You wrote what I was thinking. I have given natural birth 5 times, but my poor sister in law, pregnant the same amount of time that I was, has 2 children surviving; and they wouldn’t be here if they had not been c-sectioned. She grieved though, because she wanted the same type of delivery I had. I don’t know why, mommies become heroes after delivery, not during.and want to avoid a third, but because of malpractice, it’s doubtful. The amount of education involved in having the birth you want is huge – if you want a natural birth, get smart beFORE the emotions start tolling – before you’re in your 3rd trimester; take classes (and not the generic hospital offered ones – bradley, hypnobirthing, etc.) and have a doula there to help you see clearly – nothing more frightening than the doctors threatening your baby could die – it’s hard to think clearly; that’s what a doula is there for. Personally, there ARE too many c-sections due to rising medical malpractice – it’s also MUCH easier on already taxed staff to have a time (9:30am) that you will deliver, come hell or highwater…so there are many reasons to be cautious when a doc tells you “it’s no big deal” – just do your homework like you would before they cut you open for anything and have someone there who can think on your behalf and speak intelligently.
As for the “too small” thing, that just doesn’t make sense to me – why would this perfect God create in me a life only to kill one or both of us because he created me “wrong” for birthing??? What about all the itsy bitsy aisan women (not a slight, but aisan women tend to be smaller in general) who squat and give birth to normal babies? And there are COUNTLESS stories of women who have had a first c-section because she was “too small” to deliver her 7lb baby – guess what, they go on to a second vaginal birth and deliver a 9lb baby!
Think smart, do your research, pray for guidance and demand to be treated as a thinking adult, not as a “patient who’s taking up too much space in l&d”
But let me say as well, the opposite. I was in a hoity toity store and some lady in front of me was bragging about how wonderful it was to have c-section because it didn’t interfere with her work schedule and that her next one would be planned as well. Right or wrong for judging, I nearly threw up. To have a c-section because it conveniences you, is strange to me. Morally wrong on a physical basis? I don’t think so, but strange enough to me, to make me feel ill. I think at that point the children were an “inconvenience that needed to be worked around” rather than a blessing from God. That is the point that it becomes immoral and wrong.
Anyway, that’s my 2cents…