Just curious--do you catholics sign yourself if in a protestant church during prayer?

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You are making your assertions from a Catholic point of view. For a Southern Baptist, yelling out in agreement is as normative as for us signing ourselves.
I certainly understand your point of view, but you are mistaken about why I made my assertions.

I am an ex-Southern Baprist minister and have been a convert for eight years now. I have never seen anyone make the sign of the cross except at weddings and funerals and at that time it never bothered me in the least, nor have I ever heard anyone having a problem with it.

As far as crossing myself in a synagogue or mosque, I have no opinion since I have never been in this situation.
pnewton said:
I am an ex-Southern Baprist minister and have been a convert for eight years now. I have never seen anyone make the sign of the cross except at weddings and funerals and at that time it never bothered me in the least, nor have I ever heard anyone having a problem with it.
I am glad to hear crossing myself would not be out of place in a Southern Baptist Church. But I do know for a fact they dislike it at the Pentecostal Tabernacle where I live. In that case, it is the responsibility of the visitor to find out what is acceptable in the particular church they are visiting. Is it not?
OK… Now let me ask you people this: How would you feel if someone started clapping and yelling out “amen brother”, “right on”, “you tell it to them” or would get up and start interpreting the scriptures, or break into a song of praise during the Sunday mass or the Eucharistic Adoration? Would they be justified witnessing their faith to us or not?

I think there is a time to witness and there is time to simply respect other people’s way of worship.
A sign of the cross is silent and can easily be ignored. It is not like loudly breaking into a service, which would be impossible to ignore. In fact, I daresay that there are relatively few churches where breaking into the service randomly is the norm.

As far as the “Amen, Brother!” goes, I personally wouldn’t mind it at all… at least it is participation. Some of the homilies I have heard could use a “Help him, Jesus!” thrown in, too.
I use the sign of the cross any time I pray or even as a quick prayer in and of itself be it at another church, at home, when passing by an accident, when passing by a church, etc., etc., etc.
OK… Now let me ask you people this: How would you feel if someone started clapping and yelling out “amen brother”, “right on”, “you tell it to them” or would get up and start interpreting the scriptures, or break into a song of praise during the Sunday mass or the Eucharistic Adoration? Would they be justified witnessing their faith to us or not?

I think there is a time to witness and there is time to simply respect other people’s way of worship.
Amen brother. Nowt wrong with that
Call me a dinosaur but I think a Catholic has absolutely no business taking part in a Protestant Worship. To take part in a Protestant Worship is denounce part of your Catholicity. Do you really want to do that? You are saying, in public, that a Protestant Worship Service is part of you.

I believe the origininator of this thread assumes that many Catholics go to Protestant Worship Services. Where I live that would be a rare.
Call me a dinosaur but I think a Catholic has absolutely no business taking part in a Protestant Worship. To take part in a Protestant Worship is denounce part of your Catholicity. Do you really want to do that? You are saying, in public, that a Protestant Worship Service is part of you.

But Exporter:

What does one do then when their spouse might be a Protestant? Hopefully not for long though. Are you saying I, a new Catholic Convert should refuse to go to my husband’s present Church because it is sooooo wrong? They still Love the Lord there you know. Even though they might be “separated brethern”. What do you think then? Would welcome your thoughts.

God Bless You Exporter–whoever you are–
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