Jesuits teaching weird stuff?

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Here’s something I’m concerned about: Jesuits and what they teach. I’ve always had a deep respect for the Company and they’re my favorite religious congregation and that some posters have said that Jesuits are fine priests. From what others have said on other posts; the Society has been teaching weird things: Like Fr Martin and his liberal opinions, liberation theology in South America in the 1970s and the magazine America even published a pro communist article! Of which, I read somewhere that the Church addressed liberation theology and the Society acquiesced.

So: What’s going on with the Society of Jesus?
It’s nothing new. Jesuits are known for taking edgy positions, especially in the modern era where the focus of the order is now less on missionary work and more on social justice and political activism.

There are many jokes about Jesuits knowing all sorts of worldly things but not knowing or saying basic Catholic prayers, etc.

Jesuits continue to be very learned guys and contribute a lot of good things to the faith. You just have to accept that some of them are going to get a bit extreme.
Thanks, Tis. That reassures me. I’d dislike to see another suppression of the order. So, when did the shift from missionary work to social justice and political activism occur? I personally have no problem with social justice and political activism; as long as it’s in line with Church teaching.

By the way: My fiancé went to a Jesuit university in the Philippines. She has a high opinion of Jesuits.
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They still have missions in some parts of the world, but in the US the missionary stuff ended probably at the end of the 1800s. The Jesuits I have known in my life were primarily involved with politics (one was in Congress till the Pope told him to quit) or theological teaching/ reform.
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I read the title as Jesus teaching weird stuff, which was often how he was perceived. I am on staff at a parish that was, until a few years ago, staffed by Jesuits. As a whole, they are a different group of men - but still focused on Jesus. The Jesuits that were here were primarily concentrating on Ignatian Spirituality and that did a lot of good for our parish. Secondarily, they were interested in human rights and ecological issues.
Theology is always evolving. I think Fr. Martin would have some definite ideas about what theological reforms he thinks would be good.

Of course, it’s this sort of mindset that makes many Catholics dislike the Jesuits.
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That’s sad. The Jesuits have done so much good for the Church. They saved Poland, southern Germany and Austria from heresy as well as founding many universities. The Spiritual Exercises alone brought many people to Jesus; stopping more losses.

I remember one time talking with one of the diocesan priests in my old parish about my respect for Jesuits and the look I saw in his face; wow! I saw a tightening there!
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I’m happy that the Jesuits did much good in your parish. I also think it’s good that they work on human rights and ecology issues. That’ll show the world that our Church is socially and ecologically minded. It’s a good alternative to the Left and it’s poisons.
It’s not sad. We need the Jesuits. If for no other reason than to boldly go places other orders won’t go, unless and until the Pope reigns them in.

I would have liked to be a Jesuit when I was young. But as they don’t admit women or have a women’s order, that went nowhere, and God obviously had other plans. Even today they do not have an accessible lay order I could join, so again, I think God has other plans and wants me to discern another lay order.

Still, when I think of Jesuits, I think of their many heroes and martyrs, including St. Jean de Brebeuf, Blessed Miguel Pro, Fr. Otto Pies. Let’s not forget that when the atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima, Our Lady saved the Jesuits and their church despite its being close to the center of the bomb blast. None of the Jesuits ever got any radiation sickness. Of course, they prayed the Rosary daily, something that modern Jesuits might not all do.
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I went to a Jesuit school for boys in Perú in my early years of education, most of the priest/teachers were from Spain and what I remember they were very strict but at the same time very sensitive about the spiritual formation of the kids, they will not allow children of divorced parents to be in the school, obviously this rule has now changed. I just have very good memories.
I totally agree with you, Tis. We need the Jesuits. I would’ve liked to be a Jesuit lay brother if it wasn’t for my vocation to the married life. And if I was a priest, I’d like to be a Jesuit priest.
Many Jesuit priests are quite awesome. Although I have met some awesome Franciscan priests as well.

I was thinking while writing this thread about the difference between Jesuit Fr. Martin and Franciscan Fr. Mychal Judge in their respective ministries, which each concerned gay people to some degree. Fr. Martin writes books and publicly lobbies for changes in attitudes and maybe even in Church policy. Fr. Mychal didn’t talk about it, he just went out and ministered to gay people with AIDS when nobody else would do so. He put a little ad in the Village Voice and recruited some people to help him in his ministry. If not for Fr. Mychal being the first 9/11 casualty, the world probably wouldn’t even know what he did.

I’m not saying either way is the better way, we obviously need both, but it’s kind of the difference between a Jesuit and a Franciscan approach.
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That’s cool, juanca! Welcome to CAF! My fiancé went to a Jesuit university in the Philippines and she thinks very highly of them.
I’ve never met a Fransciscan priest. I like Saint Francis of Assisi. I used to have a copy of his prayer on my wall.

Wow, Tis! Fr Judge sounds a lot cooler than Fr Martin.
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The Jesuits are struggling with Opus Dei to keep up appearing in biggest conspiracy theories. It’s hard, but it’s not impossible. :crazy_face:
Has Dan Brown written a book about them yet? What is he waiting for if not?
I agree. They sound REALLY strict and archconservative to a bad extreme. Even though I respect Saint Jose Maria Escriva.
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