Jewish Catholic

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I am an orthodox Jew. I am considering Catholicism or Orthodoxy. I read there are Hebrew Catholics that still keep Jewish law and also go to mass. Is that something that can be done? I dont want to give up keeping kosher Shabbos, Holidays according to Jewish law. According to jewish law christianity is idolatry so this is something I would need to hide from the community that I live in.
I know in church men dont cover their head, would it be a problem if I went in to a mass wearing my yarmulke?
That’s because Protestants believe that Jesus limited their OT canon to only those books.
Protestants believe no such thing. They simply privilege the Hebrew Massoretic text over the Greek Septuagint text (which was originally a Jewish translation intended for Greek-speaking diaspora Jews), because the Reformers thought then that it was the most ancient version of the OT there was. The datation problem is actually more complex than that, but it is a topic for another thread.

OP, there is a Christian movement called Messianic Judaism, which is mostly evangelical in its Christian roots. I am not sure there is a Catholic equivalent, and it isn’t surprising because the Church sees itself as the fulfillment of the Old Testament and its prophecies, not needing the ritual prescriptions any longer and culminating in the non-bloody sacrifice of the Mass. This is probably something I would reflect over in my discernment, if I were on your shoes, to decide whether or not it makes sense for me. Maybe someone here will be able to point you toward good resources on that.
this is something I would need to hide from the community that I live in.
This sounds so difficult. I sympathise, and I will be praying for you.
I read there are Hebrew Catholics that still keep Jewish law and also go to mass. Is that something that can be done?
Yes it is. If it is your perogative to still eat kosher (and other practices) you are free to do so. I’m praying for you and hope you choose Catholicism and not…those other religions that will keep you outside of the church.

Also, read Isaiah 53 and point it out to anyone that gives you grief in your community.

Jesus love you.
Ave Christus Rex.
You need to read the book by a Hebrew Catholic called Salvation Is From The Jews by Roy Schoeman. If you go to his website and contact him with any questions
he will probably answer you. He travels around the country speaking to different groups.
Do you wish to convert because you believe that Jesus is the Messiah and Gd? Do you believe in the Trinity? I ask because that is the main dogma of Christianity.

While Judaism certainly does not approve of conversion, it generally no longer views Christianity as idolatry. Which Orthodox stream are you from?
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One of my two favorite conversion tales: Fr. Peter Sabbath, with a touch of Divine intervention.
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They do? Not even Luther taught that. However, Luther arrived at this conclusion, based on his visceral, gut-wrenching hatred of the Catholic Church and of all who dared disagree with him, as well as his desperate, ‘sweating bullets’ search for absolute self-assurance that he would not burn in hell. Don’t think so? Not to derail, but watch this well-reasoned, dispassionate analysis by former evangelical preacher Dr. Paul Thigpen:
As previously mentioned by someone else, I would recommend contacting Fr. Peter Sabbath (converted to Catholicism and became a priest) at St. Thomas á Becket Church in Montreal. His info:

He could possibly advise you on your journey. If you can’t reach him, I would contact Catholic Answers (619-387-7200) and try to get a hold of Jimmy Akin or another staff member. Just explain your situation.

Remember, you are not alone.
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While Judaism certainly does not approve of conversion, it generally no longer views Christianity as idolatry.
I don’t see that. Did not Maimonides consider Christians to be guilty of idolatry and does not the Talmud have such citations ? It is understandable why this would be so, because Jews do not believe Jesus to be divine.
Let’s take this a little further. Does Judaism consider the worship of Krishna or the worship of Rama to be idolatry?
One of my two favorite conversion tales: Fr. Peter Sabbath, with a touch of Divine intervention.
Bobby Fischer is said to have possibly converted quietly near his death to Catholicism. John von Neumann converted to Catholicism on his deathbed. Mortimer Adler, editor of the Great Books, converted to Catholicism.
But did the Pope say that Catholics should not try to convert Jews?

Conversion goes both ways. There are Catholic priests who have converted to Judaism.

