I don’t have such a thing.If you have a handbook, which describes how to summon up a demon, I will be glad to hear it.
In an exorcism, the demon has already been summoned, typically by the person who needs the exorcism, from what I understand.
That I have access to God through prayer and the Sacraments doesn’t make God into a vending machine, any more than replying to my messages to you turns you into a vending machine. The fact that I can communicate with you doesn’t provide me with the ability to make you do whatever I want you to do - and as far as I know, we are equals. God is far above me in rank and status, so prayer and the Sacraments, although there they are means of communication with God, don’t allow me to make Him do whatever I want Him to do.The church also teaches that God is not a “vending machine”. To teach both “A” and “not-A” is pretty useful, if you don’t want to be caught.