It’s in my Bible right under the words “Table of Contents.”Please show me where in the Bible that a list of the books of the Bible appear?
– Mark L. Chance.
It’s in my Bible right under the words “Table of Contents.”Please show me where in the Bible that a list of the books of the Bible appear?
Dear Alec,…Your million-dollar-question leaves me a little queasy - at one moment we are in the world of science discussing DNA and in the next we are talking about the biblical Fall.
Did you feel disappointed or possibly betrayed that I have lowered my mainstream scientific integrity by acknowledging the supernatural realm?…Science recognises no such event.
Do you think it is meaningless that I choose to 'walk by faith and not by sight?" I feel awe and **love **for the meaningfulness of God when I gaze at the current human genome because of the beauty of God’s creative power. However, I too, am a lover of rigorous science, just like you, Alec; yet, I’m willing to allow my mind to be transformed by the Holy Spirit of truth.The queasiness arises from the meaninglessness of the question. All aspects of the human genome and the genome of human ancestry can, in principle, be elucidated by science.
universe that exists. Heaven, Hell and Purgatory are not located in this universe, nor is the paradise where Adam and Eve once dwelled. Read Genesis carefully; Adam and Eve’s sin did not destroy paradise - Adam and Eve were cast out of paradise *after *they sinned…The pre-Fall paradise still exists. The fallen universe where the children of the wrath dwell, the universe that is subject to death, disease, and decay is not the *only *
Don’t worry about it - it arises from the vertiginous changes of perspective. I’ve belayed now, so I contemplate the mile of air beneath my feet with equanimityDear Alec,
I am truly sorry that you experienced queasiness at my mention of the Fall of man in the context of genuine scientific DNA conversation.
My experience of University common rooms is a huge acceptance of bizarre speculations and hypotheses over endless coffee, many of which led to serious work and serious results.This is an apologetics forum- we are anonymously “allowed” to get “religious” in our science here in a way we NEVER could at the University. That’s why I decided to come here where we have a flexible arena for our imagination and faith-based curiosity.
No I don’t think so. Each person must forge their own path that carries meaning for them.Do you think it is meaningless that I choose to 'walk by faith and not by sight?"
Steady on there - I said I was slightly queasy, not nauseous.I think your nausea, though, may be a result of a misunderstanding of my question.
Poor Adam. No lust. Perhaps that’s why wandered off and got into mischief!Adam did not have to die, get sick, argue with Eve, or lust after her (maybe that’s why she didn’t get headaches.)
Well, there’s the rub - the human genome shows no sign of a sudden degrading event and every sign of unremarkable evolution within the phylogeny of primates.It’s quite hard to speculate about a prelapasarian state if one has no reason to believe in a literal Adam and Eve and a literal Fall and good reason to dibelieve them.But when he “ate the poison fruit” and mutated his body with the original sin, he lost,among other things, the special characteristics of his physical body, leaving us with the still awesome but perhaps fallen human genome of historical man.
The pope has NEVER said that death was in the world before the Fall. No pope has ever said such a thing. You are simply being obstinate in choosing to deny what the church teaches. The pope does NOT contradict what the church teaches.As for your claims that it goes against Catholic doctrine to suggest that death in any form existed prior to the Fall, I suggest you take it up with the Pope, who has said that studies of evolution were a legitimate study (and, according to the most reputable translations, even says that it’s more than mere hypothesis). … In every quote you used, the death being addressed is human death. That was always the heresy; death of animals was never considered an issue (or even death, for that matter).
Charity said:(continued from previous post)
Dear Alec,
Suppose there was a genomic mechanism or structure which would allow the creation of Eve from Adam and the conception of Jesus in Mary’s virginal womb?
Is there a possible pre-fall-effective genetic means by which the sex chromosomes could be arranged that could result in the Immaculate Conception (no original sin here) of Mary from St; Anne’s egg and St. Joachim’s sperm in the womb of Mary’s mother, St. Anne,?
You said it - mosaicism derives from a single zygote. Some time into cell multiplication, one line of cells suffers a mutation and so the organism is made of two different populations of cells, one with the mutation and one without. Mosaicism is commonly caused by non-disjunction in mitosis resulting in a population of cells with trisomy and a population with monosomy in the same body. Mosaicism cannot convert the X-chromosome to Y -the Y-must be present in the zygote in the first place. For example XO/XY mosiacs start out as an XY zygote. XX/XXY mosaics start as an XXY zygote (a Klinefelter syndrome zygote). So if Mary was a germline mosaic containing Y, she must have started out as a normal male or a Klinefelter male zygote.Could Mary, as you speculated earlier have been a chimaeric, hermaphrodite or an XX/XY etc. mosaic or some unknown but, analagous arrangement? Mosaicism is the coexistence of multiple, genetically different populations of cells in one person, all derived originally, from a single zygote.
Indeed, could the elusive Y-chromosome of Jesus have been that of his own grandfather Joachim via a mosaic/chimaeric germ line in Joachim’s daughter Mary?
I can hardly take credit for being the first person to understand that the terrestrial paradise still exists in its uncorrupted state. After all, Genesis makes that clear enough. Father Schmöger writes in his biography of Catherine Emmerich that the Fathers of the Church taught this “eccentric” view, and he gives a quote from St. Hildegarde that brings forth even more detail than can be found from a careful reading of Genesis.Well I never imagined that you were meaning the terrestrial Paradise to exist in a parallel universe with different physical laws, and I expect that hardly anyone else reading this thread thought that you meant that until you explicitly said so. In fact, this idea doesn’t come out strongly in earlier posts of yours in this thread, where you seem to talk about a single universe that was corrupted at the Fall. Well, I am no theologian or expert exegist, but I think that this interpretation is idiosyncratically yours …
:clapping:Matt16_18: The Pope has endorsed studies in evolution, and evolution presupposes death before the Fall. The Big Bang Theory is also supported by the Church in scientific studies, and was raised by a Catholic priest.
