Excerpts taken from ‘Unabridged Christianity’ by Fr. Mario RomeroOk. Let’s start off real simple then. Could you show where in the Bible (solid exegesis please) is Mary’s bodily assumption taught? Also, can you provide a few early church fathers who taught and believed that Mary was bodily assumed into heaven? That shouldn’t be too difficult. I mean, Roman Catholicism claims that this particular doctrine is a part of the gospel of Jesus Christ, right? So, where is it?
- The NT clearly shows that it is possible for the faithful to experience bodily resurrection before the 2nd Coming of Christ. Matt 27:52-53: Tombs were opened, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised…
- In the 2nd Book of Kings we read that the Prophet Elijah was taken up (assumed) into heaven body and soul.
- In the Book of Genesis we read that Enoch was taken up (assumed) into heaven.
- In the Book of Revelation we read about St. John’s description of a vision that he had of heaven, including the “woman clothed with the sun…she gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all nations with an iron rod.”
- Early Christians such as St. Epiphanius of Salamis (375 AD), Quodvultdeus (450 AD), and Andrew of Caesarea (550 AD) saw this “woman” in heaven as the Blessed Virgin Mary, assumed into heaven body and soul, with her Son, Jesus
- St. Gregory of Tours wrote of her Assumption in his Eight Books of Miracles (580 AD)
- St. John Damascene did the same in his Second Homily on the Dormition of Mary (745 AD)