Just Say No To C-Sections!

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Childbirth is a risk, being pregnant is a risk,taking a TYLENOL is a risk,driving a car while pregnant is a risk, and doctors certainly let their patients know the risks. Believe me, there would be more lawsuits if there were not.
The only thing you seem to be worried about is telling other women about how to deliver their babies.That web site sounds as hokey as the anti circumcisions sites. Where they claim it’s “mutalation”.
Because some risks are higher than others. Some acts are dumber than others, and some people know the facts, others don’t.

Which website? Kaiser permante or the childbirth.org?
This website has some of the risks of c-section. Note that it says, 1 in 2,500 women die during c-sections, whereas 1 in 10,000 die during natural labor.


There is also this one:
**High U.S. C-Section Rate **
According to the release, the World Health Organization recommends a c-section rate of no higher than 15%, but the U.S. c-section rate is greater than 26%. Rae Davis, executive director of CIMS, said, “With a million women having caesarean sections every year, this means that 400,000 to 500,000 may be unnecessary.”
Whats your point? 1 in 2500 is not very risky. Far lower than most operations.
What if I had gone ahead with it, and we’d both died??? What If only I had died, what would my baby do without a mother??

Look up the facts! The chances of her heart just “stopping beating” in the middle of labor are EXTREMELY slim.
So are the chances of you dying from a c-section, and the chances of your baby dying even less than your self.

You and your baby had a immensly greater chances of coming thru a c-section just fine than dying from it.
This website has some of the risks of c-section. Note that it says, 1 in 2,500 women die during c-sections, whereas 1 in 10,000 die during natural labor.


And how many babies would have died had those c-section not been performed? How many would suffer brain damage? You are not looking at the whole picture. Where are the stats for the babies?
I am looking at the whole picture, but what difference does it make if a healthy baby is born by c-section to a dead mother, or by labor to a living mother? A HUGE difference. Your presuming that these are necessary, when, as I’ve already proven, many are not.

Here’s more info on the health risks to the mother, and yes there are health risk to the baby as well. I’ve already provided a link for that.

So are the chances of you dying from a c-section, and the chances of your baby dying even less than your self.
That depends on the situation, and the numbers there may be misleading. Because the fact is being born is ALWAYS more dangerous to the baby than the mother’s giving birth. Baby’s have about a 1 in 100 chance of dying from regular natural labor, whereas women have about a 1 in 10,000. And from what I remember, a baby has 1 in 50 chance of dying with c-section. That’s from “What to Expect When your Expecting”.
Whats your point? 1 in 2500 is not very risky. Far lower than most operations.
My point is it’s riskier than natural labor, and half the time it isn’t even necessary. You are putting yourself AND your baby under an unecessary risk. That is bad. Get it?
So, in the end, it is really just that you had given explicit instructions, no one listened to you, and then you researched it online, and found others who felt the same way.

That’s cool. But it’s just not for everyone. Every doctor worth their gruff is going to inform you of the risks involved with all surgery. And, in this day and age of the Internet, libraries, classes - there’s not one reason why a mother-to-be cannot inform herself on a lot of these issues.
So, in the end, it is really just that you had given explicit instructions, no one listened to you, and then you researched it online, and found others who felt the same way.

That’s cool. But it’s just not for everyone. Every doctor worth their gruff is going to inform you of the risks involved with all surgery. And, in this day and age of the Internet, libraries, classes - there’s not one reason why a mother-to-be cannot inform herself on a lot of these issues.
Thank you. Bless you! Yes, someone finally gets it! That is exactly my point, GET INFORMED before you make a decision. Don’t let anyone else tell you what is right for you without looking it up yourself!

There are way too many uneccessary c-sections, unecessary deaths and complications from c-sections, and way too many women who just don’t know that they don’t always need it! There are cases when it’s the right thing to do, and cases when it isn’t. Learn the difference, people!!!
My point is it’s riskier than natural labor, and half the time it isn’t even necessary. You are putting yourself AND your baby under an unecessary risk. That is bad. Get it?
You need to get a hobby or something. You’re working yourself up into hysterics over something insignificant.
I am looking at the whole picture, but what difference does it make if a healthy baby is born by c-section to a dead mother, or by labor to a living mother? A HUGE difference. Your presuming that these are necessary, when, as I’ve already proven, many are not.

Here’s more info on the health risks to the mother, and yes there are health risk to the baby as well. I’ve already provided a link for that.

I checked the site, you are reading it with biased glasses. Even the planned c-sections had medical reasons listed (yes I’m sure there are few women that fear child birth and schedule a c-section.).

It says nothing about c-sections having a high risk of complications, it just lists the possible complication compared to vaginal births, and there is only a nominal difference if you look at the chart. According to them 10 out of 1000 (.1%) women have serious complications after vaginal delivery while 17 out of 1000 have serious complications after c-section. Not even .1% higher than vaginal births. This site gives extremely low numbers, it does not support your point.

