Leaving the church and maybe God

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… I am leaning toward the priest being scared and therefore unable to deal with the issues…
I agree the Priest is probably scared. Pooly catechized as well, as Diane basically said above. He is only human. And it is so like a man to be overwhelmed in the face of an woman’s emotional meltdown. Typically they don’t know what to do in the face of such a thing. Guys like to do things. And what can he do? He can’t hug you. Plus he might say the wrong thing, and likely he is humanly afraid of that. So its likely he is acting out of fear. He’s human, and we humans can do that. His choices and his shortcomings are not a reflection on you, or the Church.

Ideally a Priest with all his graces can rise above his humanness and do the Christlike thing. But unfortunately we aren’t all where we should be spiritually and also Priests need our prayers and don’t always get them.

But I would back off from him because when you persue someone they tent to back off further. Also he has proven himself to be insensitive, and you are in a sensitive time, so don’t exposed yourself to insensivity! Protect yourself!
I have a friend that I have discussed this with, she will have nothing to do with the catholic church,again another person with priest problems, different priest. She begged me to find a different church with what has happened this one obviously doesn’t want you…
This is either a sincere friend who truly believes this or she is taking advantage of your weakness to impose her values on you rather than let you arrive at a sure feeling of what is the right thing to do. Or maybe she wants to justify her own abandonment of the faith.

And just because she is sincere, if she is, does not mean that she is right. Better find out if she is right before you get yourself in a worse quagmire.

I was Protestant, for a long time, and what looks like a plain and simple faith - just you, me n’ the Bible- is not really so simple when you get into it. They can be a warm and loving embracing community. Thats enticing. But they can drop you and shun you if you cross their big underlying belief: anti-Catholicism. Ands thats pretty painful after the embrace. Why set yourself up for another disaster?

The best course of action is to go with what is true and right. The Catholic Church is, and you will find out that this so if you look into it someday when you are up to that. But you instinctively know that now, so stay with that.
Today I will remove the crucifixes from my house. They are the last thing in my home to remind me of God…
So you are fighting God, not just the Church? Its so fruitless. Try first turning to Him. He will not fail you. Go crying to his Blessed Mother. She will not fail you. She will comfort you and lead you back to her Son. She is the most loving forgiving of mothers. She is your Mother. Your perfect one.

A daily rosary would soon work miracles, but when you are weak as you are now, it could be too much effort. There are baby steps you can take to reach out for God’s comfort. Remember He is near to those whose hearts are breaking.

You can pray a Hail Mary every morning when you get up.

You can say as often as you think it: “Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I love you. Help me.”

You can get a bottle of Holy Water and bless yourself and your house each morning when you get up and evening before bed and any time in between.

Try to get a St. Benedicts medal*. It is effective in getting the devils out. Wear it and touch it and say, “St. Benedict, help me.” whenever you are feeling discouraged. It sounds like you are being attacked and confused by the devil. Perhaps in his cleverness he guesses all the good God has in store for you. Protect yourself.

Say the Lord’s prayer.

Go sit before the Tabernacle at that Church of yours because that is the center. Sit and write your complaints out to the Lord before him. Or sit and stare. Sit and be sad. Sit and don’t know what to say. Just “be” with Him. When you pass Mary on the way, stop and say a Hail Mary, and say, “Help me.” or “Comfort me” or “Deliver me to your Son and make Him real to me.”

You will get comfort in a real person sometime. In its time. Meanwhile, embrace your loneliness because that is your state and what else can you do? Just accept it, but invite Jesus there with you, and say, “help me.” He will refresh you.

If you lean on Him, He won’t let you down. Remind yourself that people exist in prisons and solitary confinement and in wretched conditions in great joy because of the presence of the Lord. All things are possible with Him.

Don’t take down your crucifixes. Tell Jesus, “I am leaving them up for you. Help me to understand why.”

I will pray for you.

*If you don’t have a place to get a St. Benedicts medal or cross, message me and I will mail you one.
I wish I could just sit inmy church and feel even if it was a cold empty feeling. However, our church is locked I would have to seek permission from our priest to enter.

I don’t own a rosery any more, my grandmother’s she gave me on my baptism was destroyed in a tornato years ago, even if I had one I wouldn’t be able to say it, I can’t even say an our father any more.

I tried to take down the cruxfix, I can’t I wasn’t even able to touch it. So until I am able to touch them I can’t take them down.

I can’t even wear a cross, let alone a medal.

The counselor I am seeing has a strong catholic background. But, I am not sure I can handle the issues without faith.

