Least favorite Domestic Chore...POLL

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I hate mending–sewing by hand. I don’t know how they do it, but my kids are forever getting holes in their socks. The holes aren’t big enough to justify throwing the sock away, so I mend them. When I get around to it, that is. I think I’ve got clothes in the mending pile that the kids have outgrown long ago. But I hate sewing: the thread always gets tangled up, or I stick my fingers with the needle.
On the other hand, call me weird, but I love to iron, especially while listening to the Saturday broadcast of the Metropolitan Opera from New York, or while watching a good movie on TV.
I voted yardwork as I don’t like any kind of gardening. However my most hated chore wasn’t listed - IRONING! I don’t feel it qualifies under laundry as washing and drying clothes is not too bad a chore and many things can be left unironed, as those of us who hate ironing know;)
I had to vote bills. There is never enough money and they need to be sorted from all the junk mail and kids’ school papers, etc. etc. The computer makes it easier, but I still hate it. All that work my husband does just to pay outrageous gas and electric bills and never get to have a vacation. Bills, piles of mail and papers, filing, balancing the check book, ugh. Is there a pulling my hair out smiley? 😦
I dislike all of them except doing the dishes and paying bills. Bills would not bother me at all if I had more money to pay them. Just the “motions” of check writing, getting them ready for mailing, or in some cases filling out the automatic withdrawls to come in my checkbook or going to the website to pay them does not bother me at all).
Cooking. I hate cooking. Hate it, hate it, hate it.

I actually don’t mind cleaning the bathroom.
I love a clean bathroom, but I hate getting one 😉
It took me an hour last time to clean my bathroom, but I’ve gotten it down to a science this week and it only took me 20 minutes!
1.I took out all the washable rugs, toilet covers and stuff, 2. I sprayed everything with tub n tile cleaner, 3. swept the floor, 4. washed down everything I had sprayed, 5. mopped. All done, 20 minutes!
I work full time in other people’s homes, (not cleaning!) so love any time I have to spend in mine.I was a SAHM for a few years and loved it. I know it’s a hassle because you never seem to get done, but imagine only having 3 hours a day left for homework help, chores, cooking dinner, getting stuff ready for next day.
I cheat when it’s time to read a goodnight story to the kids, so we always get to bed late. Have to work on that.
Flylady is a great site with excellent advice for the chore challenged.
I’m very odd- I really like cleaning, for me it’s theratputic. I love doing laundry now that I’m at college- I never did any before- and I’ve always liked doing dishes, but we have a dishwasher at home, so I almost never got to.

I even like cleaning the bathroom. I suppose I’m just multi-faceted abnormal. 😃
Not letting clutter accumulate to begin with, then cleaning/sorting after it, are least favorite. I tend to hold onto the printed word in order to pass it on to others, but then either forget or discover that others aren’t interested.
Cleaning the toliet…even when it isn’t really dirty…I just hate having to clean it…ewwwwhttp://www.websmileys.com/sm/crazy/1092.gif 😛
i voted laundry. i hate to iron more than anything. i think even if i could hire a maid i would still clean the toilet once in a while because it keeps me humble
The floors…anything to do with the floors. It all seems so pointless. I mean, that’s what we walk on, it’ll be dirty again before the hour is out.

I actually don’t mind changing the cat box. I just wish that cats didn’t find it necessary to immediately jump into a clean box & dirty it again…Mine actually stands & watches me clean it, & the second I set it down…
I think it’s either a power struggle, or else she is just passive-aggressive. Or both.
I am physically ill when I have to pay the bills. We never seem to have enough… it’s pretty sad. I can’t stand putting laundry away. I love to wash it, get it dried, then fold it, but man… putting it away sucks the life out of me.

I do have to admit I love to vacuum. Don’t ask why but I just love it. I think it’s also the white noise. Can’t hear the kids screaming??? :whistle:
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