JPII Worst Mass Murderer of the 20th Century? (TCS)

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By Michael Cook

Only a month after the death of his predecessor, the new Pope, Benedict XVI, announced that he had launched the process which culminates in Catholic sainthood. The Vatican normally moves at a glacial pace in such things, so the unprecedented speed confirms what most people feel about John Paul II – that he was an extraordinarily good chap.

However, before the faithful get too wound up, something has to be tidied up: the little matter of whether Karol Wojtyla was, in fact, the greatest mass murderer of the 20th century. If he was, canonisation might not be such a good idea.

Here’s what the devil’s advocates have had to say.

Nicholas Kristof, of the New York Times, says that the Vatican’s rejection of condoms has cost hundreds of thousands of lives, making it one of “its most tragic mistakes in the first two millennia of its history” (1). The influential New Statesman, in London, ran a cover story shortly after the Pope’s death claiming that he “probably contributed more to the continental spread of [AIDS] than the trucking industry and prostitution combined” (2).

Rosemary Neill, of The Australian, in Sydney, opined that the intransigent Vatican “will eventually be accused of crimes against humanity” (3).

Polly Toynbee, of the UK’s Guardian newspaper – who clearly had something quite vile for breakfast that morning – compared JP2 to Lenin: “they both put extreme ideology before human life and happiness, at unimaginable human cost” (4).

Even doctors chimed in. The world’s leading medical journal, The Lancet, accused an ignorant and rigid Pope of presenting “insuperable obstacles to the prevention of disease” (5).

I’m not aware of whether any of these writers have visited AIDS hospices and embraced AIDS patients, as John Paul II did, or worked as hard John Paul II did to get international funding for AIDS treatment. By and large, they seem to be the same crowd who put the boot into everything else he did. But they have made their claim and it deserves a hearing. Does it stand up?

There’s no doubt that AIDS in Africa is terrifying. The latest survey of AIDS prevalence in Swaziland, a tiny kingdom of 2 million people surrounded by South Africa, has reached 42.6 per cent, the highest in the world. And climbing. Three years ago, in 2002, it was 38.6 per cent. “Swaziland will be wiped out,” said one AIDS activist despairingly (6). Figures for other countries in southern Africa are almost as grim.

According to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), two-thirds of people with HIV/AIDS live in sub-Saharan Africa. At the end of 2004, 25.4 million people there were infected, with about 3 million infected during the year. Life expectancy at birth has dropped below 40 in nine countries: Botswana, Central African Republic, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. In Zimbabwe, life expectancy at birth was 52 years in 1990, and only 34 in 2003 (7).

Awful. Unbelievably, heart-rendingly awful.

But there is something absurdly medieval about making the Pope a scapegoat, as if the clouds would break and the sun shine if we thrust enough pins through a JP2 voodoo doll. Pinning such blame for the tragedy of African AIDS on one man is one of those ideas that is, in the words of George Orwell, “so stupid that only intellectuals could believe them.” . . .

Full article
See that kind of mindless dribble makes me mad:mad: Take the responsiblility for others behavior and put it on the Pope:mad: If people would have listened to him,the spread of Aids would have stopped.(sexual spread of aids anyway):nope:

For a start, countries, which have aids, have lack of education, probably lack of moral beliefs in the past and no self control.

So if people are education and do not have more than one partner
then things can be helped.

The Catholic Church cannot alter to meet people demands.

God Bless
Saint Andrew.
Redicilous, just because some people’s brains are in a differnet area of the body, :rolleyes: Chasity, morality, drugs etc; are to blame, not JP2.
The Usual Suspects on the Left chime in here. I find it both interesting and tragic that starting from a false premise (e.g., condoms = good) results in such wrongheaded conclusions. But rather than examine their false premises, they persist in their delusion even until the extinction of man.
Let’s see here…

“don’t use condoms” is the same as…“gas ovens”

“don’t use condoms” is the same as …“concentration camps”

“don’t use condoms” is the same as …“torture chambers”

“don’t use condoms” is the same as …“the killing fields”

