"Justice for Immigrants" and USCCB

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Also, the USCCB has a vested interest in taking people in. I might actually support them if they were putting their money where their mouth is, but they aren’t. Look and see how much money they bring in each year for taking in immigrants and aliens. 97 MILLION! It’s not charity when you are getting paid. That’s called a lucrative business…
Who is paying them? They’re a non-profit . . .
I absolutely love this.
Don’t worry, we know that you actually believe this. But let me tell you something else we know, liberals will always throw the race card when they aren’t able to make a comprehensive, articulate, valid point. Time and time again this straw man is made without properly vetting the accused. For all you know, I may be mexican. Maybe I walked 8 miles every week for 2 years to check our families paperwork and see if there have been any changes or new news.
For your information, my very large Catholic family has nearly every color of skin under the sun, from albino to charcoal black. Hilariously many liberals have called people like Candace Owens racist… maybe look up the definition of a word before you use it.

The story about walking 8 miles, is actually my uncle’s story. And he sees what’s going on at the border as a national emergency just as the DHS, ICE, and our president does. This isn’t really about immigration, it’s about an agenda…
The United States Government. I would like to see a RICO investigation done on the USCCB.
Oh no. This is very, very much about race and racism. It is a well-established fact that roughly half of all undocumented immigrants in this country arrived by commercial carrier and allowed their visas to lapse. What else except racism and classism could explain the lack of comparable moral outrage toward these people? Why aren’t conservatives screaming as loudly about them?
You asked if I was pro-life. I replied very, as in very pro-life.
The United States Government. I would like to see a RICO investigation done on the USCCB.
Non-profits like Catholic Charities and Catholic Social Services certainly need support for their ministries, from the government or elsewhere. But the USCCB is an advocacy group, among other things. Can you provide evidence of public funding vs. expenditures for their organization? Can you provide evidence of financial mismanagement or some type of embezzlement or get-rich-quick scheme?

Without hard evidence, Catholics are cautioned against uncharitably bearing false witness, i.e. any mean-spirited gossiping, maligning, and speculating against Church leaders without hard evidence.
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I don’t really care how you “feel”, that’s most of the problem. People live by and act on emotion rather than think about the consequences of what they ste saying and doing.
And how does saying “ I do not really care how you feel” not have consequences?
Have you thought of that?
Workplace, home…why are we pretending it doesn t hurt to be treated as a wallet or as rug or as transparent or as a machine or as whatever other than a person?
If it needs to be addressed… it needs to. At least at a personal level…
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Do you really think Jesus meant to limit the lesson of “who is my neighbor” to people who are in distress are our literal feet?
We already clothe, feed, and give medical care to illegal immigrants before deporting them. We also offer Asylum to legit refugees that are at risk when they go home.
We offer aid to other countries in distress.

How do you imagine we are not in compliance with the parable of the good samaritan???

We don’t offer asylum for many situations where there is a stable govt more than capable of providing protection from a spouse etc. That’s called SUBSIDIARITY since their home govt is responsible for such care and protection.
The description of this discussion as one of people who have the same goal in mind and only disagree on the best way to get to that goal is not an accurate one. It would only be accurate if we all agreed on the goal that we are aiming for.
There are a number of concerns, and different people order their importance differently. What I object to is the implication that some people are less humane (caring, concerned, etc) than others either because they have a different set of priorities or because they support alternative proposals.

If this is truly a moral issue then why is the judgment aimed at the people who hold to a certain set of proposals rather than at the proposals themselves? There is no justification for condemning people, which is what treating this as a moral issue leads to.
Without hard evidence, Catholics are cautioned against uncharitably bearing false witness, i.e. any mean-spirited gossiping, maligning, and speculating against Church leaders without hard evidence.
You, apparently, see yourself exempt from this restriction.

“This is very, very much about race and racism.”
There are a number of concerns, and different people order their importance differently. What I object to is the implication that some people are less humane (caring, concerned, etc) than others either because they have a different set of priorities…
Depending on what those priorities are, that can be a very valid basis on which to draw that implication. For example, Dives (from Dives and Lazarus) had a very different set of priorities than the good Samaritan.
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Oh my goodness, let’s turn this into a conversation about your personal feelings (your emotions)…
Exactly what i’m talking about.
Oh, good.
I see on this feed, “Very. 10 Characters.”
Wasnt sure what to make of that.
Prolife like no reason, ever, to have an abortion?
Or pro life like, I use birth control, and the ya know rape cases are iffy?
You, apparently, see yourself exempt from this restriction.

“This is very, very much about race and racism.”
Oh no. I actually hope I’m wrong. We’re Catholics, after all, and acknowledge that racism is a sin. That’s why I invited alternative explanations.
What else except racism and classism could explain the lack of comparable moral outrage toward these people? Why aren’t conservatives screaming as loudly about them?
Prolife like no reason, ever, to have an abortion?
Or pro life like, I use birth control, and the ya know rape cases are iffy?
I’m not sure how this pertains to the immigration debate, except in the pro-whole-life/Consistent Life context. But if you’d like more specifics, I uphold the scientific consensus that the life of a human being begins at conception and argue that bioethically, it is unacceptable to take the life of a defenseless human being in during the embryonic, fetal, or frankly any stage of development. After college, I spent a year volunteering almost full-time in the pro-life movement. So yea, I’m pretty solidly pro-life. 😎

I brought up the abortion issue because your argument about “not really caring” about immigrants unless you house them reminded me of the “pro-choicers” criticizing us pro-lifers for not adopting more unwanted children. It’s a flawed argument. First, even if someone is a hypocrite, it doesn’t make their claims wrong. Second, from a human rights standpoint, it’s a horrible argument to make, kind of like a guy saying, “I’m not going to stop beating my wife until you let her move in with you.”
I see on this feed, “Very. 10 Characters.”
Sorry - that’s a bizarre code of CAF etiquette. The forum doesn’t accept posts with less than ten characters. So you’ll frequently see terse answers followed by “10 characters” to fill in the rest of the post.
If somebody is a hypocrite, it certainly invalidates their argument.
I understand your point with the pro life ad hominen. I digress
What would be the alternative, in your opinion, to open borders/ border wall?
We can’t start thinking about alternatives until we stop thinking within the rigid framework of a false dichotomy, namely “open borders” vs. Wall. There’s a wide spectrum of options in between those two extremes.

It’s perfectly reasonable to protect borders from crime and disease, for example, while still expanding the number of legal ports of entry, redirecting taxpayer money to providing lawyers and social workers instead of a an even more militarized border, addressing the factors pushing migrants out of their homes, and removing all of the layers of bureaucracy that prevent a swift and attainable process for acquiring visas and citizenship. Shockingly, this isn’t a black and white issue. But I definitely disapprove of how the current administration is screaming about “illegals” while (conveniently) making it all but impossible to emigrate here legally.
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