Jennifer Frey!!

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I don’t anyone should judge her for writing a book. Her life was turned upside down by this whole mess and she really put her safety on the line by cooperating with the police and making those tapes.

If Scott had been acquitted, I would be scared to death he’d come after me if I had done what she did. She knew she was dealing with a man who may have killed his wife. If he’s capable of killing his wife, he’s certainly capable of killing his mistress.

We have no way to know what her legal fees are or how much work she may have missed over this mess. We just don’t know. So, let’s not judge.
I don’t anyone should judge her for writing a book. Her life was turned upside down by this whole mess and she really put her safety on the line by cooperating with the police and making those tapes.

If Scott had been acquitted, I would be scared to death he’d come after me if I had done what she did. She knew she was dealing with a man who may have killed his wife. If he’s capable of killing his wife, he’s certainly capable of killing his mistress.

We have no way to know what her legal fees are or how much work she may have missed over this mess. We just don’t know. So, let’s not judge.
I agree, Masondoggy 👍
Hey Lily…I think :"Hustler’ and “Penthouse” are scummy,too.
Jennifer Flowers? Kidding! Amber Frey? I have a great deal of pity for her. Pray for her. This came into my mind when I read this thread:

And Jesus went unto mount Olivet. And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came to him, and sitting down he taught them. And the scribes and Pharisees bring unto him a woman taken in adultery: and they set her in the midst, And said to him: Master, this woman was even now taken in adultery. Now Moses in the law commanded us to stone such a one. But what sayest thou? And this they said tempting him, that they might accuse him. But Jesus bowing himself down, wrote with his finger on the ground. When therefore they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said to them: He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again stooping down, he wrote on the ground. But they hearing this, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest. And Jesus alone remained, and the woman standing in the midst. Then Jesus lifting up himself, said to her: Woman, where are they that accused thee? Hath no man condemned thee? Who said: No man, Lord. And Jesus said: Neither will I condemn thee, Go, and now sin no more.

John 8:1-11
thanks Helen. you put the whole thing into perspective for me. its amazing that the answers to anger and struggle are in the one book every person has or should have. thank you
Amber Frey, Jennifer Flowers (great response Helen!) have got nothing on Janet Jackson. Did anyone see her last nigt on Conan O’Brien? In addition to her other more public stunts, she has seen fit to have herself *tatooed *with the image of Mickey & Minnie mouse engaged in “the act.” In the same breath she relates how honored she is to be the role model/inspiration for such “artists” as Christina (Aguillera) and Britney (Spears). :whacky:
Just to set the record stright. Amber Frey did not posed nude for Hustler or Penthouse.

What had happened is that she had posed nude when she was younger.

After Amber made the headlines the photographer sold her pictures. She made no additional money from them. She sued to try and keep them out of the magazines.

This is what happens with gossip. A little information is given and then people run with it.

I think we should just leave this topic alone and go on to better things.
my living with my fiancee who is now my husband is above and beyond different than what she did.
I think that depends on whether you were merely living in the same house or if you were “cohabiting”; in other words, if you were engaging in premarital fornication - which is sinful.

What Amber did is sinful; if engaged persons have sex prior to their eventual marriage, that is sinful, too.

I’m not saying that you’re the pot calling the kettle black, but it could be taken that way. No offense intended.
When I was single, in my early 20’s, had an old friend from my teen years move back to town. We had dated as teens, and hit it off again - began dating. This went on for about 3 months, he was in the process of moving and opening a business so was back and forth. One evening, he returned to town and called wanting to meet for dinner. He asked me to call another mutual friend from our youth to join us for dinner, I did. When the friend and I arrived to meet the guy I was dating - he’d brought his WIFE to town. He’d just not bothered to tell me that he was married.

May be difficult to believe, but, sometimes married people lie about being married. In the business world, I’ve seen it happen more than once.

I’d never point a finger at a girl who’d been duped by a smooth talking married man, cause I’ve been there, done that.
OH MY goodness! See, that’s where I am completely naive! How people can lie, deceive and omit truth. What a horrible thing to have happen to you, Kage.
This whole post sounds iffffy at best…this is what I mean by this thread sounding like tabloid gossip!! 😦
That is why my husband and I don’t watch anything on television other than EWTN, the History channel, and one of the news channels.

We are just so sick and tired of hearing about immorality of not only hollywood and the media, but the way the media turns every (well…most every) story into something that shouldn’t be broadcast on television where our very vulnerable and influential children can view it.

Okay…I’ll get down off my soapbox now…:o

God Bless
We should pray that Amber has a profound conversion experience from this tragedy. However, her big book deal is perhaps evidence to the contrary. :nope:
Actually the way her story has been misrepresented here and elsewhere writing a book seems to me to be about the best way to get her side of the story out. I’m not sure how else she could have done that. If she was just out for the money she could have made much more by taking up other offers.
I seen the Lauer interview and heard her on Hannity and to me she seemed very sincere. My impressions before (I didn’t actively follow the story) were that she was just some sort of Anna Nicole Smith type (i.e. a tramp capitalizing on unearned fame). I’m glad to have seen the interview to get a better idea of who she is and it was nothing like I thought.
Actually the way her story has been misrepresented here and elsewhere writing a book seems to me to be about the best way to get her side of the story out. I’m not sure how else she could have done that. If she was just out for the money she could have made much more by taking up other offers.
I seen the Lauer interview and heard her on Hannity and to me she seemed very sincere. My impressions before (I didn’t actively follow the story) were that she was just some sort of Anna Nicole Smith type (i.e. a tramp capitalizing on unearned fame). I’m glad to have seen the interview to get a better idea of who she is and it was nothing like I thought.
I heard the Hannity interview. I don’t think she sounds very bright or articulate, but I think she was courageous to both tape her calls and to cooperate with law enforcement. It would have been much harder to convict Scott Peterson of murder if he were not exposed as such a duplicitous, self absorbed rat. It was not a stretch to think that he would have killed his wife because she was getting in the way of his latest conquest. It had to be very very creepy to be talking to a man who may well have disposed of her predecessor. I can tell you that when you know someone on a personal level and learn they committed a horrible crime, it’s just so hard to accept.

I do cringe though at hearing about her rather minimal discretion as to whom she beds down with. She has children and I wonder what kind of role model she will be with respect to that behavior. When she was first in the news she was called a “single mom” and during the trial I understand she was pregnant again…no husband either time. Sheesh!

Lisa N
I don’t know everything about this case, but it was my understanding that she was not aware he was married and that was stated by several sources…if that is the case, she is not culpable for adultery…pre-marital relations yes…adultery know. If what I heard was true, then she is also a victim of his lies and deceit.

I don’t know about any other affairs.
did anyone catch this last night? the mistress of Scott Peterson was on tv making a plea that she “helped” Laci Peterson and her family and that she wasnt his mistress and that shes a victim and blah blah blah. it made me sick to my stomache to see that this adultress has become rich off of an affair. what has our society come to when a married man who murdered his pregnant wife and child, his mistress can suddenly be seen as a victim. this is nausiating. the whole thing was focused on poor jennifer poor jennifer, the woman had already had an affair with another married man and she did it again but its not her fault!? are you kidding me?! anyone else have an opinion on this?
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