Judeo-Christianity: what's going on here?

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Charles E. Carlson

A powerful new lobby tells the world its purpose is to direct Congress to act on behalf of the State of Israel. Unity Coalition for Israel (UCI) is strictly an Israeli controlled organization that calls for a militant, no compromise solution to its Arab problem. What makes UCI unique among radical Israeli political groups is that it finds its support among prominent USA professing Christians.

Some stumping Americans raise the UCI agenda in colleges and churches. In fact, the UCI “Christians” go far beyond the Israelis in their call for Arab blood. This paper examines who these Judeo-Christians are, their motives, and the impact on peace in the world.

Israeli political lobbies in the US Congress are hardly new. Upward to 100 pro-Israel PACs swarm over the American Washington, approaching every new candidate for Congress before his fur is dry. Most big campaigns have, in the past been orchestrated by the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

As detailed in Andrew Hurley’s book, Holocaust II Saving Israel from Suicide, former Congressmen have, for three decades, privately and occasionally publicly, called AIPAC the most powerful lobby in Washington. Few dare talk about it in public.
What makes UCI different from AIPAC is that its lobbyists are mostly celebrity Christians. Nevertheless, strictly Israelis and American non-Christians control the organization. This might be likened to a flock of turkeys laboring for the elimination of fox skin coats.

UCI does not stop with bending Congress; it openly and without reservation seeks to re-define Christianity to conform to Judaic requirements, seeking Christian support for Israel’s policies vis-à-vis the Palestinians, while openly declaring that its aims are to control the rest of the Middle East. The foxes, it seems, pay the Christian turkeys to perch on the low limbs.

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St. James said:
Charles E. Carlson

A powerful new lobby tells the world its purpose is to direct Congress to act on behalf of the State of Israel. Unity Coalition for Israel (UCI) is strictly an Israeli controlled organization that calls for a militant, no compromise solution to its Arab problem. What makes UCI unique among radical Israeli political groups is that it finds its support among prominent USA professing Christians.

Some stumping Americans raise the UCI agenda in colleges and churches. In fact, the UCI “Christians” go far beyond the Israelis in their call for Arab blood. This paper examines who these Judeo-Christians are, their motives, and the impact on peace in the world.

Israeli political lobbies in the US Congress are hardly new. Upward to 100 pro-Israel PACs swarm over the American Washington, approaching every new candidate for Congress before his fur is dry. Most big campaigns have, in the past been orchestrated by the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

As detailed in Andrew Hurley’s book, Holocaust II Saving Israel from Suicide, former Congressmen have, for three decades, privately and occasionally publicly, called AIPAC the most powerful lobby in Washington. Few dare talk about it in public.
What makes UCI different from AIPAC is that its lobbyists are mostly celebrity Christians. Nevertheless, strictly Israelis and American non-Christians control the organization. This might be likened to a flock of turkeys laboring for the elimination of fox skin coats.

UCI does not stop with bending Congress; it openly and without reservation seeks to re-define Christianity to conform to Judaic requirements, seeking Christian support for Israel’s policies vis-à-vis the Palestinians, while openly declaring that its aims are to control the rest of the Middle East. The foxes, it seems, pay the Christian turkeys to perch on the low limbs.

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> Judeo-Christianity: what’s going on here?

What is going on here is bigotry, and it is getting very tiring…
Just another in our rapidly growing collection of anti war websites:

From the “Ministry” website:

Project Strait Gate is an action program started by We Hold These Truths to focus on one of the primary causes of serial wars.

The inability or unwillingness of some Christian church leaders to act out their God ordained mandate to be peacemakers makes them facilitators for those who make war.* The element among us that always opt for conflict as a political mechanism for power is using church leaders to keep serial wars aflame.

Project Strait Gate takes education directly to the congregation of the church.* Learn how you can start your own easy to carry out and effective project with a minimum of time and money.* An information package and all needed hand-outs are available.* You need only a few banners and signs, and we can show you what to print on them.


USA Undercuts the UN with Niggardly Aid for Tsunami Victims

December 30, 2004 By Charles E. Carlson
Mr. Bush is spurning the United Nations because it is staging a mild media revolt against the President’s Serial War policies.

Peace Mongers at Church
December 13, 2004 By Charles E. Carlson
One cannot turn a page or flip the channel without being told that the Christian Right now controls America. Is there anyone who has not heard it? Yet no one explains how these millions who claim to believe on the “Prince of Peace” have been persuaded to vote for “Christian leaders” who promise anything but peace.

