianity is being used to justify hate and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Each image is accompanied by insightful commentary, plus a short prayer and scripture. If Jesus came back today, would he be crucified all over again? Would we even recognize him? See for yourself in the gay vision of the Passion."

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What’s even more astounding is that (gasp!) he’s being considered to replace +Chaput as Archbishop of Philadelphia. LifeSite News posted a petition to stop his nomination:

He should not even be considered as a candidate for Archbishop of Philadelphia.
That alone should disqualify him as a replacement for +Chaput.
I saw that too. I don’t know how much traction there is for his elevation. Unfortunately there are no doubt some professed Catholics who would welcome it. Just as there are some who would no doubt welcome same sex “weddings” in the Catholic Church.
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the modern Christ figure is jeered by fundamentalists, tortured by Marine look-alikes, and rises again to enjoy homoerotic moments with God.
Italics mine. This is not from Lifesite. This is written by the book’s own publicists, or the authors themselves.
I’m published, and that’s how it works.
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I would have walked by that piece in a museum and thought “A depiction of Jesus overturning the money changers tables taking place in the 1950’s…that’s interesting”. I would have given it about 20 seconds and moved on. It would not have occurred to me that there was any sort of underlying homosexual meaning to the painting.
I’m not on Twitter but even if I were I would stay away from him with a 10-foot pole.
Isn’t that agenda posting?
And isn t a thread about the “ latest” of somebody to be skinned closer to a gossip magazine than anything serious?
What was the purpose? Showing pictures and then say “ don t look at them”?
I frankly understand less and less each day here.
Happy Thanksgiving! Plenty of reasons to give thanks…
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It’s one of a series of images. Context.
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