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We’ve all seen the headlines. But what is the context? The back story?
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But did the Pope say that Catholics should not try to convert Jews?
The issue is that God is faithful to His promises. ‘The Gifts and the Calling of God Are Irrevocable’
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I am an orthodox Jew. I am considering Catholicism or Orthodoxy. I read there are Hebrew Catholics that still keep Jewish law and also go to mass. Is that something that can be done? I dont want to give up keeping kosher Shabbos, Holidays according to Jewish law. According to jewish law christianity is idolatry so this is something I would need to hide from the community that I live in.
I know in church men dont cover their head, would it be a problem if I went in to a mass wearing my yarmulke?
Placing what’s said about Hebrew Catholics and hiding aside for a sec,
where I see problems in your understandable thoughts of approach,
resides in what I also see as having some understandable differences of POV
re: the differences between Jews following Jewish Jesus and those who rejected Him.

One of the huge differences connects with Salvation via Faith and Spirit VS Mosaic Law…

There’s a Quantum Leap difference between them… Which is revealed in the New Testament

A large lot of the New Testament is directed at eg., (but not just) Jews…

In my humble opinion - it would behoove you to dive into the Gospels/New Testament,
for the sake of getting to Know Jesus’ Mind - in Depth - along with call it ‘theology’ and teachings - directed at Jews who have not as yet - accepted Jesus as their Messiah…

Any questions? Don’t Hesitate

Neither Maimonides nor the Talmud is concerned with Christianity; they are focused on Judaism. Yes, once upon a time, Christianity was considered by Judaism to be idolatrous; but that belief is no longer held by most Jewish people, including Orthodox Jews. What individual Jews may think about Christianity, as well as other religions outside of the Abrahamic trio, such as Hinduism or Buddhism, is their own business, but it is not promoted or encouraged by the Jewish religion as a whole to have such views.
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Protestants believe no such thing. They simply privilege the Hebrew Massoretic text over the Greek Septuagint text (which was originally a Jewish translation intended for Greek-speaking diaspora Jews), because the Reformers thought then that it was the most ancient version of the OT there was.
Actually Luther learned from Jewish historians that the so-called Deuterocanon was not in the targums, Which were Aramaic paraphrases of the Hebrew Bible. This was one of his reasons for not considering it to be inspired. Later protestants, after examining the New Testament Scriptures such as Luke 16, realize Jesus did in deed except only the books from the Hebrew Bible. And by Hebrew Bible this is not referring to the later Masoretic text. The term Hebrew Bible simply refers to the books found in the boundaries, which are the same as the boundaries for later protestants. The Masoretic text was a later Jewish work during the church age which just so happen to be synonymous with the pre-Christian Hebrew Bible in terms of the books it contained.
Is Jesus on record as listing the books that comprise the Jewish Scriptures? I think you will find he is not.
Did Jesus enumerate all of the 66, or more specifically the 22 or 24 books in the Hebrew Bible? No, and that is why I said he affirmed the books in the Pharisaic canon. And he did this in Luke chapter 16, when he described a parable of the rich man and his five brothers, which were representative of the money loving Pharisees mentioned just before the parable, who are listening to everything Jesus was saying. And even as Catholic Answers senior apologistJimmy Akin stated, the canon of the Pharisees was identical to the canon of later protestants. So when Jesus stated “they” have Moses and the prophets, when he said “they,” Jesus was referring back to the Pharisees who were lovers of money, and that they had possession of the Old Testament Canon, which Jesus referred to as Moses and the prophets.
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but that belief is no longer held by most Jewish people, including Orthodox Jews.
That is quite fascinating, considering that we still believe in the Trinity and the Incarnation. Has the Jewish view of Jesus changed?
I believe that the Jewish view of Jesus has also changed, even among many Orthodox Jews. The view today is more favorable than it was in the past, in the sense that Jesus is thought to be a misguided and radical rabbi rather than one Who intended to destroy the Jewish religion. But even in the past, I remember the one time my childhood rabbi spoke about Jesus, he called Him a good man. The attitudes toward Jesus’ apostles, however, are not quite so benign among Jews who even bother to reflect upon them. It is they who are thought by some to have distorted the teachings of Jesus and Judaism in an effort to replace them with their own theology.
And even as Catholic Answers senior apologistJimmy Akin stated, the canon of the Pharisees was identical to the canon of later protestants.
This attribution to Jimmy Akin crops up from time to time on these threads. Can you give a link, please?
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