I do not think anyone should undergo unnessary procedures, but when it comes to the life of an unborn child it is best to err on the side of caution. C-section is not a high risk procedure, you have given no evidence to support that.

For those that have not had much experience with hospitals and surgical procedures it certainly can seem very scary, and I sympathize with that. But fear should not over ride good sense.
What they don’t tell you about c-sections can kill you. It is NOT safer than natural births, it’s 4 times more deadly! Your recovery time will be longer, your risks of complications will be worse, and chances are YOU DIDN’T EVEN NEED IT.

Yep, they’ve fooled us all, even me. What they don’t tell you is, if something goes wrong while you are in labor, you CAN sue them for NOT giving you a cesarean. However, you CAN NOT sue them for giving you a c-section. Because when you get one, they make you sign paperwork saying that “since it’s such a dangerous procedure” they can’t be held responsible for what happens to you.

A whopping 1 in 4 births are c-sections here in America! Now that is just rediculous. Some of them happen for reasons that are NOT necessary. Like, the baby is in the wrong position - Lie on your side and she may turn. Labor is taking too long - take a walk! Get a good nurse-midwife and forget the hospital. Your chances of dying, having your baby die, or getting infections is LESS at home!!! Look it up women, and don’t be another c-section statistic!!!
Well, all my three children were all born my c-section-and the surgeries WERE ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! My children don’t drop into the birth canal and they would’ve died had I not had them by c-section. And I recovered in almost no time at all. In fact, I was up to almost normal activity in only three or four days.

Scout :tiphat:
What they don’t tell you about c-sections can kill you. It is NOT safer than natural births, it’s 4 times more deadly! Your recovery time will be longer, your risks of complications will be worse, and chances are YOU DIDN’T EVEN NEED IT.

Yep, they’ve fooled us all, even me. What they don’t tell you is, if something goes wrong while you are in labor, you CAN sue them for NOT giving you a cesarean. However, you CAN NOT sue them for giving you a c-section. Because when you get one, they make you sign paperwork saying that “since it’s such a dangerous procedure” they can’t be held responsible for what happens to you.

A whopping 1 in 4 births are c-sections here in America! Now that is just rediculous. Some of them happen for reasons that are NOT necessary. Like, the baby is in the wrong position - Lie on your side and she may turn. Labor is taking too long - take a walk! Get a good nurse-midwife and forget the hospital. Your chances of dying, having your baby die, or getting infections is LESS at home!!! Look it up women, and don’t be another c-section statistic!!!
Hey, I had three natural births but 2 years ago after 23 hours of labor and begging for them Not to do a C-section my blood pressure was so sky high I almost had a stroke and had to have an emergency C-section, what I found out is my sons head was turned in a position that there is no way I ever would have delivered him naturally, I know my doctor was not messing with me, he totally promotes natural births first and foremost and delivered all his own children but there are times when not having a c section can kill mother and child. Also, my friends baby was breach and she could not deliver, she tried and the baby almost died as the cord was wrapped around its neck, the doctors had to do a crash c-section to save the baby and they had to work on her to get her breathing, it was awful, so please, don’t go saying that women should not do what their doctors say in these situations, sure, some people have them simply because they don’t want to go through child birth and that is just so silly but when the doc says, now we go in and get that baby out then that is what you do.
and yet even 3rd world Cuba has safer maternity rates than us! That just is NOT fair.

A: i wouldnt exactly call Cuba third world. and i wouldnt say its “unfair” for another country to have safer maternity rates.
B: some women HAVE to have C-sections. they are safe and fine, both mommy and baby do well with them.
C: home births are a BAD idea, a midwife is NO substitute for a Doctor and necesarry hospital equipment. my best friend is a nurse in the NICU. she thinks C-Sections are the greatest thing! its so much safer for mom and baby. and the recovery time is only a couple days extra. my sister had one because her pelvic opening is too narrow. she will never be able to deliver vaginally, nor will i they believe. and im ok with that.
D. this decision is best left between a doctor and a mommy and a daddy. they know whats best for them. i have an amazing OBGYN who i know has only my best interest, my husbands best interest, and our future childrens best interest at heart. i have endometriosis, and PCOS, so any child i concieve will be hard work and i will have a c-section if it means having more babies in the future and protecting the one i am having at the time. hands down no questions asked! lets rock and roll doc!
I think you have every right to be upset. They should have checked the baby’s heartbeat again before they rushed you and pressured you. Babies, whether born or unborn, sometimes like to scare us(I think it comes in The Big Book of Ways to GiveYour Parents a Heart Attack, written by I.M A. Baby) 😃
Of course, if they have ascertained and double checked that a C-section is necessary, then by all means, someone should have one. If I am ever blessed with another child:gopray: :gopray2: ❤️ , I may need one, due to the arthritis in my hips. Doc said pregnancy would help ease the pain, but labor would be a you-know what!
and want to avoid a third, but because of malpractice, it’s doubtful. The amount of education involved in having the birth you want is huge – if you want a natural birth, get smart beFORE the emotions start tolling – before you’re in your 3rd trimester; take classes (and not the generic hospital offered ones – bradley, hypnobirthing, etc.) and have a doula there to help you see clearly – nothing more frightening than the doctors threatening your baby could die – it’s hard to think clearly; that’s what a doula is there for. Personally, there ARE too many c-sections due to rising medical malpractice – it’s also MUCH easier on already taxed staff to have a time (9:30am) that you will deliver, come hell or highwater…so there are many reasons to be cautious when a doc tells you “it’s no big deal” – just do your homework like you would before they cut you open for anything and have someone there who can think on your behalf and speak intelligently.