AND then there are the usual “anti-Israel” book offerings.
So what’s all this “Christian” Zionism about anyway? It’s certainly not based in the Gospel–that is, unless the Scofield Bible is your translation of choice.
:hmmm: I can’t believe it:D Hello,Gillam;) Hello,St.James;) I wanted to tell you guys good night before I go to sleep.Now you two need to get your rest,men need their sleep too.If you guys get rest you can start fresh in the morning:) God Bless
Perhaps the “Judeo-Catholics” here prefer the the censored Gospels of the “The New Testament and Psalms: A New Inclusive Translation” from Oxford University Press.
The uncensored Authorized Version (“King James”) edition of the New Testament is more than ever under attack as a type of “hate literature” that must be “cleaned up” or even “eradicated.”

Suppression of the New Testament passages critical of the Pharisees has emerged in an edition of the Bible published by the Oxford University Press in 1997.

The Oxford publishers of “The New Testament and Psalms: A New Inclusive Translation” have censored the inspired words of Matthew, John and Paul in order, " to portray the story of Jesus’ life and death in a way that is not offensive to Jews."

In the texts of Matthew, John, Acts, Corinthians and the other sections of the New Testament, negative references to Jews have been censored and removed.

Where the New Testament formerly referred to “the Jewish leaders,” the Orwellian Oxford Bible has “the leaders.” For “Jews,” the new Bible substitutes “men.”

The Oxford Bible publishers state: “When the Jews' is used to refer to ...unbelieving people, it is rendered the religious authorities’ or simply the leaders' or authorities’ to minimize what could be perceived as a warrant for anti-Jewish bias.”

“I commend them for [taking out] the anti-Jewish stuff, which was originally mistranslated,” said Rabbi Jacob Rudin, of the American Jewish Committee.

Irvin Borowsky, chairman of the American Interfaith Institute,worked for a year with the Oxford University Press to delete Biblical language hostile to Jews. He stated that "We are enormously encouraged [by] these changes …the very first in 1,800 years."

The American Interfaith Institute is a Philadelphia-based organization excluively devoted to the censorship of the New Testament by "working to remove anti-Judaism from Christian liturgy."
These are the fruits of “Judeo-Christianity.”
So what you are saying is that you are an Anti-Semite? :tsktsk:
St. James:
Perhaps the “Judeo-Catholics” here prefer the the censored Gospels of the “The New Testament and Psalms: A New Inclusive Translation” from Oxford University Press.

These are the fruits of “Judeo-Christianity.”
So what you are saying is that you are an Anti-Semite? :tsktsk:
No, that is what you are saying.

What I am saying is that I am Catholic and I prefer not to have the Catholic faith distorted through a merging with rabbinic Judaism.

I’d prefer that the Gospels, the Word of God which our religion is based upon, remain unchanged. I’d prefer that the Gospels not be changed in concessions to Jewish pressure to make make them more friendly to Jews.

Some “Judeo-Catholics” seem to encourage this distortion of Catholic faith. Can I assume that you are among their ranks?
You can assume that I am someone who Knows our Lord was a Jew and the Jews are our Lords chosen people…no matter how hard you try, you cant not erase our history…our religion sprang out of Judaism, so how can we separate the two?
St. James:
No, that is what you are saying.

What I am saying is that I am Catholic and I prefer not to have the Catholic faith distorted through a merging with rabbinic Judaism.

I’d prefer that the Gospels which our religion is based upon remain unchanged. I’d prefer that the Gospels not be changed in concessions to Jewish pressure to make make them more friendly to Jews.

Some “Judeo-Catholics” seem to encourage this distortion of Catholic faith. Can I assume that you are among them?
…our religion sprang out of Judaism, so how can we separate the two?
The rabbis would be proud of you for repeating this falsehood.

Christianity did not “spring from” rabbinic Judaism this is a falsehood which when taken to it’s logical end is a complete betrayal of our Lord.

Rabbinic Judaism is the religion of the Pharisees–the Pharisees who condemned our Lord to be executed for His teaching which infuriated them due to it being contrary to their tradition which nullifies Old Testament scripture. Hence our Lord’s condemnation.

The tradition of the Pharisees (the tradition of the elders), which our Lord condemned, is rabbinic Judaism. To say that Christianity “sprang from” the tradition of the Pharisees is a betrayal of our Lord of the worst kind.
The Jewish religion as it is today, traces it’s descent without a break, throughout all the centuries, from the Pharisees. Their leading ideas, and methods, found extent in the literature of enormous extent, of which a very great deal, is still in existence. The Talmud is the largest and most important single piece of that literature, and a study of it is essential, for any real understanding, of Phariseeism.” (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia)
Christ’s teaching was in complete opposition to the tradition of the Pharisees. Our Lord publicly rebuked the Pharisees and called them hypocrites. That is why the Pharisees had Him executed.

