Least favorite Domestic Chore...POLL

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Scraping the frost, snow and ice off the car windshield first thing in the morning, Had they been around in Dante’s time I’m sure it would have been one of the deeper hells in the inferno

I don’t mind chores so much because I keep a daily schedule and only have to do a little bit each day. In fact, it probably only takes me a little over an hour to clean each day.

What I don’t like is folding laundry. I dred it like the plague. I don’t mind throwing it in the washer and the dryer, it’s just the actual folding that I don’t like. Unfortunately, we have three small children and I have to do a little bit of laundry each day. However, because I do laundry every day, the loads are small and that means I spend less time folding then if I only did laundry one or two days a week. I’d rather to a little bit every day then a ton of it all in one day. I don’t want my entire day filled with nothing but folding laundry!

Scout :tiphat:
Wow ~ Pretty even poll results so far. But I have to say …

ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE FLOORS! :mad: Sweeping, vacuuming, mopping…aaahhhh!!! I know what is waiting for me in purgatory.
Wow ~ Pretty even poll results so far. But I have to say …

ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE FLOORS! :mad: Sweeping, vacuuming, mopping…aaahhhh!!! I know what is waiting for me in purgatory.
Something must be wrong with me. I LOVE MOPPING THE FLOORS! I have a Swiffer Mop, and that makes it so much easier than using a mop and a bucket. Plus, my children help out a little because they like to mop with the Swiffer-like think it’s fun to push the button on the mop and spray the floor with the cleaner. 🙂

Scout :tiphat:
I need to choose more than one.😃 😉 🙂

It would not be as bad if everyone contributed
  1. the neverending stream of JUNK MAIL!!!:eek:
Here’s an Andy Rooony-ism. Use the “no stamp needed” envelopes you get with your junk mail to mail their junk mail back to them. Just make sure whatever you send back doesn’t have any of your personal inforamtion on it.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Here’s an Andy Rooony-ism. Use the “no stamp needed” envelopes you get with your junk mail to mail their junk mail back to them. Just make sure whatever you send back doesn’t have any of your personal inforamtion on it.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Or, even better, put someone’s name on it that you want to cause aggravation for. 😃 For instance, you know those little subscription cards in magazines??? You can fill them out with the nurse anesthesist’s name and address, you know, the one who yelled at the top of his lungs at the nurse’s station at you because he wouldn’t come in in the middle of the night to check a patient’s epidural and their pain got out of control, and so he wanted to blame you? :rolleyes: So, under the prompting and encouragement of the night nursing supervisor, you might be inspired to seek revenge by ordering over 20 magazines for him, thus seeking revenge for you and all your co-workers who have also suffered under his verbal abuse, but requiring you to report for confession the next week. :whistle:
I had to answer “other” only because it depends on my mood.

Laundry is usually the most tedious since it involves several steps that are completed over a course of several days.😦 The kitchen never seems to get finished, but sometimes I enjoy it. Go figure! :whacky: For some reason it takes me a long time to get started on a sweeping & mopping task eventhough I really don’t mind this chore. Give me a potty to scrub any time - quick task.
I don’t know about everyone else, but I just hate watching my wife do the dishes!😃
I would rather do every chore in the house AND the yardwork than sit down and pay the bills. If I find a bill, I hand it to my husband and he takes care of it.

When I lived on my own, I procrastinated and often got late fees. So my credit isn’t too great, but oh well. I’ve always hated numbers.

I didn’t survive 14 years of math classes to then go and do math all the time on my own. Math makes me feel like this----> :banghead:

I can’t keep numbers in my head. It took me 4 months to memorize my own phone number.
YES! Especially when it is in the bathroom! :eek: :bigyikes: (I live in an apartment and there isn’t too many places to put it).

When I owned a house, I hated to weed the gardens. I’d let them grow tall so I could find them. :eek:
Putting away the gorceries. I don’t mind shopping, but I don’t like putting the stuff away. Thankfully I have teens who help out! (w/ all chores) —KCT
Or, even better, put someone’s name on it that you want to cause aggravation for. 😃 For instance, you know those little subscription cards in magazines??? You can fill them out with the nurse anesthesist’s name and address, you know, the one who yelled at the top of his lungs at the nurse’s station at you because he wouldn’t come in in the middle of the night to check a patient’s epidural and their pain got out of control, and so he wanted to blame you? :rolleyes: So, under the prompting and encouragement of the night nursing supervisor, you might be inspired to seek revenge by ordering over 20 magazines for him, thus seeking revenge for you and all your co-workers who have also suffered under his verbal abuse, but requiring you to report for confession the next week. :whistle:
Sounds like you have some issues.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Ugh. I hate vacuuming. The only fun part about it is watching my cat Phoebe freak out when she sees the vacuum. It usually involves hissing, an arched back, and a puffed tail.

Quite frankly, I would rather scrub out a dozen toilets than push the vacuum around the house. So my husband has vacuum duty and I clean the bathroom.
You must be a soul sister on vaccuuming. I just HATE it. I think it’s the noise along with schlepping the thing from room to room, the tangle of the hose and the cord and all the hassle. I don’t have a cat but my dog reacts in a similar way, barking at the “snake” going through her house.

Lisa N
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