Of course I may gain some enemies here, but I hated it.
Possible spoilers…highlight the text if you want them.
Anakin’s turn to the darkside was too abrupt.
Vader’s little temper tantrum (‘nooooooo!’) was totally uncharacteristic of anything we see in Vader in the later films; and is also uncharacteristic of Anakin.
For someone so torn that he cannot bring himself to kill Anakin, he seems to have no trouble leaving him to the slow torture of being burned alive.
All of the Jedi masters succomb so easily to “order 66” I have to wonder if there was anything special about their capabilities at all.
In episode 6, Leia can remember her mother. Now we can clearly see that there should be no memory.
Obi Wan tells Padme that he saw Anakin kill the younglings on a security camera recording…yet he only watched Anakin’s pledge of loyalty to the Sith.
I still can’t get past the quote “A pupil of mine named Darth Vader betrayed and killed your father.” -Star Wars ANH.
I feel the story has all the earmarks of an author that knows what he wants to say, but keeps getting caught up in his own storytelling that he has to keep ‘patching’ it to make it work.
The story just does not work.
Possible spoilers…highlight the text if you want them.
Anakin’s turn to the darkside was too abrupt.
Vader’s little temper tantrum (‘nooooooo!’) was totally uncharacteristic of anything we see in Vader in the later films; and is also uncharacteristic of Anakin.
For someone so torn that he cannot bring himself to kill Anakin, he seems to have no trouble leaving him to the slow torture of being burned alive.
All of the Jedi masters succomb so easily to “order 66” I have to wonder if there was anything special about their capabilities at all.
In episode 6, Leia can remember her mother. Now we can clearly see that there should be no memory.
Obi Wan tells Padme that he saw Anakin kill the younglings on a security camera recording…yet he only watched Anakin’s pledge of loyalty to the Sith.
I still can’t get past the quote “A pupil of mine named Darth Vader betrayed and killed your father.” -Star Wars ANH.
I feel the story has all the earmarks of an author that knows what he wants to say, but keeps getting caught up in his own storytelling that he has to keep ‘patching’ it to make it work.
The story just does not work.