The absolute best source for older children or beginning adults is Henle’s Latin by Robert A. Henle (Loyola Press, Chicago 1945, 1958). Its an older high school series that is still published and used by homeschoolers.
AND, its Catholic - complete with examples and teachings about the Church and the Blessed Virgin along with standard classical examples. Focuses on church pronunciation, but has a guide to the others. Also includes instruction on basic sentence diagramming if you’ve never had that.
Here is the introduction to Reading No. 1 in Lesson 1:
The Language of Prayer
As the light of the sun moves westward it falls upon chapels and cathedrals, hospitals and camps, where in endless repetition the Sacrifice of the Mass is being offered to God. At every moment, somewhere in the world, a priest stands at the foot of an altar and says in Latin, “Itroibo ad altare Dei,” “I shall go in to the altar of God.” Latin is the prayerful voice of the Roman Rite, of tens of millions of Catholics. In the universal offering of the Mass, the prophecy of the Old Testament is fulfilled: "From the rising of the sun to the going down thereof, my name is great amon
The Language of Papal Teaching
When a priest in Chungking receives an official document from Rome, he finds it is written in Latin. From Rome Latin carried the decisions and instructions of the Pope to the whole world, to the bishops of Brazil, to Chicago and South Africa, to Zanzibar and England. Latin, as the official language of the head of Christendom, is today a living and universal force.
You will need the “Grammar” and the “First Year” course. Henle is probably not readily available in your local bookstore on the shelf.
For more information see this homeschool source - Henle Latin: The Next Best Thing to a Latin Tutor:
You can buy it through Memoria:
Also available on Amazon:
First Year Guide:
Grammar Guide: