Joe Biden should consider pardoning Donald Trump

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If there is something Trump gets hit on, it won’t be for what happened in the White House, that is for sure.
I’m not so sure of that. As noted, Nixon’s tax returns while he was president caused some criminal convictions. Plus, while he was president Trump ignored conflict of interest.

Biden can pardon Trump for any federal crime but Tish the NY AG really is hot on Trump’s trail. Biden cannot pardon Trump for state crimes and he should not pardon Trump for what he did before Trump became president.
Plus, while he was president Trump ignored conflict of interest.
I don’t believe you can name a president who did not ignore conflict of interest.
Biden can pardon Trump for any federal crime but Tish the NY AG really is hot on Trump’s trail. Biden cannot pardon Trump for state crimes and he should not pardon Trump for what he did before Trump became president.
They’re welcome to try to make a case based on state crimes. As I understand it though, this is tied into the IRS audit issues that go back a dozen years and have never been resolved, they just postponed it when Trump assumed the presidency. So it’s going to be more tangled than one thinks.

But says here Biden does not go after Trump for presidency-related items. Or else slow walks it like Trump did with Obama/Hillary. Back in the day, could not tar Clinton or Bush as it would blow back on each other. Obama continued Bush’s foreign policy, why would he go after Bush. Trump for all his bluster never actually went after Obama or Hillary. There is reason and precedent for this back scratching. Hence Biden needs to tread carefully because if he allows the door to open wide against Trump, there is a clear risk it will blow back on him, his family and on Harris.
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I wouldn’t waste the time. Trump no doubt would welcome any attention he can get.
Biden can pardon Trump for any federal crime but Tish the NY AG really is hot on Trump’s trail. Biden cannot pardon Trump for state crimes and he should not pardon Trump for what he did before Trump became president.
What good would it do anyone to start hounding Trump? This is why I dislike Democrats. You guys won. Take it and move on. The vindictive stuff is gonna make your country split sooner or later. Its Obama’s poking Christians in the eye that eventually lead to a president Trump. Why the personal animus towards Trump anyway? He’s lost. He’s heading home. Leave it alone. Trump BY FAR is not the worst living American president. I mean, the guy has not destroyed countries and caused millions of unnecessary deaths. This is all ridiculous. He was just uncouth, is all. Apparently that makes his the worst ever.
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Doesn’t accepting a pardon imply admission of guilt?
This notion is, in my opinion, the entire reason for the “pardon Trump” talk. Some people would like nothing more than to be able to say Trump is guilty of something illegal. they will come up with some silly hashtag to use on twitter (like they did with #impeachedforlife or whatever it was) and they will all feel really great about themselves because they just knew it that Trump was guilty and they got him to “admit it”.
What good would it do anyone to start hounding Trump?
You are much too kind. Unfortunately, letting criminals off the hook only encourages them. Just because someone could bamboozle a bunch of people to vote for him should not be an open ticket to perform any kind crimes, just because he is “president”. The president is not a king to be above the law.

As a matter of fact, if someone in power abuses that power, then the punishment should be MUCH more severe.
What good would it do anyone to start hounding Trump?
We have this deal in this country about “the rule of law”. Folks believe in and follow the law because they believe it applies, more or less equally, to every person.

Trump has yet to answer for or explain some of the things he did prior to becoming president. It is not hounding him and certainly not taking advantage of him.
I don’t believe you can name a president who did not ignore conflict of interest.
I can name many presidents who put their holdings in a blind trust, even Rockefeller as vice president. Trump continued to have control of his financial interests. No president in the last 75 years has acted like that.

" Since Jimmy Carter, most presidents have used blind trusts or other means to separate themselves from active control or ownership of assets to assure the public that they would not make decisions out of financial self-interest. (Barack Obama did not set up a blind trust. His money was in mutual funds, Treasury bills and the like.)

President Trump correctly pointed out that presidents are exempt from conflict-of-interest rules placed on federal officials, so he did not have to distance himself from his businesses. Yet the norm has been for presidents to act as if the rules applied to them. Trump turned over day-to-day management of his empire to his sons but insisted on staying informed and maintaining ownership. He had visited his properties more than 280 times as of late October, according to a Washington Post tally, thus raising their profile and drawing political, business and foreign customers seeking to curry favor with the administration. The Secret Service and other government agencies have paid at least $2.5 million for rooms and other expenses at Trump properties, and his campaign and fundraising committee have paid $5.6 million more in fees for events, according to Post reporting.

“The president not only holding on to his businesses, but very explicitly advancing them while president … is a whole set of norms that has been kind of thrown out the window,” says Noah Bookbinder, executive director of the nonpartisan Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. “The idea that you can’t use government for your own personal financial gain is crucial for people to believe that government is working in their interest.”
But says here Biden does not go after Trump for presidency-related items. Or else slow walks it like Trump did with Obama/Hillary.
Trump had nothing on Obama or Hillary. He just said those things to score political points. He didn’t 'slow walk" a thing.
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Conflicts of interest don’t have to be only about one’s own assets, they can also be about connections and about nepotism. Not to mention other ways to play the money game. These things abound in DC, it’s hard to turn around and not see someone enmeshed this way. Obama wasn’t as bad as some, but he is not spotless. Hillary had the Clinton Foundation for which she engaged in pay to play schemes worldwide during her time as SecState. It’s interesting how fast that business dried up when she lost in 2016. Bush and Cheney had Halliburton. Joe Biden’s brother and son made bank off their connections.
Trump had nothing on Obama or Hillary. He just said those things to score political points. He didn’t 'slow walk" a thing.
I once had a security clearance. If while I was working there, I had been caught hosting a work-focused mailserver in my home closet that was handling classified data, I would have gone to prison for at least ten years. If that mailserver had allowed highly classified data to fall into the hands of the Russians or the Chinese, double that. But Hillary gets off scot free. Same rules were supposed to be applied to both of us. I go to prison but because she’s Hillary, she never even gets charged. There’s an inequality of outcome there that really ought to open your eyes. But it won’t because Hillary is a saint in your eyes. Obama is complicit, it happened on his watch, he knew what was going on but he let it go.

The whole episode sure blew my mind. I signed an awful lot of paperwork that told me how dire the penalties were going to be for serious violations in handling classified data and that in signing said paperwork, I was acknowledging my responsibility to protect that data and also acknowledging that I could be convicted and go to prison for mishandling that data.
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