LA Mayor Bans Unnecessary Walking As Part Of New COVID-19 Restrictions

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The group public worship ban is back on! This time only indirectly (as the direct ban was nuked by the Supreme Court just several days ago).

But don’t worry.

The big-business buddies, like Hollywood, have exemptions!

The “common good” and all of that.

LA Mayor Bans Unnecessary Walking (outdoors) As Part Of New COVID-19 Restrictions​

Published: December 4, 2020

Democratic Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti issued a new emergency order Wednesday that bans unnecessary “travel on foot” as he warns the city is nearing a “devastating tipping point” in their fight against COVID-19.

“Our city is now close to a devastating tipping point, beyond which the number of hospitalized patients would start to overwhelm our hospital system, in turn risking needless suffering and death,” Garcetti wrote in the order. “These unfortunate facts about the spread of COVID-19 in our City mean that we must resume some of the more restrictive measures we instituted in the Spring.” . . .

The order prohibits “all travel, including, without limitation, travel on foot, bicycle, scooter, motorcycle, automobile, or public transit,” . . .
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Finally, someone is putting adult pants on and taking measures to slow this down.

Rail against it all you want, you are in the minority now.
People want this slowed and brought back under control.

While they are at it, Hollywood streets are filthy. Clean the joint up.
Finally, someone is . . . taking measures to slow this down.
Thank you for tacitly admitting the draconian mitigation efforts that have been going on in California for quite some time have been ineffective in “slowing” the virus down.

That is more than I expected.
Thank you for tacitly admitting the draconian mitigation efforts that have been going on in California for quite some time have been ineffective in “slowing” the virus down.

That is more than I expected.
Here we go, the minority voice that has no solutions and rails against those who do.
Here we go, the minority voice that has no solutions and rails against those who do.
Yeah. I am not part of the “mob”.

I am a mere “minority voice” so what I say doesn’t count.

I have posted many “solutions” but they were ignored and derided. You might say “ignored for good reason” in which case I would just disagree.
I would say that if hospitals in an area are operating at 90% capacity, stay-at-home orders are quite appropriate.
I would say that if hospitals in an area are operating at 90% capacity, stay-at-home orders are quite appropriate.
I actually think that is reasonable. After all, mitigation is about slowing down spread so health care facilities are not overwhelmed.

But I still have a couple of issues.

An obvious one is just being outside walking.

We both know there is no “science” behind this.

These kind of power overreaches just HURT.

Because someone will take it to court and win, then REASONABLE measure will go with it.

Like the ban on public worship thing.

Instead of Newsom and Cuomo etc. running around beating their chest against public worship,
they should have went to the Bishops and the pastors and tried to work something reasonable out.

More Masses perhaps shorter in duration? Something.

But none of this was even tried as far as I know.

Yet another issue is giving “political buddy exemptions” (although they wouldn’t put it that way).

I mean really. If this is that bad, don’t give Hollywood an “exception”.

Don’t give themselves exceptions either.

The virus does not care about Hollywood and is just as “happy” to keep the spread going from those vectors too.

There are other problems too. But this is enough for now.

The other thing is quit fudging the numbers. I know full well (from others firsthand) that many of the hospitals are suddenly re-classifying beds from hospital beds to “Swing beds” (and other step-down units).

This gives a false impression of hospitals being stuffed to the gills even when they are not.

Or if that is necessary (because of reimbursement incentives associated with corona and you don’t want your hospital to go broke - fair enough) just say that openly.

Don’t BS the people. I don’t like that. Just be straight up with them.

The BSing just makes the people trust them less next time.
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Finally, someone is putting adult pants on and taking measures to slow this down.
If the virus spreads more inside than it does outside, where there is sunlight to kill it and breezes to blow it away, then keeping people indoors seems a bit counter-productive, doesn’t it?
The clergy seem ok with this one.
I get that. Other places the Bishops are not so good with this.

I am thinking more of the poor soul who is dying without the Sacraments available, people that cannot get to Mass, Adoration, etc.

I want ALL to have those graces available. And if “the political buddies” can do it safely, so can the Church.

Either that or shut “the political buddies” and THEMSELVES down too.
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I’ve still missed them and would like to hear what they are. At your leisure, of course.
. . . . . No.
Well, with that deeply thought out answer, I’ll just go with…You’re wrong! 😂😂😂
What else do you expect me to do with that answer?
Well you think about it.

They have already taken your freedom. You know there is no “science” behind FORCING people indoors.

Even they know that.

This is all ostensibly based on “maybes”. Maybe you might get close to someone. And maybe you might breath on each other."

But “the political buddies” we will give a pass to.

You can “hook up” too if you don’t mind taking your chances (according to Fauci months ago).

None of this is public health.

It is so stupid, that if someone would have predicted this a year ago, I would deride them as a conspiracy theorist.

Yet here it is.

It is clear this is no longer based on “science”. It is egocentric, or emotion-based or even superstitious.

This is the politics of “power” and nationwide, leftists are eating it up. They love it.
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They have already taken your freedom. You know there is no “science” behind FORCING people indoors.
I’m sorry to disappoint you but other than the initial lockdown in March, I haven’t lost a single freedom. Certain activities are more limited but all are still available. Any freedom I’ve lost…and I can’t at the moment think of one, I’ve been accommodating with as my choice. It’s not been forced upon me. Others may have…I can only speak for myself.
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