Joe Biden should consider pardoning Donald Trump

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I’m going to fool everyone. And, I remember ter Horst quitting in disgust when Ford pardoned Nixon. However, I think that Biden should at least consider pardoning Trump for anything he did while president.
" President-elect Joe Biden was asked a few months back if he would consider granting a pardon to Donald Trump for any potential crimes.

A voter posed the question in historical terms, wondering if Biden would agree “to not pulling a President Ford” and pardon Trump “under the pretense of healing the nation.”

Back in 1974, a few weeks after a disgraced Richard Nixon resigned from office, Gerald Ford, who succeeded him, granted Nixon a pardon for any crimes he committed in the Watergate scandal and cover-up. Ford wanted a deeply divided nation to move on.

Would Biden do such a thing?

He says no.

In answer to the voter’s desire that he commit to not issuing a pardon for Trump, Biden said, “Absolutely, yes, I commit.”

He should reconsider."

Now, what Trump did before he became president should be fair game.
I agree that prosecuting Trump for anything he did as president would be establishing a very dangerous precedent. Nobody would ever want to run for president because they would be sure to face criminal prosecution when their term ended.
Now, what Trump did before he became president should be fair game.
I agree. Lock him up! Lock him up!
I still don’t understand how Michael Cohen got jail time for paying hush money to Stormy Daniels, when it was Trump’s hush money and at Trump’s direction.
Nobody would ever want to run for president because they would be sure to face criminal prosecution when their term ended.
Or hopefully, they would not commit any crime worthy of prosecution. And fortunately, only federal crimes can be pardoned… the state crimes cannot.
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Wouldn’t have to be convicted of a crime first?
Wouldn’t he have to be charged with a crime before that?
I think that Biden should at least consider pardoning Trump for anything he did while president.
He’d better, if he doesn’t want the opposition to start bringing out the skeletons from his own cupboard.
Wouldn’t have to be convicted of a crime first?
No. Nixon was pardoned before any indictments.

Yes, a pardon should be considered, unless Biden has unequivocally promised not to. I do not care about setting a precedent. I care about our country continuing to hemorrhage from our wounds. We have far bigger issues than how much jail time one person deserves.
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Doesn’t accepting a pardon imply admission of guilt? I cannot imagine President Trump accepting a pardon if that were the deal.
I cannot imagine President Trump accepting a pardon if that were the deal.
Oh, I can. His seemingly inability to acknowledge fault ends when his other choice is loss of large amounts of money or jail time. There is a point where anyone will eat crow rather than face a worse threat!
But that strategy (to increase his popularity) backfired on Trump big time.
Who was the last president to honor his oath of office? I’ve been around for over 60 years and I can’t think of one. They are all dirt bags.
Doesn’t accepting a pardon imply admission of guilt? I cannot imagine President Trump accepting a pardon if that were the deal.
Yes, it does but I believe Trump would accept a pardon. Who spurns a get out of jail free card?
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Pres. Trump hasn’t done anything that needs to be pardoned.

Forgiven, yes. I’m sure he’s gone too far at times on Twitter or live while speaking, and hurt some feelings and gotten some facts and figures wrong.

A big person will let it go and forgive Donald Trump. A small person will try to turn it into a crime that warrants either punishment or pardon.
Pres. Trump hasn’t done anything that needs to be pardoned.
Well, we don’t quite know that yet. Remember, Nixon was pardoned for some of the funny stuff he did on his taxes. (His art assessor caught a federal felony!) So we will have to wait.
Biden going after Trump would definitely not be a unity play along the lines of the “unity” he called for.

I know there is a deep personal desire among many here to see Trump gotten, but sometimes one has to step back as Ford did and understand that there is a choice between plunging the country deeper into the chasm or allowing for the moderates to stay in control and restore some semblance of sanity. My father said Ford lost the 1976 election because of the Nixon pardon, but he thought it was worth it because he felt that the long term damage would have been much, much worse had they made Nixon to go through months of hearings, trials, etc., that the circus would have split the country much worse than it did as it would have continued all the way into the 1976 election season.

Biden will have that choice in front of him. By what he chooses we will see just how serious he is about “unity”.
Biden going after Trump would definitely not be a unity play along the lines of the “unity” he called for.
It may not be up to Biden. If the feds have Trump dead to rights, it is out of Biden’s hands. All Biden can control is the starting a new investigation into Trump’s actions.
It may not be up to Biden. If the feds have Trump dead to rights, it is out of Biden’s hands. All Biden can control is the starting a new investigation into Trump’s actions.
Biden does have the power of federal pardons therefore he can stop any federal investigation with a pardon just as Ford did with Nixon.

If there is something Trump gets hit on, it won’t be for what happened in the White House, that is for sure. That avenue is dead on arrival; they had four years to make their case and it turned out to be a big pack of lies so embarrassingly bad that they can’t allow Trump to declassify everything about it. If there really was something to it, why not put it all out there and let the chips fall where they may? But they can’t, they know they pulled some seriously bad conduct in the name of getting Trump. So they are clearly resisting this, slow walking it until Biden can kill the investigation into their misdeeds. And his own as well as his son’s.
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