Imho yes and no.
It’s not about a certain culture representation a universal norm or about American culture being more right etc. I am not from USA culture myself but from a poorer country background.
Realistically,in every culture there are good/right things and wrong/“ignorance” things.
For example in my culture,there’s often no real knowledge about that eating a lot of fatty foods is not good for your heart.
Another example would be gypsies who often smoke when they are pregnant.
Even when something’s done/accepted culturally it doesn’t always mean it’s good.
The Namibian boys tribe believe it’s fine to give a 3 year old a machete but without seeing child accident statistics (which are often hard or impossible to know due to underreporting in rural areas) it’s imposs to know whether its a wise decision or not.
Children from every culture generally cognitively develop roughly the same per ages (providing no intellectual disabilities etc) so a 3 year olds brain,muscle strength,muscular coordination,precision,understanding of cant really be thought of like an 8 or 10 year old even when taking cultural norm factors into consideration.
While injuries are generally unreported in these regions I did come across the below report (page 53) that indicated that approx 16 % of Namibian adult rural workers who were interviewed experienced receiving an injury (probably from a variety of tools and machinery) so I can’t imagine an (unsupervised) 3 or 5 year old child would somehow be more immune.