If the stance of the Church was a clear as you say, why hasn’t such study been declared heresy? On the contrary, the Pope has explicitly affirmed the exploration of Evolutionary Theory, and never once implied that such studies were off-base due to the presupposition of death before the Fall. Why the silence, and even support, on the part of the Pope and the Magesterium in regards to evolutionary studies that presuppose, without any room for negotiation, what you say are heretical notions?
I’m still interested in why Genesis says that Eden lay in modern Iraq explicitly. I’m also honestly curious to hear what Fathers support your notion of an alternate dimension for Eden.
That is exactly my point. Science has no power to prove or disprove what I am saying.You are free to believe whatever you like about the nature of the pre-Fall universe. If you believe it lies physically and dimensionally outside this one and is subject to physical laws different from the ones in our universe, and if you believe Adam and Eve were transported miraculously between it and ours at the Fall, then science and reason have no power to disprove you.
I said there was no death in the terrestrial paradise before the Fall. Angels fell before Adam and Eve fell. Death came into being at the fall of the angels, for the rebellious angels suffered a type spiritual death when they fell. The rebellious angels were cast out of their heavenly dwelling place and forced to inhabit a dark universe. Death was already in existence when paradise was created, but death was not dwelling in paradise before Adam and Eve committed their sin of disobedience. Paradise was exactly that, a physical paradise free of all sin, disease, decay, and death.You say that there was no death and decay before the Fall.
The latest issue of Discover Magazine has these words on its cover “Was Your Ancestor a Sea Sponge?” I have no problem at all that fallen human bodies might have come into being through a process of evolution in the corrupted world. IMO, it would be quite appropriate that Adam and Eve would have to inhabit mortal bodies that derived its DNA from sea sponges. After all, Adam and Eve sinned by choosing creation over the Creator - they listened to a serpent instead of listening to God. The serpent was a created being that was lower than Adam and Eve. It seems appropriate to me that Adam and Eve should dwell in mortal bodies that are subject to the physical laws of a fallen world, and that after the Fall, that Adam and Eve should dwell in bodies connected to the lower life forms.… we can trace the ancestry of modern humans back millions of years. There is no discontinuity in the record where humans suddenly appear unrelated to precursor species …
.… is it your belief that this decaying universe has existed for 13.7 billion years with the same physical laws, and Adam and Eve were simply plonked down in it a few tens of thousands of years ago as a punishment for their sin – as a kind of celestial penal transportation
Evolution presupposes a world where death has dominion over the world. That is why evolution is only a theory about the fallen universe, and not a theory that is germane to the pre-Fall universe. The pope has no problem with scientists studying the physical laws of this fallen universe, but that hardly means that the pope denies the scriptures that explicitly teach that death came into the physical world because of Adam’s sin. Nor has the Pope John Paul II ever contradicted Pope Pius XII:For the faithful cannot embrace that opinion which maintains that either after Adam there existed on this earth true men who did not take their origin through natural generation from him as from the first parent of all, or that Adam represents a certain number of first parents. Now it is no no way apparent how such an opinion can be reconciled with that which the sources of revealed truth and the documents of the Teaching Authority of the Church propose with regard to original sin, which proceeds from a sin actually committed by an individual Adam and which, through generation, is passed on to all and is in everyone as his own.Matt16_18: The Pope has endorsed studies in evolution, and evolution presupposes death before the Fall.
Matt, would you comment on the following for me: THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, Ineffabilis Deus, Apostolic Constitution issued by Pope Pius IX on December 8, 1854. papalencyclicals.net/Pius09/p9ineff.htmI know a person that used to work at the Stanford Medical Center with surrogate mothers. Apparently healthy young women can make pretty good money having embryos implanted in their wombs, embryos in which the surrogate mother provides none of the DNA. The question of Jesus’ DNA is something worth thinking about, because it raises this question: “Was Mary a surrogate mother?”
It seems unreasonable to me to think that Mary didn’t provide at least half the DNA of Jesus, something that any natural mother would provide for her son. But what about the other half of the DNA that Jesus possessed? Natural mothers don’t provide all the DNA of their sons, and it has been rightly pointed out that if Mary provided ALL the DNA of Jesus, that Jesus would be her identical twin (and that Jesus couldn’t possibly be a male). So at least some of the DNA of Jesus came from another source. Whether that DNA was created ex nihilo, was DNA transformed by God out of pieces of Mary’s DNA, or was DNA from another human being (or human beings) is what we are speculating about.
I believe in the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception.Matt, would you comment on the following for me: THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION …
Genesis does seems to say something like that, but Genesis is using “figurative language” to describe history (CCC #390). Keeping in mind that Genesis is using figurative language, Catholics do not have to believe that the universe was literally created in six of our earth days (though one can believe in a literal six-day creation and still be a faithful Catholic). In the same way, Catholics don’t have to believe that paradise was once literally in Iraq, and that there really is a visible Cherubim with a revolving flaming sword somewhere between the Tigris and the Euphrates guarding the entrance to the Garden of Eden. But saying that Genesis uses figurative language does not mean that any old interpretation of Genesis is possible. The Church does have doctrine that is related to how she interprets Genesis (e.g. Original Sin), and Catholic theological speculation must not conflict with established Catholic doctrine.So does Eden not lay in the area described in Genesis (modern Iraq)? The Bible seems pretty clear that Eden was indeed a place on Earth, and even gives a very specific location for it. It’s not that I can’t imagine it being in a different dimension, simply that it says that it wasn’t.