nsper7, how wonderful.
I welcome you. I have marked my calendar for October 12th and I will remember you at Mass that day.
Our Lady of Fatima requested that we say a Rosary daily for world peace.
I love the Rosary and right now I am working on the Rosary Novena (27 petition - 27 thanksgiving [even if your petition is not granted]); my petition is for the END OF ABORTION IN THE US AND THE ENTIRE WORLD so I sincerely hope that our Dear Lord will listen to my prayers as passed to Him by his Blessed Mother.
Congratulations again!!!:clapping: :harp:
I welcome you. I have marked my calendar for October 12th and I will remember you at Mass that day.
Our Lady of Fatima requested that we say a Rosary daily for world peace.
I love the Rosary and right now I am working on the Rosary Novena (27 petition - 27 thanksgiving [even if your petition is not granted]); my petition is for the END OF ABORTION IN THE US AND THE ENTIRE WORLD so I sincerely hope that our Dear Lord will listen to my prayers as passed to Him by his Blessed Mother.
Congratulations again!!!:clapping: :harp: