I have to disagree, I would fly the US flag in a heartbeat and very proudly if it was still the same nation as the founders intended. Our modern Govt celebrating this important holiday is almost a slap in the face to the founding fathers imo.Maybe the Gadsden flag does, but not the Confederate flag. Please, do not lump them together. That is just offensive.
Honestly, I find the waving of any flag, other than the beautiful red, white, and blue of the United States of America, on the 4th of July to be missing the point of what the 4th of July represents. It is Independence Day! It was the birth of our country. Let’s leave current politics out of it. It is still the only country in the world I would choose to live in.
I think if any of them were to see the condition of the US today versus in their times and what they intended this nation to be, they would be rolling in their graves, and be upset how things have transpired, but I believe they would hold the people more responsible than the government itself, after all, it is the people who are the ones supposed to hold power over the govt and ensure they do the right things, not the other way around. Everytime we settle or compromise, and abide by/ obey some new tyrannical law or regulation the Govt imposes, we are usurping our duties as american citizens.
Of course the only reason most people ‘settle’ and just obey is that its much easier to go along to get along, rather than be the minority and ruin your quality of life over a principle…how many among us would be willing to face arrest and prison if it meant standing up for the Constitution…probably not many.