I can’t help but think something must be terribly wrong with me to be turned away by more than one priest.

I can’t help but think something must be terribly wrong with me to be turned away by more than one priest.
Thats not true, please try and find a different priest, if you go into the city one day for shopping or other activities, you could perhaps try and find a priest in a church there.
Please, you don’t want to leave the true Church there is no where to go. If the Priest is a Problem try a different Church. Also I research online to place Catholic site links on the Wondir website when I need them, if there is a particular area you need information I may already have a link for it, let me know.
Dear friend - since it seems you have internet access, go to www.rosaryarmy.com they will send you a rosary, free of charge. I would also be very happy to send you a rosary, feel free to PM me.

Others have posted the link for Mass Times, this might show you a nearby parish you were not aware of - or a chapel with perpetual adoration. Is there perhaps a convent or monastary nearby where you could go for prayer and guidance?

I will pray for you.
I wish I could just sit inmy church and feel even if it was a cold empty feeling. However, our church is locked I would have to seek permission from our priest to enter.
Yes, you could call during office hours and ask for a standing appointment time to do it. You have a right to do that. At least once a week, more if its near enough and you can do it. Make it an hour and bring something to do if you can’t bring yourself to pray. Knitting. Or sew - hem or sew on a button. Or coloring. Be a child with Jesus.
I don’t own a rosery any more, my grandmother’s she gave me on my baptism was destroyed in a tornato years ago, even if I had one I wouldn’t be able to say it, I can’t even say an our father any more.
Bernadette couldn’t pray it either and Our Lady helped her. You could always start by praying poorly while you waited for help to pray it well. Read the Our Father and the Hail Mary while you hold the beads.
I tried to take down the cruxfix, I can’t I wasn’t even able to touch it. So until I am able to touch them I can’t take them down.
Looks like you’re not supposed to!
I can’t even wear a cross, let alone a medal.
Try it. Or keep it in your pocket. It is your prayer of protection.
The counselor I am seeing has a strong catholic background. But, I am not sure I can handle the issues without faith.
How nice to have a Catholic Counselor! But it takes time! It is a huge mountain and you are at the bottom of it, in the mud no less. You can do it, one step at a time. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Just don’t look up! One step at a time.

You do have enough faith because it takes only the faith the size of a mustard seed to move a mountain. Think of a mustard seed compare to the size of your body. Thats a very tiny bit! You know you have at least that much. So you are all set. God will help you do the rest.
I can’t help but think something must be terribly wrong with me to be turned away by more than one priest.
You sound terribly depressed. People don’t know what to do with depression. Its not an unusual response to a depressed person unfortunately. There are natural supplements (healthfood store can help you) and medical aids for depression. But also I think the devil gets at people and keeps them down and confused and discouraged. He is easily scared away by cross of Christ. Blessed sacramentals and Holy Water are a real help. Use them!

Love and prayers.
I wish I could just sit inmy church and feel even if it was a cold empty feeling. However, our church is locked I would have to seek permission from our priest to enter.

I don’t own a rosery any more, my grandmother’s she gave me on my baptism was destroyed in a tornato years ago, even if I had one I wouldn’t be able to say it, I can’t even say an our father any more.

I tried to take down the cruxfix, I can’t I wasn’t even able to touch it. So until I am able to touch them I can’t take them down.

I can’t even wear a cross, let alone a medal.

The counselor I am seeing has a strong catholic background. But, I am not sure I can handle the issues without faith.

I can’t help but think something must be terribly wrong with me to be turned away by more than one priest.

I am out of time, but wanted to pose another quick suggestion… If there is a good Lutheran or Episcopal minister nearby–one who understands and accepts your Catholic background–perhaps it would help to speak to a minister outside of the Catholic Church in this case? We all serve the same God, and your situation sounds urgent. Another option would be to travel to another town and seek counsel at another parish. I guess the latter would be my first choice. God bless you!
You have received a lot of good advice. I neglected to offer my own (name removed by moderator)ut because it seemed everything good was already being said.

When it comes to despair you have nothing on me. I am currently estranged from my parish and have been severly depressed over it. I relate intimately with what you are experiencing. An incident occured a year ago between myself, one of the RE directors and the priest. It was like being punched hard in the stomach, the breath went out of me. It took me months to confront the situation and try to reconcile with my parish. My attempts were very unsatisfying for me and little has changed in my relationship with the other two individuals involved.

