swimming was regarded as a “rich people’s sport.”
I think it’s a bit like that here too in Australia.At least when I was growing up.
There is a large opportunity for swimming/water activities like snorkeling in Great Barrier Reef etc but it is really only the wealthier people who can afford these holidays.
Queensland is amazing,but the demographic is primarily Aussies from English background or Aboriginals from poor socioeconomic situations.
As valuable as swimming is,my parents would not have been able to afford the private lessons,so us “public school kids” all learnt through the schools planning at approximately 8 years.
There’s also a big swim culture here,Bondi beach is always full etc but the beach coastal areas are predominantly lived in by Australians from English background.
“Poorer” people do sometimes go to the beach-Europeans (non English),Indians,Middle Easterners etc but it is usually a weekend day trip and they don’t have the luxury to “hang out there” all the time like the others.
When we were little our parents use to take us to rivers (now too dirty here) and public pools.The positive was that public pools entry were very cheap here -$1 to $2 dollars I think.
By that time at approx 8,could probably do “basic swimming” like tread water etc but probably more in the shallow end.
Own backyard swimming pools were primarily “owned by the rich” in our perception.
Even now as an adult I wouldn’t consider myself a proficient swimmer- i can basic swim like underwear swim,above water paddle around/breaststroke,tread water etc but my strokes are non existent.My freestyle is awful at best and I still get uncomfortable in deep water.
I do love swimming though and I agree with @Peeps about it being one of best,if not best,exercises if have joint disorders.
If I exercise like on exercise bike etc I have knee pain but in water no pain and the better part is that being in water doesn’t even feel like exercise so not feel boring!!
Its really good to hear that there are measures being placed in USA to help African American background children be able to learn swim/have opportunities to swim.
Here there are a few charities who are doing the same for Aboriginal children.
Aboriginal children often have “opportunity” here to swim in rivers,but at the same time their drowning rate is higher due to not necessarily knowing how to swim and their parents also can not afford the lessons.
I believe it’s everyone’s responsibility,not just Aboriginal community or African American community etc
A teenage girl from the New South Wales Riverina has started a charity to help teach Aboriginal children how to swim.