Jenna Bush throws up the horns!

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just for you Webrams I won’t say it but I’m thinking it 😃
Oh, do tell. I insist!
Oh, do tell. I insist!
Okay…just clearing my throat…here goes

Whos that coming down the Track…
Sea of Red and Black…
Wait let me put my cd of band music in…
Sorry got distracted by the Krypton fanfare…

GO "DAWGS!! :clapping: :dancing:
UGA might be a heck of a football team, but I hate going to Athens or going to a home game when we’re playing them. They have the worst fans in the SEC, always starting fights, talking more trash than any other team, and throwing chicken bones at Carolina fans.
UGA might be a heck of a football team, but I hate going to Athens or going to a home game when we’re playing them. They have the worst fans in the SEC, always starting fights, talking more trash than any other team, and throwing chicken bones at Carolina fans.
:eek: No Way!!!

The absolute worse fans are Tenn fans…

Now…Now…I started to ask chicken bones(?) but realized (duh) 😃

hmmm…what happens when we play you 😃 you guys are tough.
Go 'Dawgs!!! and anyone else who plays Tenn 😛

I won’t ask what you thought of my singing 😃
Regarding my last post on Tenn fans…please understand it is a family …well… brother in law …thing 😦
I hope that is a Texas thing, because up in Salem, Massachusetts, that is a witchcraft ‘Wicca’ hex sign. :eek:
Kevin Walker:
I hope that is a Texas thing, because up in Salem, Massachusetts, that is a witchcraft ‘Wicca’ hex sign. :eek:
Its a Texas sign for hook em horn!! It was where she and the Pres went to college…Texas Longhorns 👍
OSLO, Norway – President Bush’s “Hook 'em, 'horns” salute got lost in translation in Norway, where shocked people interpreted his hand gesture during his inauguration as a salute to Satan.

That’s what it means in the Nordics when you throw up the right hand with the index and pinky fingers raised, a gesture popular among heavy metal groups and their fans in the region.

“Shock greeting from Bush daughter,” a headline in the Norwegian Internet newspaper Nettavisen said above a photograph of Bush’s daughter Jenna, smiling and showing the sign.

For Texans, the gesture is a sign of love for the University of Texas Longhorns, whose fans are known to shout out “Hook 'em, 'horns!” at sporting events.

Bush, a former Texas governor, and his family made the sign to greet the Longhorn marching band as it passed during the inaugural parade through Washington during Thursday’s festivities, explained Verdens Gang, Norway’s largest newspaper.
So where did the other Bush daughter go to school?
I had posted that Pres Bush went to Texas also but I believe I was mistaken he went to Harvard and so did the other Bush daughter.
Barbara, Jenna’s twin as well as her father and grandfather went to Yale. George W went to Harvard for his MBA.
Kevin I’ve never heard it was a wicken hex and I’ve been to Salem quite a bit and got into a arguement over what a pagen was with the head witch. Alot of fun I have to say. They need to learn their history on native religions. They mix the old Druid faith with native native American and a few other’s. They really hate it when you correct them with fact. I took camparitive theology in college 😛
I think Skull and Bones is all male but that may have changed.
They used to be, but changed in the last 10 years or so. Unfortunately, there’s so much garbage online about Skull and Bones referring to Bush and Kerry that I can’t find a cite for this particular fact.
Well now for the alternative take…

Satan Displays Bush 'Hook ‘em’ Hand Gesture; Is The Devil a UT Fan Too?

Since our feature on the use of the Satanic hand gesture during the inauguration we have received a massive volume of E mail.

We have received E mail from people claiming that the signal is sign language for ‘I love you’. This is only true in the case of the thumb being extended outward (see here). As you can see from the Bush family photos, in no instance is the thumb extended outward.

Additionally, people still seem to think the signal is solely the 'hook ‘em horns’ UT symbol. We know this to be true but this doesn’t answer our primary questions.
  1. If the symbol denotes Texas football or UT, why are people like Silvio Berlusconi and Bill Clinton doing it too? They have no links with Texas.
  2. Why are the Bush family so obsessed with the signal, displaying it dozens of times during both the inauguration an the evening ball? A few times maybe we could accept, but why this many? What has Texas sports got do with a national inauguration?
We have now uncovered photos where the gesture is used in a clearly Satanic context.

This is an album cover by the rock band Dio. The album is called Holy Diver. Dio’s singer is former Black Sabbath frontman Ronnie James. The Satan character is clearly displaying the same hand signal. Is he a fan of the Texas Longhorns too?

This is a photo of an apparent Satanic ritual. We are yet to find the source. The diablo symbol is clear again.

WOW - even King Abdullah and Putty Pute are fans, everybody’s doing it!

Go Long Horns!

After we broke our first story, the Associated Press released an article discussing how Europeans were shocked at the Satanic hand signals.

Shocked Europeans See Bush Hand Gesture As Satanic

Related: The Devil’s Hand: No, It’s Not 'Hook ‘Em Horns’

Bohemian Grove: More Proof Bush Isn’t A Christian

**Skull and Bones: It’s not something Jesus would do! **

Devil = death: BBC capture Skull and Bones ritual audio

Illuminati Devil Hand Signals Prevalent Throughout Inauguration

We have noticed in the past that the mainstream media would just carry these photos without attempting to whitewash what we were seeing. Bush and his entire family flashed so many of these hand signs today that they had to mention it.

Associated Press and Reuters called it the 'Texas Longhorn ot ‘Texas UT’ symbol.

So what affiliation does Prince William Have with Texas UT?

Silvio Berlusconi? Paul McCartney? Bill Clinton?

Tommy Franks.

Rock band Metallica? Are they all acknowledging Texas UT?

Dan Quayle.

Berlusconi again in color.

The first image Represents the horned god of witchcraft. Pan or Cernunnos. Note the thumb under the fingers and given by the right hand. The second image is a sign of recognition between those in the Occult. When pointed at someone it is meant to place a curse. Note the thumb over the fingers and given by the left hand.

Take a look at the photos and decide for yourself.

Anton Lavey, Leader of the Church of Satan

El Diablo - He of the Horned Hand

Amy Grant - The gesture has infiltrated the Christian Rock Genre

John Lennon is portrayed giving the signal on “Yellow Submarine”

John Edwards

Tom Ridge

Yassar Arafat diablo.gif

One of The Council On Foreign Relations symbols features a man naked on a white stead giving the horned hand signal.
I believe that is also a vulgar gesture in Italian (especially southern Italy) which is called “il cornuto” and suggests that the man to whom the gesture is being made is not man enough and his wife his having an affair with another man.
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