Judgmental Catholics

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vern humphrey:
Who ARE these abortionists, drug peddlars, pedophiles, etc.?

When you put a name to them – when you accuse an actual person of being an abortionist, drug peddlar or pedophile, you need more than just gossip or a paragraph posted on the internet.
I’ll tell you about one. His name is Dr. George Tiller. My kids and many others know him as “Tiller the Killer.”

He lives a few miles from me.

He may be the best known late term abortionist in the country, but I do know his clients come here from all over the country to get what is illegal in most other places.

I also have been elected as a pro-life politician and had a direct affect in a vote decided by 4 votes, that our congressional district stayed in the control of the pro-lifers instead of pro-abort “moderate” liberal Republicans.

Years ago the Lambs of Christ staged a major protest in Wichita, called the “Summer of Mercy.” The priest in charge (I forgot his name) of their group said Mass at our church.

I drive right by his clinic almost every day. I often honk and wave at the protestors if I see any. Many of my friends, and one Kansas congressman at least, and singer Rich Mullins, all did jail time in Wichita for their protests. I have not felt called to that level of protest yet.

A coworker of mine used to taunt him at his office and lived near him, saying out loud things to him in the grocery store like, “hey George, how many babies did you have to kill to buy those steaks?” Same guy took it upon himself to talk to Tiller’s pastor at the time, with some interesting results. I’m not advocating taunting, but I mean to say I have some pretty direct contacts, including having discussed his “work” with some of his patients, personally and privately.

Here is his own web page advertising his elective late term abortion care.

A coworker of mine used to taunt him at his office and lived near him, saying out loud things to him in the grocery store like, “hey George, how many babies did you have to kill to buy those steaks?” Same guy took it upon himself to talk to Tiller’s pastor at the time, with some interesting results. I’m not advocating taunting, but I mean to say I have some pretty direct contacts, including having discussed his “work” with some of his patients, personally and privately.
If you go too far, someone may take it upon himself to shoot or bomb this guy. That is counter-productive.

Note that NARAL produced an ad accusing Judge Roberts of “supporting abortion clinic bombers” – it’s a lie, but they were aimed right at our achilles heel.
Al Masetti:
On the other hand, what if I hear Mary screaming “call the police; he’s killing me” and then I hear the unmistakeable sound of a fist hitting flesh. I haven’t seen anything … and maybe they’re rehearsing a play or fooling around with their new computer generated voice program or have their TV set turned up too loud.

So, now, should I call the police or would that be judgemental???

If it’s real… well there is is no time to lose…On the other hand, am I being judgemental.
Back in the 60s, my family got the stock-market trading game called Pit.

Oh, it was fun. I knew nothing about stocks or money but our family of four played with vigor. We we all four, usually quietly working jigsaw puzzles, yelling frantically, “four, four, four” “two, two ,two!!”" when a neighbor came up to the front door. Hearing the yells, he let himself in without knocking so that in case he needed to he could turn back and call the police.

Suddenly we noticed him standing there next to us, wondering what all the yelling was about.

Had he called the police, I would not have considered him judgmental unless he also told them that they thought we were all evil people. Calling the police because there is evidence of a crime and judging a peron’s heart are soo not the same thing, that I think I might have to think up a new award to bestow. Maybe I’ll call it the “duhhh” award.

vern humphrey:
This is a natural consequence of abandoning the Constitution, which is what the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act did. This act was based on the theory that “Political discussion is too important to allow ordinary citizens to participate.”

The idea was that organizations with political agendas are somehow baaaaad. So those organizartions, from NOW to the NRA, were shut out. And look what rushed into the vaccuum!http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon11.gif
I agree with your sentiments, but I thought it was called the Major Media Empowerment ad.

For example, NRA once was fighting over whether they could run partisan political ads too close to the election. That was insane. What is free speech for? I don’t even remember who won because I was following other issues.

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