Just Say No To C-Sections!

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What they don’t tell you about c-sections can kill you. It is NOT safer than natural births, it’s 4 times more deadly! Your recovery time will be longer, your risks of complications will be worse, and chances are YOU DIDN’T EVEN NEED IT.

Yep, they’ve fooled us all, even me. What they don’t tell you is, if something goes wrong while you are in labor, you CAN sue them for NOT giving you a cesarean. However, you CAN NOT sue them for giving you a c-section. Because when you get one, they make you sign paperwork saying that “since it’s such a dangerous procedure” they can’t be held responsible for what happens to you.

A whopping 1 in 4 births are c-sections here in America! Now that is just rediculous. Some of them happen for reasons that are NOT necessary. Like, the baby is in the wrong position - Lie on your side and she may turn. Labor is taking too long - take a walk! Get a good nurse-midwife and forget the hospital. Your chances of dying, having your baby die, or getting infections is LESS at home!!! Look it up women, and don’t be another c-section statistic!!!
What they don’t tell you about c-sections can kill you. It is NOT safer than natural births, it’s 4 times more deadly! Your recovery time will be longer, your risks of complications will be worse, and chances are YOU DIDN’T EVEN NEED IT.

Yep, they’ve fooled us all, even me. What they don’t tell you is, if something goes wrong while you are in labor, you CAN sue them for NOT giving you a cesarean. However, you CAN NOT sue them for giving you a c-section. Because when you get one, they make you sign paperwork saying that “since it’s such a dangerous procedure” they can’t be held responsible for what happens to you.

A whopping 1 in 4 births are c-sections here in America! Now that is just rediculous. Some of them happen for reasons that are NOT necessary. Like, the baby is in the wrong position - Lie on your side and she may turn. Labor is taking too long - take a walk! Get a good nurse-midwife and forget the hospital. Your chances of dying, having your baby die, or getting infections is LESS at home!!! Look it up women, and don’t be another c-section statistic!!!
No offense Christian4Life, but I think you do a profound disservice to those in this forum by making blanket medical recommendations without the benefit of advanced medical training or understanding. Further, few general recommendations apply to every individual health scenario. There ARE women for whom C-sections are absolutely the safest option for delivering their children. This is a matter best left to individual consultation between a pregnant woman and her physician. If an issue or doubt arises, a second opinion from an independent physician is far better way to become informed of ALL the risks and benefits of a certain course of action.
Island Oak:
No offense Christian4Life, but I think you do a profound disservice to those in this forum by making blanket medical recommendations without the benefit of advanced medical training or understanding. Further, few general recommendations apply to every individual health scenario. There ARE women for whom C-sections are absolutely the safest option for delivering their children. This is a matter best left to individual consultation between a pregnant woman and her physician. If an issue or doubt arises, a second opinion from an independent physician is far better way to become informed of ALL the risks and benefits of a certain course of action.
Island Oak makes a good point. The reason my mom had four of them was because she was too narrow to comfortably deliver vaginally, and her cervix wouldn’t dialate properly. We were all 7 pound/8 pound babies, and my mother was slim and petite. She was thankful to have the option of C-section, and nothing ever went wrong. She was in active labor with me (I’m the oldest) for an excrutiating day before she finally gave in and had the first one. The next three were much easier.
Okay, yes, there are times when it is the best option. I’m sorry I forgot to mention that!!! If your water breaks, GET THAT BABY OUT WITHIN 24 HOURS no matter what!!! If the baby is breech, for example, PLAN on getting a c-section beforehand.

However, you are SERIOUSLY wrong when you say the decision should be left up to the doctor!!!

Look up the statistics. Women who give birth in the hospital are more likely to die, even when compared to women with equal risk factors. Their babies, far more likely to contract deadly infections. Why? Because hospitals are FULL of germs! When I gave birth to my daughter, the woman who came and cleaned my room didn’t even speak english, and I saw her take the same filthy mop she used to clean the blood out of the bathroom and wipe the floor with it. I about puked!!!

My friend had a c-section and for the life of me I can’t figure out how she could be consent to it when there was NO medical reason for her to do so.

Nowadays, they don’t care if you NEED one or not, it’s just a way of covering thier butts. They are getting sued so much, I don’t think you even realize how much, for the times when women claim a c-section would have saved their babies.
And the people I am really talking to the most are people who for some reason think that it’s actually SAFER to have a c-section! Even my own family thinks that. Quite the opposite is true!!! I just want women to be INFORMED and to realize that it’s a last resort only option. If you really can’t get the baby to turn, your water broke 20 hours ago, get a c-section! If you can get the same results without a c-section, mind that you do!!
P.S. Go to www.storknet.com sometime and take a look at the lists of women who had hospital births! C-section this, intervention that, it will blow your mind!!!

Then look at the home births stories! These women, a lot of them were told they couldn’t have a home birth, and they did!!! A lot of them were told they were “too narrow” or the baby was “too big” and it was a load of hooey!

