Jesus DNA?

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WOW…I just had a weird thought. Maybe JESUS and MARY were both ascended and assummed into heaven precisely because GOD foresaw how man might attempt to abuse or possibly try and duplicate the bodies with science from DNA had they both died and were buried (which we know one did, he just happened to get up and walked out of there).

Correct me if Im wrong, but the church does call their present bodies, glorified , incorruptable…
Catholic teachings are truly amazing.:tiphat:
I am speculating whether we can OPEN our collective minds in this forum to plumb the depths and belay the heights of the mountaintop experience of God’s truth.
Hello Charity ~

Collective minds! I’ve heard that many a time. My experience tells me that it is rare indeed to find a group of high minded individuals merging together without hitting a few road bumps along the way and running into a cement wall or two. 🙂 If our vehicle is the Internet then watch out we’ll have minds crashing in the etherland! Let’s hope for the best and forge ahead either way.

I don’t mean to be pernickety in regards to your sincere encouragement, hoping we can ‘experience God’s truth’. Who knows the mind of God? Wouldn’t we have to know the mind of God before we could experience God’s truth? Interesting. I’m not sure why this reflection. Do you? 😃

Peace ~

There is a helpful word list and concordance for the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) at the vatican website.

Frequency of listings in the CCC for:

Adam 44
Eve 26
Adam & Eve 5
Paradise 14
Garden (of Eden) 2
Evolution 1

It has everything, including the kitchen sink!

I hope you find these tools useful in your apologetics efforts. Happy Apologising!

P.S. What does ISABUS mean?

P.S.S. One may right click on any of these blue links and drag and drop them onto one’s browser links toolbar and create a shortcut for frequent reference.
Hi Charity! I almost missed seeing this thread of yours since it was on the second page and I’m now posting on the third page. THANKS for all your help. Super! I can’t believe I didn’t check the Vatican Catechism index since I already posted a url for it.:whacky: My Catechism book doesn’t list Adam, Eve, or Paradise in the subject index.

Well, this convinces me that the major problem with the Catholic Church is that they haven’t been able to condense everything into a two page pamplet so I can go door to door and hand it to my neighbors while saying, “See, the Catholic Church is the way to go because they finally made it all so simple and easy to understand. Isn’t that nice of 'em to that after 2,000 years.” 🙂

Isabus? I had a vision about 8 years ago. Something like that…A dimension opened for about ten seconds where the word “Isabus” appeared along with a sequence of numbers. I knew instantly it was my God given name. That’s the truth. Again thank u for your kindness and for the reflection. :tiphat:
His body wasn’t specially designed for easy resurrection.
Then how do you explain these verses in Hebrews? There was a special body prepared before hand that Jesus would inhabit.

Hebrews 10:5-9 Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me: In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure. Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God. Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law; Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second.

Are we about to call God a liar?

Just wondering?

I hope you find these tools useful in your apologetics efforts. Happy Apologising!
Charity tell me why you think I am in need of making an apology? Are you trying to play the role of a shame and blame God when in fact God is quite the opposite. Are you play acting as GOD? How interesting. Another reflection!!! This should be a hecka lot of fun! Go for it Charity, pretend to be God if you dare, but don’t be surprised by the results.😉

Thank you ~
…Don’t you think that the difference between man & animal is great enough that the human genome SHOULD show a remarkable uniqueness? Or does man’s extraordinary uniquenesss have NO correlate in his anatomy, physiology, & genetics, save the 2% difference b/t us & chimp? Does our sublimity and radical differentiation from animals only reside in the soul?
Where are you hecd2?

Hey Alec,

Look what I just found at the Creationist website Answers in Genesis. I’m, sorry to make you gag once again, but new analysis shows a 5% genetic difference b/t humans and chimps. The dissimilarity is especially pronounced in the Y-chromosome.

Something unusual happened in the prehistory of the Y-chromosome…I can just sense it…

I’m still pondering Mary’s genetics, especially her father, Joachim’s, inheritance, so I can ponder the question of Jesus’ DNA better…
Charity tell me why you think I am in need of making an apology? Are you trying to play the role of a shame and blame God when in fact God is quite the opposite. Are you play acting as GOD? How interesting. Another reflection!!! This should be a hecka lot of fun! Go for it Charity, pretend to be God if you dare, but don’t be surprised by the results.😉

Thank you ~

I’m glad you appreciated the sincere work I put into making the CCC links for you. But where did this “pretending to be God, if you dare” accusation come from?

