Hi creativecat,The argument I will like to make is that muslim countries must respect the rights of Christians in muslim countries. As a Christian, if I can’t even show any concern for other Christians (in Sudan, where they are sold as slaves) then what kind of Christain would I be? Shouldn’t I be concerned about their persecution? You after all wish to defend Islam, so I too must defend Christianity. You can make all the arguments about the bad things that happend in Christendom four hundred years ago as much as you want. But since I live in a new century, I must be concerned about this one, and I have a right to be concerned about Christians who are being persecuted. Your interesting arguments will not stop me from being concerned for their welfare. True, there is a seperation between church and state iin the West, and I think thats a good thing. Remember what Jesus said, “render what belongs to Ceasar to Ceasar.” The problem with the koran is that it does not recognize that distinction, while Christains have gone against it. Perhaps that makes Christians hypocrites, but it also make reform possible in the Christian world, much harder in the Islamic world. One more point: actually I will concede that Muslims don’t always agree. Sufis and especially Shites are a downtrodden minority in many Sunni socities, and are persecuted just like Christains. I too am concerned about them. That is rarely brought up in discussions. I actually do believe that Islam does have the potiential of dividing into different sects, and perhaps thats one positive thing that can be said about it. Watch when Shites take control over Iraq, joined with Iran, and see how they will soon demand respect from the majority Islamic world. That should be very interesting to watch. So we are already bringing diversity into the Middle East. I think that Bush has already been largely successful.
Yes, you have a legitimate point here and as such you should also be concerned with what is happening in India with your Christian brothers/preachers of non-Catholic faith such as what happened with Australian preacher who alongwith his innocent children were burned alive when they all were sleeping, by the Hindu extremists.
Now, how much concerned you or your Church showed towards continued harrassment of Chrisian minute minority by the Hindu extremists?
India–Christian Persecution in India
Pastor attacked in Himachal Pradesh by Hindu extremists, urged to renounce faith
**Hindu-Indians Continue To Murder Christians
Hindu Fundos Kill Catholic Priest, Bomb Churches
Christians attacked in south India
in the House of Representatives
India under fire over Christian rights
Protests at nun sex attack
Hindus plan violence against minorities**
Not to mention the vandelisation of Jewish synagogues and Jewish cemetery in Europe. What Hitler did with the millions of innocent civilan Jews is the darkest stain on the whole Christendom’s history. And fascists like Mussoulioni, who was born as a Christians is an another dracolian nightmere for those who became victims of his fascism/brutality. What communist Russia did also should not be forgotten. What American did with the jJpanese and in Vietnamese should be kept in mind always.
Most Christian don’t even-----