Can I ask where the anti-C-section angst is coming from??
What does the fact the woman cleaning your room didn’t speak any english have to do with anything? The solution they clean the floors with does kill the germs inherent on the floor - in fact, a lot of hospitals in my area require certificates for janitorial staff members because of the nature of chemicals involved. Was the woman supposed to go get a completely fresh mop to clean the rest of the floor with?

In my own birth, I was an upside down angel breech baby. I had an umblical cord also attached to my brain. If my mom had tried the natural way of birthing me, she and I would have both died.

So - are some c-sections unnecessary? Probably. It IS considered major surgery though, and the doctors I know try to persuade women out of having them due to the risk factors involved, as with all surgery.

I would like to know where the anti-C section sentiment is coming from, though. What event has occurred that has brought this to your attention in such manner?
However, you are SERIOUSLY wrong when you say the decision should be left up to the doctor!!!
No one, especially me, came close to suggesting that we as mothers supend our judgment and turn all decision making over to the Docs. What I AM suggesting is that doctors are the one with the medical training, education, access to updates on latest studies, tecniques, etc… This information is something we should tap into and use to inform our decision-making.

Further, to assume that all physicians undertake years of study, internships, fellowships, long hours and mountains of student-loan debt just to make money off sick people and avoid liability is patently illogical and unfair. The vast majority of clinical physicans care intensely about the welfare of their patients and avoid undertaking unnecessary risks not just to avoid liability suits (yes that concern does exist and is real), but to promote the health and well-being of their patients.
This is crazy alarmism. I had a c-section because after 12 hours of labors, and about 8 hours of petosin I wouldn’t dialate past a centimeter.
The highest risks in c-sections come from those that have been delayed to long during the birth process when a complication arises. And numerous children have been permanantly damaged and even died from vacuum extractions when a c-section would have been a much safer option.
Home birth may be as no more dangerous than hospital birth if you fit into the low-risk category only. I’d rather my baby be safe than worry about risks to myself, and hospital birth is safest for the baby. I’d like evidence if you think you can prove other wise.
I searched the web and found no site that came up with these alarming proclamations your making. In fact all I found was that modern c-section is a extremely safe procedure.

Can you provided resources to back up your claims?

Can I ask where the anti-C-section angst is coming from??
I’m not anti-c-section, just anti-UNECESSARY c-section. And when 1 in 4 birthing women are told they need them, I don’t know how anyone can think that is anything other than a flat out lie.

I hate injustice, and I hate it when people are being lied to. Also, it makes me mad because I am Pro-life and people always say how dangerous giving birth is and never actually look at WHY it is so dangerous. We’d like to think of ourselves as a DEVELOPED country, and yet even 3rd world Cuba has safer maternity rates than us! That just is NOT fair.

When women PLAN unecessary c-sections (yes, it is legal, and they are doing it, because somehow they think it’s safer and less painful, all LIES) and end up dying or having stillborns, then I have a huge problem with that.

When I had my daughter, I wrote out this big long list of how I wanted to be treated in the hospital, which is to say LOW intervention. I had researched it all beforehand, and written this comprehensive list of what I did and did not want to be done to me, and under what circumstances. WHICH the hospital promptly “lost” and went ahead and gave me an IV, an external monitor, an internal monitor, a catheter, oxygen mask, blood pressure cuff, tubes in my womb, etcetera. I felt like wire woman, I couldn’t even walk or get comfortable.

Then when they couldn’t find my daughter’s heartbeat on the monitor for wow, 5 whole seconds, they rushed me into the O.R. for an “emergency” c-section. Bonking me every which way along the way, pulling my catheter the wrong way, as I screamed in pain. Then, they PRESSURED and PRESSURED me to agree to a c-section, saying it was really the best thing. But I sat there and prayed that I wouldn’t have one - because I knew the risks - and guess what! My baby’s heartbeat was right there on the monitor again!!!

All that was wrong? She rolled over onto the cord!!! They could’ve figured that out if they weren’t in such a gosh darn hurry to do surgery on me!! And I couldn’t help thinking, how many other women does this happen to?? Why can’t they just try to find her heartbeat for a few more seconds before they get all in a huff about it?

Duh, Liability!!! Never mind my or my daughter’s lives, it’s all about not getting sued! So yeah, that was probably one of the scariest moments in my life and I just want other women to know the TRUTH!!!
This website has some of the risks of c-section. Note that it says, 1 in 2,500 women die during c-sections, whereas 1 in 10,000 die during natural labor.


There is also this one:
**High U.S. C-Section Rate
**According to the release, the World Health Organization recommends a c-section rate of no higher than 15%, but the U.S. c-section rate is greater than 26%. Rae Davis, executive director of CIMS, said, “With a million women having caesarean sections every year, this means that 400,000 to 500,000 may be unnecessary.”
If a woman opts to have a C-section, even though, she doesn’t need one, it’ HER business,not yours. B]Perhaps she doesn’t want her bottom to turn into one giant hemoroid, or have her hips spread, it’s her business of how she will deliver the baby.
If a woman wants an epidural, painkiller, or Lamaze or Bradford method to deliver, it’s her business.

