JAWS! Jesus Ate With Sinners

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Yes, as other posters have noted, admonishing sinners is everybody’s favorite pastime though 🙂
I think it’s a way of showing off. Like a humble brag, “Look how moral I am, I’m calling everyone out! Aren’t I wonderful?” It’s not always the reason, but I think ti’s the reason for a lot of people.
I think it’s kind of like everyone has their “go to” food that they pick 90% of the time over all others when given the choice. It is the same with the works of Mercy 😆
Which are the standards we use, aka “our standards”.
Got it. Catholic “standards” or teaching.
especially when we go around rebuking people who really don’t care what we think or believe.
Agree. Rebuking is not what we should be doing to those who really do not know or care what we believe… Evangelizing is what we should be doing. I heard a priest say recently that if you realize that God wants every single person to know the Catholic faith and come into the Church, spreading the Catholic faith becomes easier.
I disagree, wholeheartedly.
That is okay. We can agree to disagree. 🙂
Really? Who, and for what sin?
And oh the joy among a certain small segment of the Church when the opportunity to rebuke someone arises. Or at least can be plausibly claimed. Me, I’m not Christ and cannot see into anyone’s heart, sometimes not even my own, so I will leave the rebuking alone.
About a certain small segment that takes joy in rebuking others.
Noting that something exists and declining to participate in it is not the same as rebuking. And what was the sin again?
Not really that fringe on this forum. It is quite common here.
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