“don’t use condoms” is the same as…“MURDER”???
They only focus on a small part of the message. A fundamental teaching of the Catholic Church and the Pope is, “don’t have sex outside of marriage”. If people followed that basic teaching, the spread of HIV would be much less, condoms or no condoms. But that’s probably just another example of vile, medieval backwards thinking.
For God’s sake, not everyone in Africa is a Catholic. Catholic teaching doesn’t contribute to the death of Africa. Human immorality does! Even if the pope supports condom distribution, you’ll still have problems over there. Just look at their sexual behavior, majority of African men don’t want to use condoms. They engage in crazy sex acts like salting the women’s vaginas. If the liberals are so concerned about the people of Africa, why don’t they go over there and distribute condoms? As a religious institution or aid group, they have every right to believe whatever they believe. If you don’t believe what they believe, then go over there and do it yourself.
So typical of the left wing media, to accuse a man who urges faithfulness, fidelity and love of family to be responsible for genocide!
If people restrained there sexual rantings thier would be changes; look at Uganda, a Catholic country that is pushing abstinence, the HIV/AIDS prevalence has drastically reduced in just 5 years.

“If your not bonking who you want when you want then there is something wriong with you”; that is these Stupid journalist’s opinions and who are they anyway? nobody’s!!.
Besides any doctor will tell you condoms are not safe in protecting against HIV/AIDS as the virus is smaller than the miniscule holes in the latex.
Do not be Afraid!!! God will judge! men will not and especially the lunatic left.
Santo Subito!!!
Last night I went to the concert and the power went out for a while. The kids just sang on stage, in the dark, until they came back on.

It was extremely disturbing. Probably was due to weather brought about by global warming, which JPII failed to get President Bush to sign the Kyoto treaty, so I’m sure we have JPII to blame for the darkness last night. Oooh, JPII and darkness, is anybody getting cold chills?

Also a few days ago I woke up with a stiff neck. I suppose I must have been under some tension because I had just read that JPII was actually Catholic. It just goes to show how Catholic leaders don’t care whether my neck hurts or not.

There’s one more thing I think we should consider when deciding whether JPII was really a saint. I’m pretty sure he was ultimately behind the demise of two Space Shuttles, although the intelligence on it is still very sketchy.

OK, maybe I do sarcasm lousy, but if you really want to see support for JPII, I appeal to one instance in history where someone finally went too far and got burned by it. Does “Sinead O’Connor” ring a bell for anyone? When she tore up a photo of JPII on stage, decrying him as “the real enemy” she found out that her mouth can actually make her pretty unpopular! Ahh, she probably was just mad because the Pope had more hair than she did.

For goodness sake, I wish people would stop blaming the CC for the Aids epidemic in Africa. :mad:

Africa is not 100% Catholic. The only people who will listen to the Vatican and not use condoms will be FAITHFUL CATHOLICS.

FAITHFUL CATHOLICS wil not have had pre-marital sex.

FAITHFUL CATHOLICS will abstain if they have an STD.

UNFAITHFUL CATHOLICS will have sex anyway, with a condom.

So either way, the Vatican can’t be blamed, because the only people who will listen to them will be the faithful Catholics! And the faithful Catholics won’t have STDs!

As I mentioned in a previous thread, this is the latest anti-Catholic attack. I don’t like to throw around anti-Catholic very much, but this is a blatant case when people say that Church teachings cause evil.

I see these comments and articles as coming from people who, if not completely atheistic, are people who can only handle the requirements of a secular society and nothing more. There is nothing, and no one, bigger, more important, or more morally qualified as they are. Theirs is a life lived without the existence of God and Heaven (or Hell) and, as a result, they live a pleasure-driven life that directs them to acquire all the toys and physical pleasure they can - before they expire into nothingness; no ultimate destination like Heaven. It is a lonely life that has no purpose other than to seek pleasure. So, they protect their right to adulterous and promiscuous sex, and all of the excesses in life, for that matter.

They make these comments without mentioning that condoms have been reported to be, at best, 90% effective in preventing communicable diseases and/or pregnancy. This percentage translates into a 10% probability of not being fully protected during sexual activity. The point they are missing is that abstinence, until marriage, is the more effective way to go to help prevent the horrors of AIDS and other physical and social maladies. But how dare the Church ask them to live a sensibile and moral life! That kind of living can only get in the way of their pleasure-seeking selfish existence. As a result, let’s all blame the Pope and his church for the absense of morality and common sense in today’s world.

In my opinion, people who make statements and write articles that are so over the top expose themselves as professional charlatans.
Regarding the article, my grandfather used to take stuff like this and spread it over his fields to fertilize his cotton and winter wheat. It may not make good logic or sense, but it might be useful for something…provided that we first pass it through the digestive system of a cow. Now to find a cow stupid enough to swallow it…
Yeah, let’s NOT to what somebody says and then accuse them of things that go wrong :rolleyes:
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