Kabbalah and catholicism

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There are other passages in the NT where he says he will teach the mysteries of the Kingdom to his disciples. See Gab123 it is pointless to discuss this subject with you , because you only see half the picture. I was raised as a Christian, so I know christianity and then studied Kabbalah, so I know what Kabbalah is. Once you do that , you realize all the “mysteries” of Christianity are explained in kabalistic terms. That’s not the purpose of Kabbalah by the way to explain Christianity,its just one of the myriad of subjects some of the Kabbalists adressed. But see ? in your case, you refuse to study Kabbalah , so how can you have a valid opinion? you can’t …
so you basically resort to the same tool most Christians do because that’s what they have been taught : FEAR … “be fearful of other wisdoms or doctrines ,or whatever you want to call them, because all are “sinful” …only WE christians have the truth , do not listen to anyone else.”… if the truth of christianity is so strong, why the fear??? Because the religious establishments want to keep you ignorant of anything else other than what they want to sell you. Because the moment you open your eyes, is the moment they lose control over you .
Kabbalah teaches about the world and Creation by the way, so it doesn’t “compete” with any religion. Much like you wouldn’t be afraid of doing yoga right? ( or maybe you are?), eventhouhg Yoga actually comes from Hinduism.
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Oh well , that explains it all…so you’re giving recommendations to other people based on knowing ZERO about the subject ? and using a Catholic encyclopedia as a source? well, that’s not precisely unbiased. don’t you think?
However , you may be interested to Know that some catholic saints like Teresa de Avila and Juan de la Cruz did study Kabbalah and loved it. surprised ? Google it
But, there’s more… do you know that at least one order of catholic priests in Toledo study the Zohar and Kabbalah? (probably there’s others, I don’t know)

Also, Here’s an article about some other Christian kaballists:

Once again, fear from Kabbalah stems from INSECURITY. period. From wanting to control the masses. it’s as simple as that. I have books from all religions and spiritual paths (including the Catholic Church Catechism) , not a problem …why not?

But no, the mainstream religion wants to keep you on a tight leash , so they instill this stupid, ignorant fears about things that they don’t have a clue. Thank God for Christian kabbalists that did not let that stop them in their quest for REAL spiritual enlightenment
Oh well , that explains it all…so you’re giving recommendations to other people based on knowing ZERO about the subject ?
From a trusted source that knows far more than me, yes. If what that article says is true, then I’d think my advice is sound.
and using a Catholic encyclopedia as a source? well, that’s not precisely unbiased. don’t you think?
How? For one, no restriction was placed on the type of opinion. Secondly, he’s on a Catholic website, why would it be shocking that I, a Catholic, give an opinion from a Catholic perspective and use a Catholic source to back it up?
However , you may be interested to Know that some catholic saints like Teresa de Avila and Juan de la Cruz did study Kabbalah and loved it.
Ironically, the first thing that shows up on Google is from a website calling itself The Kabbalah Society. Either way, that doesn’t help your case. You cite only two Saints. Was St. Teresa of Avila canonized because of her studies into the kabbalah? No. Her studies are not a notable feature of her canonization, nor does it suddenly green light the kabbalah because she studied it. Not only that, but she is a mystic, and I would trust her to poke her nose around suspicious material before I would a non-Catholic or one who is struggling with their faith. You don’t send recovering alcoholics into a bar to study, even if it’s got a library in it. Likewise, those who are weak in their faith and are without the proper guidance are exposing themselves to accepting heretical errors by reading such material.
But, there’s more… do you know that at least one order of catholic priests in Toledo study the Zohar and Kabbalah? (probably there’s others, I don’t know)
Never heard of them. I’d be surprised if they were still in good standing if part of their charism is to pursue that in their spiritual lives.