Christianity did not “spring out” of the tradition of the Pharisees.

Christianity came from Christ’s proper interpretation and* fulfillment of* Old Testament scripture. It did not “spring forth” from the Tradition of the Pharisees, which circumvents and seeks loopholes in Old Testament scripture.
…our religion sprang out of Judaism, so how can we separate the two?
Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity are rival religions.

It’s a modern distortion to assert that the two are interrelated.
Mr Anti-Semite…I mean, St. James…do you actually believe this?
St. James:
Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity are rival religions.

It’s a modern distortion to assert that the two are interrelated.
St. James:
Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity are rival religions.
Not really. How many evangelical Jews do you know? My bet is none. Judaism doesn’t normally prosetylize. In fact, they tend to dissuade people from converting.
St. James…do you actually believe this?
Of course I do.

There was no harmony between Jesus Christ and the Pharisees. Likewise I see no harmony between Christ’s religion and the religion of the Pharisees.
St. James:
There was no harmony between the Jesus Christ and the Pharisees. Likewise I see no harmony between Christ’s religion and the religion of the Pharisees.
Then you are going against the teachings of the Church.

On February 5, 2004, in a meeting with Jewish representatives at the Vatican, Pope John Paul II, noted: “As we now approach the 40th anniversary of this historic document (Nostra Aetate, the Second Vatican Council’s condemnation of anti-Semitism), there is regrettably a great need to repeat our utter condemnation of racism and anti-Semitism.” In order to re-affirm the Church’s teaching on its relationship to the Jews and its stand against anti-Semitism, the BCEIA has decided to re-publish its 1988 Criteria for the Evaluation of Dramatizations of the Passion, and to do so in a volume which gathers together key documents of Catholic teaching over more than forty years. The volume is entitled The Bible, the Jews and the Death of Jesus: A Collection of Catholic Documents. The documents included clarify Catholic teaching on the interpretation of Scripture, Catholic understanding regarding a proper presentation of the Passion and Death of Christ, and the Church’s ongoing condemnation of the sin of anti-Semitism.

“The Bible, the Jews and the Death of Jesus: A Collection of Catholic Documents,” No. 5-618, paperback, 128 pp., $11.95 ISBN 1-57455-618-5 is available February 23, 2004. To order this resource or to obtain a catalog of other USCCB titles, call toll free 800-235-8722. In the Washington metropolitan area or from outside the United States, call 202-722-8716. Visit the bishops’ Internet site at www.usccb.org. Para ordenar recursos en español, llame al 800-235-8722 y presione 4 para hablar con un representante del servicio al cliente en español.
Although the Church is the new people of God, the Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God, as if this followed from the Holy Scriptures. All should see to it, then, that in catechetical work or in the preaching of the word of God they do not teach anything that does not conform to the truth of the Gospel and the spirit of Christ. Furthermore, in her rejection of every persecution against any man, the Church, mindful of the patrimony she shares with the Jews and moved not by political reasons but by the Gospel’s spiritual love, decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone.

Judaism doesn’t normally prosetylize. In fact, they tend to dissuade people from converting.
That’s correct. And this is because most orthodox Jews believe that their salvation comes from their race, not through faith like Christ taught.

But this is beside the point.

Judaism is the religion of those who rejected their Messiah and continued to follow the tradition of the Pharisees.

Christianity is the religion of those who accepted Christ as the Messiah.

Anyone with even a basic understanding of early church history knows that the two religions were rival religions.

The fact that many Judaics still seek to alter the Gospels testifies to the fact that nothing has changed.

I tend to agree with Jewish convert to Christianity, Israel Shamir who describes Zionism as being,** “…just the most recent phase of a determined opposition to the Christian order that goes all the way back in time.”**
St. James:
Anyone with even a basic understanding of early church history knows that the two religions were rival religions.
Only if you were a Jew. Your not a Jew, so don’t worry so much about it.
“The Church and the Jewish people continue to enjoy close bonds of friendship,” said the Pope. “It is my fervent prayer that men and women will work together to eradicate all forms of racism in order to build a society that promotes truth, justice, love and peace. Upon all of you I invoke the divine gifts of strength and joy. Shalom!" Dec. 17, 2004

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