Jennifer Frey!!

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did anyone catch this last night? the mistress of Scott Peterson was on tv making a plea that she “helped” Laci Peterson and her family and that she wasnt his mistress and that shes a victim and blah blah blah. it made me sick to my stomache to see that this adultress has become rich off of an affair. what has our society come to when a married man who murdered his pregnant wife and child, his mistress can suddenly be seen as a victim. this is nausiating. the whole thing was focused on poor jennifer poor jennifer, the woman had already had an affair with another married man and she did it again but its not her fault!? are you kidding me?! anyone else have an opinion on this?
did anyone catch this last night? the mistress of Scott Peterson was on tv making a plea that she “helped” Laci Peterson and her family and that she wasnt his mistress and that shes a victim and blah blah blah. it made me sick to my stomache to see that this adultress has become rich off of an affair. what has our society come to when a married man who murdered his pregnant wife and child, his mistress can suddenly be seen as a victim. this is nausiating. the whole thing was focused on poor jennifer poor jennifer, the woman had already had an affair with another married man and she did it again but its not her fault!? are you kidding me?! anyone else have an opinion on this?
Yes, I do agree. She is just about as bad as he is, because she’s going to make a bundle from somebodys misfortune. In my day, we used to call these people sluts, but I guess that’s not politically correct enough.
did anyone catch this last night? the mistress of Scott Peterson was on tv making a plea that she “helped” Laci Peterson and her family and that she wasnt his mistress and that shes a victim and blah blah blah. it made me sick to my stomache to see that this adultress has become rich off of an affair. what has our society come to when a married man who murdered his pregnant wife and child, his mistress can suddenly be seen as a victim. this is nausiating. the whole thing was focused on poor jennifer poor jennifer, the woman had already had an affair with another married man and she did it again but its not her fault!? are you kidding me?! anyone else have an opinion on this?
I guess maybe I have my facts incorrect, but wasn’t she duped by Scott? He did not reveal to her that he was married. At least that is my understanding.

And she did not have to testify - and she did not have to come forward. I think she did right and maybe she has made right with God. I bet that Laci’s family is also grateful that she came forward.
I don’t know who Jennifer Frey is but Amber is probably who you mean…
First of all she probably is a victim of sorts…and she did help the police and she did come forward and partipate in the investigation and the trial of Scott. Did she have to? no…morally yes…but she didn’t have to cooperate with police. Thats not to say she was right to have an affair with a married man…but she didn’t know he was married…she shouldn’t have been having sex before marriage …other than that …? I mean some live with their boyfiriends/girlfriends before marriage …thats wrong,also.
I did see the interview and I have mixed feelings towards Amber Frey.

First she is an admited adultress, but not becuase of her relationship with Scott Peterson. In the interview she admited to dating a married man in the past.

She was not Scott’s “mistress”. She thought he was single as that is what he told her.

But she is in no way a role model. How many women have sex with a blind date on the first date? Whatever happened to not even kissing on the first date, but then maybe they didn’t kiss…

She did help out when she didn’t have to. I do not think she even morally had to do what she did. Especially the fact that her life was laid bare and she has to now be put up to ridicule by the media and others (like this thread).

She could of just told them what she knew and left it at that, she did not have any duty to record his messages as she did. Without her going that extra step Scott Peterson most likely would have walked away a free man.

She is no hero, but she did a good thing.

I took her interview and book as a way to fight back at that, not just a way to make money (but I am sure that is part of it).
I don’t know who Jennifer Frey is but Amber is probably who you mean…
First of all she probably is a victim of sorts…and she did help the police and she did come forward and partipate in the investigation and the trial of Scott. Did she have to? no…morally yes…but she didn’t have to cooperate with police. Thats not to say she was right to have an affair with a married man…but she didn’t know he was married…she shouldn’t have been having sex before marriage …other than that …? I mean some live with their boyfiriends/girlfriends before marriage …thats wrong,also.
i get your implied meaning there and its rude. my living with my fiancee who is now my husband is above and beyond different than what she did. she is no hero and no victim. just my opinion.
i get your implied meaning there and its rude. my living with my fiancee who is now my husband is above and beyond different than what she did. she is no hero and no victim. just my opinion.
I don’t think Aimee directed this towards you. I think it was a harmless statement. At least that is how I read her statement.
did anyone catch this last night? the mistress of Scott Peterson was on tv making a plea that she “helped” Laci Peterson and her family and that she wasnt his mistress and that shes a victim and blah blah blah. it made me sick to my stomache to see that this adultress has become rich off of an affair. what has our society come to when a married man who murdered his pregnant wife and child, his mistress can suddenly be seen as a victim. this is nausiating. the whole thing was focused on poor jennifer poor jennifer, the woman had already had an affair with another married man and she did it again but its not her fault!? are you kidding me?! anyone else have an opinion on this?
Hate to jump in on this thread, because you whole tone sounds gossipy. I did happen to catch this interview. Amber presented as having some redeeming and some some not so redeeming qualities to her. She certainly seems to lack in judgement. She came across as a needy young adult female, single Mom, head of household. Whether she is a fornicator or adultress, she is apparently pro-life enough to bring forth her child out of wedlock, which puts her head & shoulders above many other “respected” and succesful celebrities and non-celebrities in our society. God bless her for that. Only God knows her heart and where she goes from here. This thread could have been presented in less of a tabloid tone. 😦
When I was single, in my early 20’s, had an old friend from my teen years move back to town. We had dated as teens, and hit it off again - began dating. This went on for about 3 months, he was in the process of moving and opening a business so was back and forth. One evening, he returned to town and called wanting to meet for dinner. He asked me to call another mutual friend from our youth to join us for dinner, I did. When the friend and I arrived to meet the guy I was dating - he’d brought his WIFE to town. He’d just not bothered to tell me that he was married.

