Kabbalah and catholicism

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If you’re about to invest all you savings into a business, would you not learn about it before?
Before you spend a fortune on spiritual masters to teach you the secrets behind the mysterious mysteries, I would recommend you do a thorough examination of conscience and find a good confessor and go to confession: There you will receive free supernatural grace to help transform your heart. After all, you said you were Catholic. There are good resources online to help you examine your conscience and go through every corner of your self, to see what needs to be uprooted, fumigated, and cleaned out. Just like in the physical world, a house that is not kept in order and clean, all sorts of insects and cockroaches enter. Likewise, on a spiritual level, when our soul is not in order and not in the state of grace, all sorts of filthy and strange spiritual pests enter and make their abode and begin to make it an unhealthy place.

The idea of becoming a spiritual master in the first place has a stench of pride all over it. The true way is about becoming simple, and little, and emptying our selves of all the junk, for God to be a able to work through us. Building a mountain of pride through knowledge of esoteric secrets and self-appointed spiritual masters is not a recipe for authentic spiritual growth.
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Ok my friend , you obviously know nothing about this subject and further, don’t even read my posts, so there’s no point in continuing this discussion. I thought it to be amusing at first, but now it’s really scary to read your comments .
Thanks for your advise ,but after reading the posts here , I’m even more convinced that I’ll stay away as far as humanly possible from any church , let alone a “confessionary” ( talking about “magic”, and then you go to a man that can “magically” erase your sins, huh?). Stay as Catholic as possible, don’t study Kabbalah or magic or the Seven Dwarfs or whatever you think it is and have a good and awesome life. Now Please go ahead, post a comment and have the last word, as I know you will, but I wont be responding anymore as there is no point in generating any more negativity and nonsense.
Now Please go ahead, post a comment and have the last word
Okay, since you insist 😉
I’ll stay away as far as humanly possible from any church
I would stay close to Jesus Christ and inside the Church He founded; read the New Testament, and study the Catechism; and don’t confuse religiosity with holiness, which some Catholics often do. The Catholic religion is the way we worship God, whereas the Catholic Faith is the way we know God and are spiritually transformed by God. Religion without spiritual transformation is worthless.

As for other religions, realize that every civilization since the dawn of Man has reasoned a Creator—from the Egyptians to the Greeks, the Aztecs, or the indigenous tribes in the remotest part of the jungle—That’s because reason alone demands it. And there are certain truths about God which Man can discern from nature and reason alone, but since Man is finite and God is Infinite, such truths are mingled with legends and Man’s imagination to fill in the gaps that are impossible for a man alone to know what and who God is. Thus since Man is finite whereas God is Infinite, in order for Man to truly know what and Who God Is, God had to reveal Himself to us. That is what the Bible is all about, and that revelation culminated in God Himself becoming Man and teaching us the way. It’s all about having a share in God’s Eternal Life and Happiness. Thus Jesus Christ says “I Am the Way, The Truth, and The Life, no one comes to the Father except trough me”

Regarding confession, Jesus gave the apostles the authority to forgive sins. (John 20:23) it is an authority not a magical power, much like people who become people police officers and judges are given authority by the state; priests get a real spiritual authority from God, regardless of the fact that they too are sinners.

I respect the fact that you are seeking truth and want to find a path to spiritual perfection. God calls us to spiritual perfection; however we have to be careful as we live in a world that is also spiritual, and there are spiritual predators Christ spoke about, known as demons, spirits of the dark; beings that are pure intellect who hate and want to mislead Man away from God. Here is a video I will share with you now:

