I’d like to echo Jennifer’s thoughts. Everytime you hear criticism of the Hahn’s or other converts who are doing good work getting Catholics knowledgable and excited about their faith, that criticism can usually be traced to a group or individuals that appear to be jealous and resentful of their influence.
I’ve only been Catholic for one year, but there are several of currents running here as I see it.
Enthusiasm of the convert. That’s normal. Sometimes I feel that I could burst when I see non-committal, blase cradle Catholics and I want to shake them and say, “don’t you see what you have, what you were born into?” But I realize that my first concern is working on my holiness, not theirs. And I can pray for them.
**Reaction to the Enthusiasm of the convert. **It is a human reaction, perhaps not an admirable one, to view the johnny-come-lately with disapproval, particularly if he is overtly enthusiastic. And we must remember, that some of the people we think are immobile and need shaking may have a quiet, but very deep spiritual commitment to the Lord, and we would do well to be quiet and listen to them, and learn. The members of the Body of Christ are diverse.
**Protestant carry-over. **Ask people like Marcus Grodi. As a protestant minister he was in the driver’s seat. If something needed to be said, he said it. Now, he must be submissive to the Majesterium and confine his apostolate to the proper purvue of a lay-person. He does a good job I’d say.
There is also the aspect of protestant(evangelical at least) practice that attracts some Catholics and converts bring with them. That being the type of services, singing, praising God, preaching or teaching and so forth. “Being fed.” A difficult thing sometimes is to recognize the mass for what it is, a sacrifice re-presented every time. It is unique, sacred and not to be messed with, however much we might like to make it more like a protestant “worship service.” We need to recognize it is not an either/or. We can have both. But not in the sanctuary, and not as a part of the mass.
Doctrine. The past 40 years of turmoil within the church, the rebellious individualism has spawned movements in many directions. So people who wish to be orthodox but are not theologically well-trained will look at any popular movement or people with a cautious, even suspicious eye. As well they should. The test is to compare to the teaching of the Holy Father and the Majesterium.
Those within the church that would like to change doctrine will resent the orthodoxy of some converts. Others with agendas will try to co-opt enthusiastic converts, and steer them into controversial areas.
We all need to test everything we hear against Scripture and the Catechism, research encyclicals, and so forth. Above all pray for guidance with a humble heart. God wants us to know the truth, and who we can trust. Ask and you will receive.