My kids had to get their own breakfast and lunch by the time they were 8. Breakfast was usually on the run, as they had to be at the skating rink by 5:30 a.m. to practice every morning. Lunch was brown bag, and they usually took a peanut butter sandwich and a banana.
They also had to do their own laundry by the time they were 8.
There were times I felt mean, but they have thanked me many times for making them learn so many skills while they were young because a lot of their friends in college were pretty helpless without mommy around to do their work for them.
Interestingly, though, Allegra, I didn’t make them clean their own rooms, other than make sure that food was not left for days! One daughter was hyper neat, but the other–oh, my! What a slob! But I just shut the door and told her that if that’s how she wanted to live and entertain her friends, fine!
She is a great housekeeper now that she is grown and married with a house of her own.
So maybe that’s an answer for you–allow your children to keep their rooms like flea markets–piled to the windows (no higher because you don’t want the neighbors to report you!), clothing piled into mountains, toys hither and yon…but no food left overnight ever.
However, every other room in the house must be kept clean–toys put away, dishes to the sink, towels in the laundry basket or chute, coats hung in the hall closet, wipe spills up in the kitchen, etc.
Just an idea.
You watch–they’ll totally switch personalities when you least expect it, and they’ll be telling you that they want their house to look like the ones on HGTV (the “after” houses!).