Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dead at 87

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I extend my condolences to the family of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for their loss. She dedicated her life to public service, and now she is at peace. - Senator Tom Cotton

This sums up my sentiments as well.
Her personal friendship with Antonin Scalia, which also recalls the personal friendships of Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill, is a reminder to all of us that we may have profound ideological differences and disagreements but still care deeply for one another.

On this Rosh Hashanah eve, may RBG be of blessed memory.
It is hardly a public service to work in the interests of abortion and gay marriage.
She was a trooper. She fought her battles with cancer with courage. She accomplished a lot in her long life.
May she rest in peace.
It is hardly a public service to work in the interests of abortion and gay marriage.
Senator Cotton said it, I agree with it. He’s being polite at this time. I agree, her progressive-ism was a bane to our society.

It looks like Senators Murkowski, Collins and one other have said they will not vote on a new SCOTUS appointment until after the inauguration. So, this will all be tough, their votes are needed. Not that one could count on them in the first place.
They say that now. Senate needs 50 votes with Pence breaking the tie. Give them cover by not voting until after the election. A lame duck session as nothing to worry about. Flake got bought off by the Dems against Kavanaugh. Lots of these people see their votes change, so what these Senators say now is meaningless.
Eternal Rest grant un to her oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. Be merciful.
In case we needed any more intensity and drama right now in the election news.
I don’t agree with her evil objectives, but she still had an impressive career.
If Trump fills this vacancy then it is very likely that both Roe v. Wade and Obergefel v. Hodges could be overturned.
Remember this from 2016, the art of politics, hypocrisy in all its glory lol
The right of the Senate not to take up the matter of the president’s judicial nominations was asserted repeatedly by then-Judiciary Committee Chairman Joe Biden – now inconveniently for the White House the vice president of the United States – during the administration of President George W. Bush, who watched impotently as a number of his nominations to the federal bench languished in Congress’ upper chamber – many of whom were eminently qualified and held in the esteem of their colleagues in the legal community – without a hearing and without a vote.

But right now, Trump has practically an obligation to appoint someone, whomever it might be.
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Christianity …particularly the Roman Catholic Church and Southern Baptist Convention stand alone 100% against abortion.

I was thinking recently about the peace agreement with USA, UAE and Israel. UAE has a much stricter rule against abortion than either Israel or USA.

It is well known that RBG upheld abortion of innocent babies. She observed Judaism.

Sometimes it is difficult to manage knowledge and thoughts about deceased…particularly negative ones.
No doubt many Catholics feel they need to seek confession after initial reaction to RGB’s death notice.
How would a priest respond in the confessional to someone confessing their relief and surging hope? 🤔
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