What they don’t tell you about c-sections can kill you. It is NOT safer than natural births, it’s 4 times more deadly! Your recovery time will be longer, your risks of complications will be worse, and chances are YOU DIDN’T EVEN NEED IT.
Yep, they’ve fooled us all, even me. What they don’t tell you is, if something goes wrong while you are in labor, you CAN sue them for NOT giving you a cesarean. However, you CAN NOT sue them for giving you a c-section. Because when you get one, they make you sign paperwork saying that “since it’s such a dangerous procedure” they can’t be held responsible for what happens to you.
A whopping 1 in 4 births are c-sections here in America! Now that is just rediculous. Some of them happen for reasons that are NOT necessary. Like, the baby is in the wrong position - Lie on your side and she may turn. Labor is taking too long - take a walk! Get a good nurse-midwife and forget the hospital. Your chances of dying, having your baby die, or getting infections is LESS at home!!! Look it up women, and don’t be another c-section statistic!!!