You do not have a workable perspective right now. You need to consult with your physician and get treated for depression. Depression perverts and stains every aspect of life, making it extremely difficult for a person to help herself. Depression is not just a sickness of feelings or perspective, it is also a sickness of the spirit. I am confident that if you get the depression treated FIRST, you will be in a stronger position to deal with your spiritual difficulties.

Please, consider this advice from someone that has been there. I mean really been there.
Hi Coyote:

Being there is not a fun thing.

First I must say that what I am experiencing is not depression. I know that reading it it may sound like I am depressed, but, no it is not depression. If it were that easy I would be on meds and this would all be an easier thing to deal with. None of the people doc, counsellor believe this is depression, it is a situation that if not dealt with could lead to depression, but as of now is not. The concern is how to deal with it in a positive and constructive manner.

Ideally a priest would deal with the church issues and the counsellor would deal with the other issues and yes some are mixed together. But without a viable church option things become more and more difficult. I only see the counsellor so often at least if things were overwhelming I should be able to sit in the church and just spend quiet time contimplating how to deal with things, but with such resistance from the priest, that is not an option.

I feel like I am on a merry-go-round. In order to begin to understand and try and turn around the negative problems in the church I have to speak with someone who has a very grounded sense of the church. We only have a priest, no spiritual directors, no deacons, just a bunch or rural residents that gather and celebrate the catholic faith. Our priest is the one who is suppose to do the rest,he does for some and others he does nothing. So I am left to my own device, which isn’t really grounded in the faith, so you can’t grow if you don’t have sunshine and water. Or in this case knowledge and faith. The counsellor deals as best he can, but he knows that there is only so much he can do without church help so around and around we go.

If it was as easy as finding another faith that would be fine, but I firmly believe that there is only one church the catholic church. Sometimes I think it is alot like marrage do you take this church for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, during the good and bad until death do you part. And like any marriage it doesn’t work unless both parties work hard. I am not innocent in this I have abandoned the church, but the feeling has been mutual, I just not sure how do you reconcile with a belief? Sure God is always suppose to be there, but when his ministers decide they don’t want to deal with certain people how do you deal with it. The worst is other people see exactly what is going on and they can’t figure it out either.


I will say it again: Please don’t blame your problems with this Parish on God. God gives us freedom to choose, all of us - Priests included - for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness or health - till death do us re-join unto judgement. Pray.

Since you are online, look up your diocese online (If you don’t already have the # available), and contact your Bishop - by E-mail, or phone, and explain the problem to him. I am sure that will get some answers for you - as well as some results.

There is nothing wrong with you that God won’t fix - the problem is NOT with you - it is with the people around you. You are HAVING problems, this does not mean that you ARE the problem. Keep some perspective on things here. I know how easy it is to just ride the downward spiral - but if you think you are having problems now - the end of the ride is a whole lot worse.

Try the Jesyus prayer - “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner”
Short form - “Jesus”

He knows what you need before you even ask Him.

Get in touch with your Bishop, and if you can get out nothing else - keep repeating “Jesus”.

All of our Prayers are with you.

God Bless

Hi Scared

My prayers go out to you. You sound like you’ve had a pretty unfortunate life so far.

And while you sincerely belief you’re losing your faith, the fact that you’re still in these forums tell me otherwise!

I think since this place provides anonymity you may like to tell us what are the underlying reasons for this crisis of faith.

Why are the priests giving you advise to stay away from church? Is it something you continue to do? Because it cannot be for something that you have done and have repented for already, right?

Of course if you’d rather not, it’s your prerogative … but it does affect the advise you get.
Dear friend

Leave the Church and leave God if that is how you FEEL, but tell me who are you following; your feelings, the feelings and actions/sins of others or do you follow Christ Jesus and tell me if you do follow Christ Jesus, Who embraced His Cross for you, where will you go?

I will remember you before the Blessed Sacrament today.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

this lack of compassion is not just a Catholic phenomenon. My inlaws lost their thirteen year old son in a freak accident sixteen years ago. My mother in law was suicidal for a year. When the family approached their Methodist pastor for help, he said there was nothing he could do. Aside from the funeral meal and a visit by the new assistant pastor, there was no followup from the church. My all ready traumatized inlaws left that church and never joined another. They felt abandoned by the church and God.

Some parishes have a wonderful ministry called “Elizabeth ministry.” Women in the parish minister to women of childbearing years who have lost a baby, a child, have difficult family situations, etc. I wish more parishes had this. Would it help your grief to help others in this situation–who need one on one compassion from the Church? I would encourage you to undertake this ministry, perhaps founding it in your parish.