I was trying to to make a gerund action (ing) word out if a noun.
You try it:

This didn’t sound right:

Happy Apologeticising! Nahhh.
Happy Apologising! Better, but offensive, it seems…My apologies to you, ISABUS.

In all honesty, though, yes, it was a double entendre as I did think you were being a tad harsh toward Matt16__18, although he has been dishing it out to hecd2, also. Obsequiousness can often be a gentler way of nudging.

My respectful preference is serious discussion with friendly sparring, coy humor, and tender, motherly admonishment. If that is not the status quo here then the overly sensitive may retreat somewhere else more comfortable. God bless you …
However, you are labouring under the misapprehension that one has to accede to ideas in order to understand them and to describe them.
I labor under no such delusion. Error doesn’t have to be accepted to be recognized as error.
The fact remains that your idea that the Garden of Eden is located in a parallel universe is unconventional and is not supported by Scripture, nor by the Church Fathers, nor by dogmatic and other doctrinal papal declarations, nor by the CCC nor by the Catholic Encyclopaedia
This is not a fact just because you make the assertion that it is a fact. That the Garden of Eden was not destroyed by sin is explicitly attested to in Genesis. I will grant you that describing the continued existence of the Garden of Eden using the term “parallel universes” may be a novel way to describe this belief, but the belief that the Garden of Eden still exists is not an unconventional belief in Catholicism.
Being a believer does not necessarily equip one with a good knowledge of theology.
Nor does being a believer prevent one from having a good knowledge of theology. All the great theologians were believers.
  • But we know from observation that these things existed in this universe (which is at least part if not all of physical creation) since the Big Bang 13.7 billion. So, did the Fall take place 13.7 billion years ago. Yes or no?*
I have no problem with dating the Big Bang at billions of years in the past. The Big Bang is an event in the fallen world. Adam and Eve were living as immortal beings in a universe where time, as we know it, didn’t exist. What is time to a being that is immortal? A trillion years in our experience of time might be nothing more than a blink of the eye in a universe that not subject to ever increasing entropy.
What happened to the immortal bodies that Adam and Eve occupied in the parallel universe?
Their immortal bodies were transformed by sin into mortal bodies.
‘Heavens’ is commonly used to mean the cosmos in this singular universe entirely synonymously with ‘heaven’.
Paul said that he was raised to the third heaven. Enoch and Elijah were taken bodily from the earth. Jesus speaks about Abraham’s bosom where the just dead dwelt, a place he also called paradise when speaking to the Good Thief. Jesus descended to paradise with the Good Thief, and Jesus ascended into Heaven forty days later. The concept of “parallel universes” is not at all foreign to the scriptures.
Isabus? I had a vision about 8 years ago. Something like that…A dimension opened for about ten seconds where the word “Isabus” appeared along with a sequence of numbers.
“Isabus” appeared along with a sequence of numbers? Maybe your vision was telling you to upgrade the computer that you had eight years so that data could be pushed across the newer PCI Bus instead of the older and slower ISA Bus. 😉
According to our faith, the original condition of man was BETTER than the current. Immortality, happiness, holiness, innocence, non-violence, harmony between the sexes, naked without shame, painless childbearing for mom, and easier work day for dad. What genotype could possibly produce any of these qualities?
It’s not hard to speculate about anything, unless one is obstinate. Even the most inept defense attorney can produce speculation about the most bizarre, wild, scenarios in an attempt to induce reasonable doubt in the jurors, so as to win acquittal for his (obviously guilty) client. I am speculating whether we can OPEN our collective minds in this forum to plumb the depths and belay the heights of the mountaintop experience of God’s truth.
Well said!
I labor under no such delusion. Error doesn’t have to be accepted to be recognized as error.

This is not a fact just because you make the assertion that it is a fact. That the Garden of Eden was not destroyed by sin is explicitly attested to in Genesis. I will grant you that describing the continued existence of the Garden of Eden using the term “parallel universes” may be a novel way to describe this belief, but the belief that the Garden of Eden still exists is not an unconventional belief in Catholicism.