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But doesn’t Kabbalah believe in reincarnation. We as Catholics don’t believe in that. How would you balance those two?
Back in my “new age” days I got a book on it. Numerology, cards, all stuff on the short list of things Fr. Amorth talked about staying away from.
However , you may be interested to Know that some catholic saints like Teresa de Avila and Juan de la Cruz did study Kabbalah and loved it. surprised ? Google it
I did. The only mentions I could find were a few kabbalah authors. Hardly official word from the Catholic Church.
“confessionary” ( talking about “magic”, and then you go to a man that can “magically” erase your sins, huh?
Oh the irony…
Really, it is clear you know next to nothing about being a Catholic, and from what I have seen from your posts, you know little or nothing about the Kabbalah either. Only platitudes.
I wont be responding anymore as there is no point in generating any more negativity and nonsense.
The only nonsense and rudeness I have found on this thread has been from you. Throw this book you picked up in the trash and start praying to THE God, our God. Pray to the Lord, and ask him to give you the graces to gain salvation. Pray for the desire to come back into his fold, to avoid sin and it’s near occasions, to avoid Satan, his traps, his snares, his pomps, and his lies. Then my final suggestion is to pray regularly, the litany of humility. It is one of my favorites and is a requisite need for eternal life. I pray for you truly and humbly.
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Oooh , you got “a book” many years ago… wow my apologies sir. That clearly makes you an expert. I only have studied and lived Kabbalah for 12 years, so what do I know.
Listen ,like I told the other person , there’s no point in this discussion since there’s really nothing to discuss. Im not looking for your approval. Believe whatever you want my friend… you have been believing fairy tales for years anyways. Good luck
That Jewish friend is incorrect. Although not forbidden, it must be interpreted by one who is quite knowledgeable in the teachings of Judaism to begin with. Otherwise, it can be poorly misinterpreted.
OK, I understand.
I am curious whether you have studied Judaism, meaning Torah, Mishnah, and Talmud?
Judaism is much more than the things you mentioned. By the way, the Mishnah is part of the Talmud, not two different things.
If you’re trying to politely ask if I’m Jewish, the answer is no. However, By studying Kabbalah (with a reputable teacher) , you are already studying the deepest secrets of Torah and as you may know, the Talmud is basically teachings and commentary, interpretation of Torah, so in a way , yes, I am studying all that. Without Kabbalah you’re left handicapped in your study of Torah and Talmud. So in actuality, it’s the other way around… people should FIRST study Kabbalah in order to correctly understand the Torah and the Talmud.
That’s precisely what happened to Christianity… they have a crippled, one sided interpretation that is completely divorced from Jesus real teachings. Because the Church refuses to teach or learn Judaism and Kabbalah , how then can you really understand the teachings of a man who was a Jewish teacher of the Torah in his deepest meanings? That’s why it takes things literally, like Son of God for example. You as a Catholic probably think that Jesus coined tjat term but you will be suprised to know that that term appears in the Torah and the Zohar. All who follow and cleave to the teachings of Torah are called Son of the Holy One… that term is also used to refer to the Hebrew nation. Yet further, in the Tree of Life, there is a level called Aba or Father and a level called Son, also called or Zeir Anpin… see whatI mean? This is but just one example… you just can not and you WILL NOT ever understand the true teachings of jesus without Kabbalah. It’s like thinking you understand a puzzle without the key to solve it
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There are lots of religions in this world. However, Jesus is the only way to real truth and real happiness. We also know there is only one G-d, and Jesus is his son, who died for our sins. Knowing this, how could any other religion bring you to truth? Jesus is the only truth.

Your heart should be open to Jesus and Jesus alone. Having it open and untamed will open you up to outside influences that can distance yourself from truth.

I think it is great that you are interested in finding more knowledge. There are several books within Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity that are worth reading before venturing too far off the beaten path. St. Thomas’s Summa Theologica, St. Augustine’s The Confessions, and the Philokalia are an excellent start towards growing your relationship with Jesus. The Way of the Pilgrim is also an excellent easy read, which can also change your life.

Aside from reading, consider going on pilgrimages, if possible, volunteering, and fasting as a way to grow in fervor in your faith.

I think once you really get to know Jesus, you will not need to look for any other path.

Hope this helps!
You bring up a good point and 2 good question.
  1. Did Jesus observe all mitzvahs/commandments?
    In saying Jesus was perfect in every way and saying that he followed G-d’s every command we must assume that he did. However, he offered himself up in atonement for our sins, making him another path to become closer to G-d.
  2. Are we doing ourselves a dis-service as Christians by not following mitzvahs?
    I have always wondered if there would be a benefit for a Christian to follow all the mitzvahs laid out in the Torah. Although none of these are required to become closer to Jesus, keeping kosher, for example, is a way to filter out people that do not have the same life zeal for G-d. It is a purposeful decision that invoke’s contemplation about the food you eat and lifestyle you have.(i.e. you can’t eat at McDonalds) I have considered an experiment to adopt that lifestyle in hopes, if anything at understanding how Jesus must have lived his faith.
As Fauken pointed out, I am Jewish, not Catholic. I don’t agree that Kabbalah should be studied first before Torah and Talmud. But we can go into that later since it is very late in these parts. And since the Mishna was written first as an enormous collection of laws and writings before the Gemara (rabbinical commentaries), Talmud is a term often used as a synonym for the Gemara.
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Ok so is there a point to our discussion? There is no “later”. I’m not here to discuss endlessly just for the sake of seeing who is right
Hi Meltz, as a sidebar, I have read a few of those really thin Talmud commentaries, and found them to be pretty interesting. Most of the ones I found in a thrift shop, dealt with business practices and ethics. I know there is much much more to look at. Do you have any recommendations on commentaries. Something offered on Kindle would be great if you know of one. Thanks.
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Kabbalah is a very broad term, but actually it can refer to all unwritten oral tradition of judaism (some of which was written down much later in the Zohar for example). It still is the religion of the people where our lord came from so I think we could learn from it.
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