As for the “too small” thing, that just doesn’t make sense to me – why would this perfect God create in me a life only to kill one or both of us because he created me “wrong” for birthing??? What about all the itsy bitsy aisan women (not a slight, but aisan women tend to be smaller in general) who squat and give birth to normal babies? And there are COUNTLESS stories of women who have had a first c-section because she was “too small” to deliver her 7lb baby – guess what, they go on to a second vaginal birth and deliver a 9lb baby!

Think smart, do your research, pray for guidance and demand to be treated as a thinking adult, not as a “patient who’s taking up too much space in l&d”
My aunt is a tall gal as am I 5 ft 9 and she was unable to deliver her two kids and one was under six pounds and the other just barely 6 pounds and the woman labored for well over 20 hours and pushed for more than 3 and with both they just would not come out and both cases the babies hearts dropped dangerously low as they got stressed after over 20 hours labor and many hard pushing hours, the doctor said later, she was too narrow in her pelvis to get those babies out but the gal tried both times and both times ended in c-sections under terrifying circumstances, sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves and in the end we risk our babies and our own lives trying to do I don’t know what. I had huge babies all just under 10 pounds and the first three although very difficult labors and I never was induced, I went almost two weeks over with each and let things start on their own but with my fourth because my blood pressure was so high after I was a week over due the doctor started my labor and I kept with it for two days, I never have been through something so awful, I was in so much pain I still have nightmares and still I insisted we keep trying for natural and my doctor wanted this for me so badly too but in the end when I started passing in and out and my babies heart was dropping my doc and my husband and parents said "NO MORE " Get that baby out now and it was over so fast, boom, done, I was so glad it was over that all the pain involved in the c-section was nothing compared to having that child out and o.k. and I was scared for myself, I had never felt like that before, my head hurt so bad it felt like it was going to explode off of my body and my heart was racing and my face tingled and I felt so out of my body, I was very scared, it was awful, I am so glad I was in a hospital and not in my home and because I’d had three very normal deliveries before this I thought oh, this is nothing for me, I’m a pro but even if you’ve had several babies that doesn’t mean something can’t go very wrong very fast and it really is best to be in a hospital and these days they have very homey birthing rooms but your still close enough to the O.R. should something go wrong :twocents:
I respect your (name removed by moderator)ut immensely and I’m sure everyone else does as well – you seem very intelligent and thoughtful - could you do me one HUGE favor tho and punctuate a little more often??? ROFL – I’m sorry, but I get out of breath reading your posts – he he!! I find myself rushing thru them because there are no punctuation breaks (periods/commas, etc) and miss half of what you’re saying…which I don’t want to do!!

NO offense intended – I promise, but I keep having to read and re-read your posts b/c I get lost without the punctuation telling me when to pause…(isn’t that weird?! I know, I’m a nerd…)🤓
Sorry, I guess, I’ve never been a great one for puncuation, but, I will work on it. I always had trouble in English remembering when you are supposed to puncuate, while the rest of the class was learning, I was day dreaming I’m afraid. I guess, you could have just as well private messaged me rather than post it and point out my short comings, oh, well. :crying:
You need to get a hobby or something. You’re working yourself up into hysterics over something insignificant.
**AMEN!!! **I had no choice but have c-sections with both of my children. The first time it was to save BOTH my daughter and my life since I had severe pre-eclampsia and going into HELLP Syndrome (we were working on natural delivery, but I was way too sick).

I read about VBAC for my second child. I wanted to have a natural birth, but because of my high risk, and that my son was not dropping (3 days short of due date). **I **decided to go with another c-section. In fact, I was reading all this hysteria **** that I was freaking out during the delivery of my second child. My BP was very elevated. By the way, my son was stuck that they had to use forecepts to get him out. The doctor said that I would have been in a lot of discomfort and we would still have to have a c-section because he was big and my hips were small (you would not tell if you saw me LOL).

So… stop the hysterics!
God bless you for caring about women and their babies. You know, if you became a childbirth instructor, you could probably reach more people and have more of an impact. —KCT
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