Nor does being a believer prevent one from having a good knowledge of theology. All the great theologians were believers.
  • But we know from observation that these things existed in this universe (which is at least part if not all of physical creation) since the Big Bang 13.7 billion. So, did the Fall take place 13.7 billion years ago. Yes or no?*
I have no problem with dating the Big Bang at billions of years in the past. The Big Bang is an event in the fallen world. Adam and Eve were living as immortal beings in a universe where time, as we know it, didn’t exist. What is time to a being that is immortal? A trillion years in our experience of time might be nothing more than a blink of the eye in a universe that not subject to ever increasing entropy.

Their immortal bodies were transformed by sin into mortal bodies.

Paul said that he was raised to the third heaven. Enoch and Elijah were taken bodily from the earth. Jesus speaks about Abraham’s bosom where the just dead dwelt, a place he also called paradise when speaking to the Good Thief. Jesus descended to paradise with the Good Thief, and Jesus ascended into Heaven forty days later. The concept of “parallel universes” is not at all foreign to the scriptures.
Once again I’m lost.Adam and Eve lived before the Big Bang? What about in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth? When Adam and Eve messed up God decided to create the universe? So the Fall of Man was before creation? Didn’t creation come first then mankind followed? I never heard of this explanation in all the years of theology study.
Once again I’m lost.Adam and Eve lived before the Big Bang?
The first two chapters of Genesis describes the creation of the univerese that contains the Garden of Eden.
Matt16_18: From Genesis 1
29 Then God said, **"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. **30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-everything that has the breath of life in it-I give every green plant for food."
Most seed-bearing plants require destruction in order to eat them. Furthermore, some green plants must be consumed whole for any kind of nutritional value, yet they were ALL given for food. The plants were to die, and God specifically gave them over to die for the cause of eating. This happened long before the fall.

As for your Catechism quotes, remember that the Catechism itself is not infallible, and must be understood in the context of infallible decrees of the Church. Every such decree by the Church relating to the the quotes you used have to do with human death and decay, and heresies related to them. The Catechism is simply a guidepost to those doctrines. Reading Paul’s writings, for example, it is clear that he’s speaking of human death, and when he states that Creation is caught in the bondage of decay, he leaves no room for any alternate universe that is not in such bondage, as Creation refers to everything God created.

As for the Pope’s letter:
Today, almost half a century after the publication of the Encyclical, new knowledge has led to the recognition in the theory of evolution of more than a hypothesis. It is indeed remarkable that this theory has been progressively accepted by researchers, following a series of discoveries in various fields of knowledge. The convergence, neither sought nor fabricated, of the results of work that was conducted independently is in itself a significant argument in favor of this theory.
This would have been the perfect opportunity to highlight the heresy of evolutionary theory, but instead he even goes so far as to call it more than a hypothesis. If you are familiar with the evolutionary theory as it is formulated (in its ccientific form, not its philosophical form, which the Pope rightly states contains more than one version), then you know that evolution, and therefore death, must have occured before the Fall, and the Pope has just called it more than a mere hypothesis, not a heresy.

Incidently, this is where your idea falls apart. You state that death occured after the Fall, yet you admit to an alternate universe, to Paradise, in which we now dwell. Man did not create this world, God did, and it is filled with death. If what you say is true, then God specifically created a new universe apart from Eden filled with death in order to contain the fallen humanity. This is not a mere corruption of an already existing world according to you, as we can see through evolutionary science and physics that this universe has had persistant “contamination” by such negative forces, but rather a universe created from the word go to contain death and decay in the broadest sense, making God the direct author of death, which you say is heretical. If man’s sin brought death into the world, then man’s sin also created the universe in which we dwell. This seems to contridict every sentiment of the Church. The only other possibility I can see is that this universe IS the one physical universe, and it contained within it a special place removed from the negative forces of the universe. This possibility fits much more closely with what’s described in Genesis.
Once again I’m lost.Adam and Eve lived before the Big Bang? What about in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth? When Adam and Eve messed up God decided to create the universe? So the Fall of Man was before creation? Didn’t creation come first then mankind followed? I never heard of this explanation in all the years of theology study
I think HE was trying to explain->
GOD created the universe. BigBang! God created ADAM and EVE. They were immortal. Many years past. Millions, trillions, whatever. Adam and Eve shared the apple and sin was brought into the world (by man’s free will). The penalty of sin is death. All things now die…cain, abel, and all the gang, well, you know the rest.

