yeah… I’ve heard that story before… not that I actually believe in that Adam&Eve sin thing, but if you’re happy with it, then so be it.It goes back to the sin of Adam and Eve. Due to the consequences of sin and it’s effects, ignorance, and weakness of will, corruption became endemic to human nature. The loss of the Holy Spirit, sanctifying grace threw the world into spiritual darkness, that is what ignorance is, the absence of truth. this could never be regained by mankind. This why Adam was promised a Redeemer. The Redeemer, Jesus Christ came aproximately 2000 yrs ago. The Jews where exposed to false gods by pagan nations, and where punished for it, because they had a covenant with the revealed Deity. It was through them that a single Deity was reveal because they were chosen to live by this truth. So you see the fallen world was helpless to know this single Deity. And it was through the Jewish nation that the Redeemer would come The fact that there were false gods, only proves that mankind in spite of ignorance still acknowledge a higher power, even if they didn’t know exactly what this power was. Abraham was the father of the Jewish nation, and God told him that his posterity would be like sand on the sea shore, The sin of Adam cut humanity’s relationship with God, and it could not be restored by a human. Jesus was God-man who could restore this relationship once again. By one man the world was lost, by one man, Jesus, God-man the world is restored.
But there was one detail that was new to me: “The Jews where exposed to false gods by pagan nations, and where punished for it”
I thought that the Jews kept the law of Moses…