Your posting a link to Wikipedia is for what purpose? To show that other Christians did it? There were Christians who pursued alchemy, and even astrology, does that suddenly make alchemy and astrology legitimate pursuits for Christians? No. So why would that legitimize the kabbalah?
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I can second this! When I was doing my generals I took world religions because I was arrogant and proud. I told myself I was safe and that no matter what I would never leave the faith. I ended up leaving for a while and was super serious about becoming a Buddhist. Thankfully, Our Lady always brings me back gently. I think it would be best to just not mess with it too much.
That Jewish friend is incorrect. Although not forbidden, it must be interpreted by one who is quite knowledgeable in the teachings of Judaism to begin with. Otherwise, it can be poorly misinterpreted.
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legitimization ? from who ? from you ? from the Catholic church? 😂😂😂😂😂
You are hilarious ! have a good one my friend all the best
No, they do not consider the study of Kabbalah heretical. However, not all Orthodox Jews study it, and those who do must have sufficient expertise in Judaism to properly understand and interpret it. The purpose of Kabbalah is to elucidate the complex passages of the Torah, and not the other way around. And Kabbalah is NOT considered a Holy Book in Judaism.
Remember that you are on a CATHOLIC Forum, so it is appropriate to show some respect.
You claim that you have no religion in your profile. Why should Catholics believe that you are correct. This is a Catholic website and they have the right to use any Catholic resource.
You mean the respect that no one shows in this post? by talking about and condemning things that they don’t have a clue about? and preventing others from improving their lives? by calling those of us who study Kabbalah pantheists and agnostics and occultists and all kinds of names ? is that the respect you’re talking about?
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Because once again I was a catholic, so I know what catholicism stands for and I ALSO studied Kabbalah and so I also know what Kabbalah stands for. Yet NO ONE in this forum has ever studied Kabbalah and therefore, they DONT know what they’re talking about. Its that simple.
And by the way, before you start conjuring any theories , I’ll be proactive and say that no, it was not because of Kabbalah that I left catholicism. I left it long before I studied Kabbalah because it didn’t make any sense to me at all. Because it left tremendous holes and questions unanswered .
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I Feel your pain. That is why i am pretty much on the fringe anymore. We are all on a spiritual journey and seem to have a hard time appreciating journeys different than our own and are even sometimes threatened by them and must condemn them.
you refuse to study Kabbalah
I’ve read all it’s principles. Why waste your time when you can get the Truth directly from God, the truth which Jesus teaches through His Church error-free. We are not to put our faith in the teachings of spiritual masters, but rather in Jesus Christ as He teaches through His Church. I would suggest you read the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the writings of Catholic mystics instead of dabbling into these esoteric practices. And do realize that God does not call us to become some self-proclaimed enlightened masters by taking some courses from gurus to unlock and understand mysterious mysteries.

The whole point of the Christian journey is to be transformed by God’s grace in a process that unmasks, uproots and removes all the sin from our heart that separates us from God; emptying ourselves from all worldly attachments and allowing God to transform us to love God with all our heart and strength, and neighbor as self. A complete transformation from wretched sinners into saints walking a path of holiness through the way of the cross. it has nothing to do with unlocking secrets and mysteries. It’s simply about love for God and neighbor through the dying to self. It is God’s sanctifying grace that empowers us.

One can become enlightened in all sorts of pointless esoteric information, fooling one’s self into thinking one has become an enlightened master and yet in reality deep inside remains the same wretched self-centered proud person under the self deception of having reached spiritual masterhood.

Real transformation is only possible through God’s sanctifying grace, which He gives us through the Sacraments, beginning with Baptism and most powerfully through the Most Holy Eucharist. it’s a lifelong process of dying to one’s self and allowing God to transform us. God is not an energy or force He is a Personal Being.

Kabbalah is kind of a Jewish mystical version of a Tony Robins course, with the goal being self-realization; but the danger is that the goal of becoming a wise guru is filled with spiritual pitfalls, and there are plenty of spiritual enemies waiting to pounce and mislead, with the ancient serpent disguised as an angel of light. And for many, Kabbalah becomes an entry point into areas of the occult and the practice of magic, spiritual conjuring and magical spells. Simply look up Kabbalah magic to get an idea of where it leads many.

Here is the Ctechism of the Catholic Church which I recommend you study:
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Magic? wow ! this is even worse than I thought. And you say you learned Kabbalah’s “principles”? omg…is that what your local priest told you to say or did you read it in the “101 ways that a catholic can reply to Kabbalah students” manual, dear?
You say why "waste " time learning, right ? only because it helps you achieve that transformation that you speak about . knowledge is part of the journey, not the goal itself.
If you’re about to invest all you savings into a business, would you not learn about it before? if you’re about to go to war, wouldn’t you learn about your enemy? but in spirituality, according to you , that is not true ,right? its better that someone tells you what to think and what to say… ( btw , I went to Catholic school so I have read the Cathecism, as a matter of fact, I have a copy in front of me right now)
As far as some of the concepts you mention in here, the Church got them all wrong and twisted , PRECISELY because they’re missing the knowledge. They interpret Jesus teachings literally. Jesus was a teacher of Torah and he brought the deepest secrets of Torah to the Gentiles . Listen, we could debate for hours, but I better stop here before I get upset and turn you into a rabbit with my “magic” 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Precisely. You do what you want my friend. But remember: it’s YOUR life. Don’t let others live it for you. The teachings of Kabbalah will keep changing and enlightening the world and making it a better place with or without you. The question is do you want to be a part of the transformation?
Yes, Kabbala magic, including spells for romance and financial success and conjuring up spirits.
I went to Catholic school so I have read the Cathecism, as a matter of fact, I have a copy in front of me right now
Catholicism is worthless if it is not lived. People usually leave Catholicism because there is some sin they refuse to give up, or because they never knew the faith in the first place…
There there calm down take it easy … or I’ll turn you into a pumpkin 😁😂
I read this quote a while back - it made me smile…
One prominent Orthodox Jew, when introducing a speaker on the subject of Jewish mysticism, said basically, “it’s nonsense, but it’s Jewish nonsense, and the study of anything Jewish, even nonsense, is worthwhile.”
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