May be difficult to believe, but, sometimes married people lie about being married. In the business world, I’ve seen it happen more than once.

I’d never point a finger at a girl who’d been duped by a smooth talking married man, cause I’ve been there, done that.
point well taken Kage. i understand that. im so sorry this happened to you. i did and do feel sorry for her for being duped by this evil man, but what infuriated me (i understand why my tone came across harsh and i apologize for that) is that she is making a profit off of the whole situation. i agree that she should be commended for being a single mom. my sister is and i respect her for that. but when she accepted gifts from him, and wrote a book that she has made a profit from on this whole sick sad situation and played such a victim, it angered me.
I read the entire transcript of this interview (w/Matt Lauer) and I think it is wrong to characterize her as Scott’s mistress. She had no idea he was married. While premarital sex is clearly wrong for anyone, since all of us have sinned in one way or another, I don’t know if there is a reason to judge Amber in a thread on this board. Yes, some of her actions were sinful, but it seems clear that she did help convict the man and that required bravery. As for getting rich, maybe, but her life was invaded and turned upside down by this. She may have expenses, legal bills etc., that we are unaware of.

I will say that we probably all know how it feels to be judged in a mean way vs. having our sins chastized in love. Since we all probably have so much to work on, I’m not sure if it serves any point to get into a debate on her actions since I’m guessing none of us know her personally, so it’s mostly hearsay.

God Bless,
Call me a mean lady but I think she is pretty scummy. She posed in Penthouse after all the details of their affair came out. Yuck. Capitalizing on a situation like that seems pretty scummy.
Well, maybe this is not the same thing, but in the complete transcript of the interview, she said that the pictures were taken two years before this whole event and discovered after she became a ‘celebrity.’

If she posed again since then, I agree, that shows bad judgement. Of course it was bad judgement to post nude earlier too. I guess it would be hard for any of us if our past mistakes were broadcast years later. I know I wouldn’t want to be known by my worst moment.

God Bless, Nicole

PS: I would suggest that anyone interested read the actual interview. It is always helpful when commenting to have read the story.
I don’t know. I thought Penthouse approached her about posing for the pictures AFTER they found out she was “famouse”. I don’t really care if she posed naked. I just think IF she posed naked because she became famouse in such a way is gross, but if she did them two years earlier that’s another story.
It seems you are right, Nicole: David Hans Schmidt, a promoter, surfaced with a paid-subscription website of nude pictures of Amber Frey taken at the Clovis modeling agency in 1999. Amber filed suit against him, stating that she never signed an agreement to give up her rights to the photographs. Eventually Schmidt was barred from “commercially exploiting” photos of Amber Frey.
Hustler and Penthouse are scummy and Amber Frey made some bad choices.
Lilyofthevalley said:
I don’t know. I thought Penthouse approached her about posing for the pictures AFTER they found out she was “famouse”. I don’t really care if she posed naked. I just think IF she posed naked because she became famouse in such a way is gross, but if she did them two years earlier that’s another story.

This whole post sounds iffffy at best…this is what I mean by this thread sounding like tabloid gossip!! 😦
Felra, it is gossip. Unfortunately, these high profile cases are gossip I should not be taking part of it.
BUT I still state:"Hustler’ and “Penthouse” are scummy.
We should pray that Amber has a profound conversion experience from this tragedy. However, her big book deal is perhaps evidence to the contrary. :nope:
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