LA Mayor Bans Unnecessary Walking As Part Of New COVID-19 Restrictions

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Yeah. I am not part of the “mob”.

I am a mere “minority voice” so what I say doesn’t count.

I have posted many “solutions” but they were ignored and derided. You might say “ignored for good reason” in which case I would just disagree.
You have not posted one solution to get USA out of this out of control pandemic, despite continuing to say you have, and when asked, not producing any.

There is only one proven method globally to get this under control , its time for adulting and getting the job done.

What utter baloney and ridiculous actions to hold rallies right now as the sitting man did. More super spreader events.
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If the virus spreads more inside than it does outside, where there is sunlight to kill it and breezes to blow it away, then keeping people indoors seems a bit counter-productive, doesn’t it?
Sunlight does not kill it. If it did, countries just out of summer would not have experienced what they did. That is a myth proven out of date and ineffective.
I’m sorry to disappoint you but other than the initial lockdown in March, I haven’t lost a single freedom. Certain activities are more limited but all are still available. Any freedom I’ve lost…and I can’t at the moment think of one, I’ve been accommodating with as my choice. It’s not been forced upon me. Others may have…I can only speak for myself.
The same is true here.
sorry to disappoint you but other than the initial lockdown in March, I haven’t lost a single freedom. Certain activities are more limited but all are still available. Any freedom I’ve lost…and I can’t at the moment think of one, I’ve been accommodating with as my choice. It’s not been forced upon me. Others may have…I can only speak for myself
same is true here
I am so happy for both of you.

but a lot of people have had one very important freedom curtailed: the freedom to work.

Which leads to the loss of freedom to pay one’s rent…

And so on.

So I am happy for you two, but just remember that not everyone is situated as well as you are.
but a lot of people have had one very important freedom curtailed: the freedom to work.
I agree this is an exception. There are other jobs available but I deeply sympathize for anyone in the most hard hit industries like restaurants, travel, entertainment. I honestly think anyone from those industries that lost their jobs because of Covid should be compensated with unemployment monies until we can open up those industries. Oh well, they never asked me.

I realize I am lucky in that my personal lifestyle is not effected. That’s why I also think that posts claiming that we ALL are losing our freedoms is a bit over the top.
but a lot of people have had one very important freedom curtailed: the freedom to work.
That’s exactly correct Annie.

If I were to put forth an ego-centric view
(focusing on me, myself, and I),
I would not be taking those other people’s freedoms lost, businesses lost, livelihoods lost, etc. into consideration.

So we as a society IGNORED others in need or in desire . . . . And we still have the virus ANYWAY.
(Just what we knew would happen applying even the principles of what the Government was telling us.)

All that ignoring of people for nothing!

That is WHY people were warning back in March, how this was a self-centered paradigm.

And it still is a self-centered paradigm.

The leftists in the media would acuuse you (and I) of being self-centered (they already have in principle) because we want people to make these decisions for themselves.

They would say it risks viral infections.

So we were FORCED to do it their way.
And what did that give us?

Viral infections AND loss of livelihood, loss of freedoms, loss of income, loss of homes, suicide, spousal abuse, global famine, etc. etc.

But at least “I” didn’t get a viral infection.
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If the virus spreads more inside than it does outside, where there is sunlight to kill it and breezes to blow it away, then keeping people indoors seems a bit counter-productive, doesn’t it?
Especially given the crowded conditions many, especially the undocumented, live in. It’s truly terrible.
UV light kills it, but without human contact it will eventually die anyway within a short time. Human contact is required to spread the virus for all practical purposes.
If that’s your way of understanding statistics, go for it.
Look ProVobis. Nothing has been gained (except a little time. Maybe a couple of weeks) with mitigation.

Mitigation was never given to us to stop a virus.

But it is obvious, many people (despite being told what mitigation was all about in the beginning) think mitigation is a “cure” for viral spread.

That is not scientific.

The politicians cannot impose their secular unfounded religious superstitions upon the people to gain more power for themselves or for any other reason.

This is not OK.
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Don’t know. If the Evangelicals, for example, want to spread their Flat Earth theories, I am not going to tell them they’re wrong. Perhaps they only see in one or two dimensions.
Go ahead and think whatever you want to.

I disagree.
Disagreeing does not lead to solutions.
Summer sunlight will not kill Covid and slow this down amongst the human population.
Proof is in the pudding, look at figures in countries with sunlight and heat laid on.

That article is months old. The point about a novel virus is its novel presentation.
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Surgeon General: ‘Need to Be More Intelligent’ about Some Closures, Closing Down Outdoor Gatherings Just Forces People Inside​

Ian Hanchett

7 Dec 2020

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams said that “we need to be more intelligent, more strategic about some of these closures,” and specifically stated that it’s generally safe to keep schools open and the fact that “if you close down people’s ability to congregate in an outdoor area, they’re just going to run inside and the virus will spread.”

Adams said, [relevant remarks begin around 2:00] “We know that it is safe to keep schools open in general, when you take precautions. We know that outside is better than inside, and that if you close down people’s ability to congregate in an outdoor area, they’re just going to run inside and the virus will spread. So, I think we need to be more intelligent, more strategic about some of these closures . . . .

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The point about a novel virus is its novel presentation.
You can say that about every contagious disease, especial bacterial diseases. People die from other diseases than COVID.

You’re never going to stop people dying from disease. Where do you draw the line?
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