(Im not going to try and touch the parrallel universe thing.) I believe in a tri-une GOD, not a dual or tri-une universe. I believe Jesus is THE king of the universe, not just this planet. So how would salvation occur for life on planet MEGAZOID?

Am I understanding you hypothesis correctly?
I am still pondering, and speechless. :hmmm:
As for your Catechism quotes, remember that the Catechism itself is not infallible …
This is a weak argument in any case, but it is not an argument that can even be made for this particular case. Roman 8:19-21 explicitly states that creation was made subject to futility because of the Fall, and the scriptures cannot be in error about this matter. Please look up where the Catechism of the Catholic Church quotes Roman 8:19-21 using the Index of Citations of Sacred Scripture in the back of the Catechism (this is a great reference tool, btw). The CCC quotes these scriptures from Romans to back up the traditional Catholic teaching: Adam’s sin brought about the fall of creation, and decay and death entered into the physical creation because of Original Sin.Because of man, creation is now subject “to its bondage to decay” (400)

The visible universe, then, is itself destined to be transformed, "so that the world itself, restored to its original state …(1047)
If you are familiar with the evolutionary theory as it is formulated (in its ccientific form, not its philosophical form, which the Pope rightly states contains more than one version), then you know that evolution, and therefore death, must have occured before the Fall, and the Pope has just called it more than a mere hypothesis, not a heresy.
You are drawing a false conclusion. There is nothing in the Pope’s letter that backs up your contention that the Pope believes that creation was subject to death before the Fall.
You state that death occured after the Fall, yet you admit to an alternate universe, to Paradise, in which we now dwell.
You are not understanding what I am saying. I am saying that we do NOT dwell in paradise. I am saying Adam and Eve were cast out of paradise, and that paradise still exists. Hecd2 accuses me of being “unconventional” because I say this, but I am hardly being unconventional. Just look at Catholic art depicting the Fall. Catholic artists often depict Adam and Eve being expelled from paradise. Where did they get that idea other than from Genesis 3:24?
I think HE was trying to explain->
GOD created the universe. BigBang! God created ADAM and EVE. They were immortal. Many years past. Millions, trillions, whatever. Adam and Eve shared the apple and sin was brought into the world (by man’s free will). The penalty of sin is death. All things now die…cain, abel, and all the gang, well, you know the rest.
No, that is not what I am saying.

I am saying:
  1. The universe that contains paradise was created by God, and Genesis describes the creation of that universe.
  2. Adam’s body was created by God out of the physical material of paradise.
  3. God breathed life into the body that he created for Adam.
  4. Before the Fall, Adam had an immortal body, and he dwelt with in universe where there was no sin, disease, decay, or death.
  5. Adam was cast out of paradise because of his sin of disobedience.
  6. Paradise still exists, and it is uncorrupted by Adam’s sin.
My real point is this: any theory of evolution that posits that a death driven process of evolution brought forth the human race is irreconcilable with Catholic doctrine. A Catholic can speculate that the fallen mortal bodies of Adam and Eve were somehow created by a death driven process of evoloution. This is not the same thing as saying that Adam and Eve came into existance through a process where death was necessary.

