They are unfortunately teaching( at least some)very problematic things that are not in view of the Church and undermines who Christ is. For example, there was a religion teacher at the Catholic school in my town who was confronted that she was teaching problematic things, the one I remember most clearly was the multiplication of loaves and fishes, she was telling students there really was no miracle but Christ knew that everyone there most likely brought food and after his teaching on sharing everyone gave the extra they had into the wicker baskets and that was where the miracle came from. Unfortunately this doesn’t make sense when comparing all of the Gospel accounts of this miracle together; and also undermines who Christ is, and even makes one wonder if he is just a morally good man. This is problematic because the multiplication of the loaves and fishes foretells the Last supper. It has huge theological implications to out faith. Kids were going home telling their parents this and some parents brought this to the attention of the principal, the teacher was questioned about this; turns out she was taught exactly this at the University of Saint Joseph in West Hartford, Ct by a Jesuit priest who teaches theology.