When I had my daughter, I wrote out this big long list of how I wanted to be treated in the hospital, which is to say LOW intervention. I had researched it all beforehand, and written this comprehensive list of what I did and did not want to be done to me, and under what circumstances. WHICH the hospital promptly “lost” and went ahead and gave me an IV, an external monitor, an internal monitor, a catheter, oxygen mask, blood pressure cuff, tubes in my womb, etcetera. I felt like wire woman, I couldn’t even walk or get comfortable.​

Do you have any idea how many women DIED in child birth before these allegedly “not needed” interventions were invented? CHILDBIRTH used to be the leading cause of death in women.
WHO THE HECK IS COMFORTABLE DURING LABOR? HELLO??? UNLESS one gets an epidural you are usually in a lot of PAIN.
If a woman opts to have a C-section, even though, she doesn’t need one, it’ HER business,not yours. B]Perhaps she doesn’t want her bottom to turn into one giant hemoroid, or have her hips spread, it’s her business of how she will deliver the baby.
If a woman wants an epidural, painkiller, or Lamaze or Bradford method to deliver, it’s her business.

Are you THAT uninformed that you don’t know the RISKS of having an elective c-section to the mother AND the baby? Or do you just not care if women die???

Then when they couldn’t find my daughter’s heartbeat on the monitor for wow, 5 whole seconds, they rushed me into the O.R. for an “emergency” c-section. Bonking me every which way along the way, pulling my catheter the wrong way, as I screamed in pain. Then, they PRESSURED and PRESSURED me to agree to a c-section, saying it was really the best thing. But I sat there and prayed that I wouldn’t have one - because I knew the risks - and guess what! My baby’s heartbeat was right there on the monitor again!!!

All that was wrong? She rolled over onto the cord!!! They could’ve figured that out if they weren’t in such a gosh darn hurry to do surgery on me!! And I couldn’t help thinking, how many other women does this happen to?? Why can’t they just try to find her heartbeat for a few more seconds before they get all in a huff about it?

Duh, Liability!!! Never mind my or my daughter’s lives, it’s all about not getting sued! So yeah, that was probably one of the scariest moments in my life and I just want other women to know the TRUTH!!!
How long do you think an unborn child can live without a heart beat before they sustain permanant brain damage or die? How long would you have had them wait before saying ok go ahead? 10 seconds? 30 seconds? 2 minutes? 5? When you say ok, than they have to prep you, give you anestesia ect -that all takes time.

What if your baby really had been in trouble? WHat if the doctors said you know let’s wait a little longer and see if the heart beat has really stopped? And then your child ends up with brain damage because too much time has past or even worse -the child dies?

Thanks be to God there was nothing really wrong but is that the risk your willing to take? It is much more dangerous for an infant to go a prolonged time without a heartbeat, than to perform a c-section on a perfectly healthy one.

"A caesarean section is major abdominal surgery. The NCT is concerned about the public health implications of the rising caesarean section rate.
Fear of litigation seems to be driving up the caesarean section rate, together with lack of training and inadequate support and supervision for junior doctors, particularly on the appropriate use and interpretation of electronic foetal monitoring. Doctors often disagree on the criteria for deciding whether a caesarean section is necessary. "

Cases like mine are NOT UNCOMMON!!!
Childbirth is a risk, being pregnant is a risk,taking a TYLENOL is a risk,driving a car while pregnant is a risk, and doctors certainly let their patients know the risks. Believe me, there would be more lawsuits if there were not.
The only thing you seem to be worried about is telling other women about how to deliver their babies.That web site sounds as hokey as the anti circumcisions sites. Where they claim circumcision is “mutilation”.
How long do you think an unborn child can live without a heart beat before they sustain permanant brain damage or die? How long would you have had them wait before saying ok go ahead? 10 seconds? 30 seconds? 2 minutes? 5? When you say ok, than they have to prep you, give you anestesia ect -that all takes time.

What if your baby really had been in trouble? WHat if the doctors said you know let’s wait a little longer and see if the heart beat has really stopped? And then your child ends up with brain damage because too much time has past or even worse -the child dies?

Thanks be to God there was nothing really wrong but is that the risk your willing to take? It is much more dangerous for an infant to go a prolonged time without a heartbeat, than to perform a c-section on a perfectly healthy one.
What if I had gone ahead with it, and we’d both died??? What If only I had died, what would my baby do without a mother??

Look up the facts! The chances of her heart just “stopping beating” in the middle of labor are EXTREMELY slim. The chances of them being wrong and having the monitors off? Monumental. The chance of me dying in c-section because of thier mistake? At least 4 times greater than natural labor.

How long did I want to sit in the O.R. and wait?? No amount of time. I wanted them to CHECK AGAIN.
This website has some of the risks of c-section. Note that it says, 1 in 2,500 women die during c-sections, whereas 1 in 10,000 die during natural labor.



And how many babies would have died had those c-section not been performed? How many would suffer brain damage? You are not looking at the whole picture. Where are the stats for the babies?
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