God is not the author of death. Death is the enemy of God that was defeated by the Cross.
This is a weak argument in any case, but it is not an argument that can even be made for this particular case.
Matt16_18: You completely ignored the rest of that paragraph; I even addressed the writings of Paul specifically. There is no room in Paul’s writings, or the infallible declarations by the Church regarding his writings, for an alternate uncorrupted universe. The decay being referenced by Paul is not necessarily physical decay at any rate. In fact, the NAB uses the term futility, which is in no way related to physical decay. The KJV uses the term vanity, as does the Duoay-Rheims. The Latin Vulgate uses the term “vanitati”, which translates as “emptiness, aimlessness, absence of purpose”. Your insistance on using decay in the sense of rot or errosion is very much an incorrect reading of the words being used. The decay being described has all of nothing to do with the Laws of Thermodynamics, for example. The decay being described is rather the lack of purpose or usefullness, not a physical quality, in otherwords decadence (a synonym of decay, and the source of the word decay being used here). Evolutionary theory does not touch on this at all, and apparently the Pope agrees when he casually sidesteps the potential heresy you are saying it presents. If you want to debate terms, we’ll debate terms, but we’ll do so properly, going back to the actual words used, and not their modern English translations. Incidently, you’ll notice that Pauls says nothing about Creation becoming subject to death after the fall, only “decay”; the only thing he mentions as being newly subject to death is humanity.
You are drawing a false conclusion. There is nothing in the Pope’s letter that backs up your contention that the Pope believes that creation was subject to death before the Fall.
I never said anything about what the Pope believes personally, only that he clearly didn’t take the opportunity to cut down a “heresy” when addressing the issue of Evolution and its connection with Revelation. He states that Evolution, in the scientific sense, is more than a mere hypothesis, and this Theory of Evolution posits death (but not decay in the sense of Paul’s writing) prior to the existence of humanity. In fact, the Papacy and the Magesterium have never attacked the position of death and decay in the physical sense existing in the world prior to the Fall (and how could they in light of the lines from Genesis which you casually ignored in your reply).
You are not understanding what I am saying. I am saying that we do NOT dwell in paradise.
I’m not saying that’s what you said at all. I simply said that you posit an alternate universe in which we now dwell, and alternative to Paradise.

In short, your use of definitions is gravely in error, and you are mixing verses that do not directly apply to one another (the death of humanity and the “bondage to decay” of Creation).
the only thing [Paul] mentions as being newly subject to death is humanity
“through one man … sin entered the world, and through sin death”
Roman 5:12

Father Neal M. Flanagan, O.S.M. commenting on this verse says this:The fall of man has set loose upon **the world ** a new force, Satan and his kingdom. The elements of the kingdom are SATAN himself, SIN bringing DEATH which is so often preceded by SICKNESS. Satan’s kingdom has been established on earth. From that, from Satan-sin-death-sickness, man needs salvation.

Salvation History, An Introduction to Biblical Theology

The spin you are trying to put onto the word “decay” won’t work, because it cannot be reconciled with the paragraphs that I quoted from the Catechism, nor can it be reconciled with the Catholic doctrine about the Resurrection of the Body. Creation is going to be restored after the Final Judgement, and that means creation is going to be set free from the bondage to decay. In your understanding of creation, death will still be in the world after the Final Judgement, because death was in the world before the Fall. If I accept your spin, the restored universe will be a restoration where death still has dominion over plants and animals.

You are making God the author of death, and at best, asserting that God used death as an instrument to bring about the creation of Adam.
… this Theory of Evolution posits death (but not decay in the sense of Paul’s writing) prior to the existence of humanity …
Any theory of evolution that posits death was in the world prior to the existence of humanity cannot be reconciled with Catholic doctrine that God is the author of life, not death.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life …
Nicene Creed

How did death come into the world prior to Adam sinning?

Let me see if I understand how you are interpreting scriptures.

God brought the earth into being through the Big Bang. By a process of evolution, animals came into existence that had human bodies. The world at this stage was pretty much like it is now, “red in tooth and claw” - that is, animals were killing other animals for food; and sickness, disease, and death reigned over all the plant and animal life prior to man’s existence. The first human beings were conceived in the wombs of animals. God breathed human souls into the fertilized eggs of the animals that had the bodies of humans, and the human race came into existence. This was paradise. Then man sinned and things got worse.

After the Final Judgement, creation will be set free from decay. Creation being free from decay means that humans will be immortal, but that animals will still be killing animals. Death will still have dominion over the plants and animals of the restored creation.
I’m still pondering Mary’s genetics, especially her father, Joachim’s, inheritance, so I can ponder the question of Jesus’ DNA better…
I found this quite interesting since it is not Mary’s line from David who is in question here. Joseph’s line was cursed through Solomon, and Joseph is the adoptive father of Jesus.Jeremiah 22:28-30 Is this man Coniah a despised broken idol? is he a vessel wherein is no pleasure? wherefore are they cast out, he and his seed, and are cast into a land which they know not? O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the LORD. Thus saith the LORD, Write ye this man childless, a man that shall not prosper in his days: for no man of his seed shall prosper, sitting upon the throne of David, and ruling any more in Judah.

Mary came through Nathan’s line which was not cursed, which means He will be born into a family. However, Isaiah points out that: Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given (adopted): and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
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