May God bless you.
Thank you all for your (name removed by moderator)ut.

I have contomplated many of the things that have been asked and said, or suggested.

Springbreeze, you asked where will I go? Well, if I do leave the church, I am just out of a building and not receiving the sacraments and that would deny me a chance to grow with christ and accumulate a vast amount of sin, that I would be unable to burden myself from. So if I leave the church and at some point I die, well the answer would be, presuming I would be in mortal sin, oh yah if I don’t fufill my Sunday obligation, I am in mortal sin, I would go to Hell. If I leave God then well, trouble looms large. I just reread and I would be following what someonelse wants. Most want me to stay in the church, close to Jesus and God. So I know the answers if I follow that feeling. If I follow Jesus, then of course I could still go to Hell, but I would really have to screw up and not ever repent, of course it did take me 17 years to clear it up.


You are I think correct, If it was easy to leave the church and God I would have simply done it and not gone searching for help. I am very very torn, I know in my mind what I need to do, fight no matter what and only give in when either I have achieved union with Christ or until I take my last breath. In my heart and this is where things get messy, I have been hurt, I have been destroyed on an emotional level that destruction is what has caused all the problems. Right now my life is being ruled with my heart, of course my understanding is we are always suppose to use our heart, but I think it was to embrace the lord and others, not run away.

I did look into e-mailing our Bishop, but that is not an option, I would have to call and meet with him in person, now that is a scarry thought for someone who is scared of priests, he is pretty far up the latter. I just can’t do that, also with no anonimity the priest involved would know exactly who was causing him all the grief, and as the saying goes what goes around comes around.

Any activity in our parish goes through our priest, we are so small we don’t have a secretary or office hours, you call or email the priest and wait for him to get back to you.

The way I see it and yes I realize that it may be a bit skewed, is that the sacraments are lost to me. That has depleated my ability to receive the strength I need from christ. As I miss more and more Sunday obligations I am deeper and deeper in Mortal sin, also questioning a sacred person may have me in hot water as well.Forsaking the lord is also a no-no. So thus I have to go to reconcilliation before I can partake of the body and blood of christ.
So to go to reconcillation, I need to see a priest, Ok so my parish priest is out of the question, so say I find one, I think there will be alot of questions especially about the sacred person, so then I have to go through the whole thing. Chances are I will be in alot of trouble, only good thing about confession and being in trouble the seal of confession applies so at least the priest cann’t go to the bishop or priest. Of course as pennace I could be assigned to go to the bishop, then what would I do, go to another priest to get it remmitted because it is too hard. I don’t think any of them would remmit that one. You ask where I get the idea that would be the pennance, I did discuss this with a priest, whom I can’t go to confession with for personal reasons, and he told me exactly what would be expected by most priests along with getting my butt kicked figuratively although that was only him because he knows that is what I need, which the truth be told that is probably exactly what I need is a good priest that will dictate to me with kindness and love that I have no choice I must do 1,2,3,4,5, etc. I do know that if I was given it as penance no matter how hard, or how much I disliked it, I would have to do it because I would know that it was done with love and for my own good. But most priests wouldn’t do that, I would get the one our father.

So no reconcilliation, thus the cycle gets going faster and faster and I grow more distant from christ and God. Which is pretty much where I am now. Only I have to make a decision and I am leaning very far toward leaving, I have one foot, ok two feet out the door, my hand is inside the door, I need a priest to grab it and pull as hard as he can and if he can get me back in the door, slam it shut lock it and keep me their and talk me back to the lord. Of course this is all figuratively. But, I know it is not going to happen. I can analize this to death, which I think I have without a good priest or a church I can go to I am doomed.

I am scared, scared that the end of my spiritual life has come and only the fires of Hell await me. Nice prospect

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: For thou art with me;
Well, since it seems clear that going to your local Priest is out of the options… And you can’t find a closer Priest…
Contact the Bishop and Meet with him…

You say
I am scared, scared that the end of my spiritual life has come and only the fires of Hell await me. Nice prospect
I did look into e-mailing our Bishop, but that is not an option, I would have to call and meet with him in person, now that is a scarry thought for someone who is scared of priests, he is pretty far up the latter. I just can’t do that, also with no anonimity the priest involved would know exactly who was causing him all the grief, and as the saying goes what goes around comes around.
You seem scared to act, yet scared not to act… If you do neither you will be stuck in the middle with confusion and fear…

Remember the words of our Late Holy Father John Paul II, “Be Not Afraid.”
You have options open to you. Act upon them… Yes, it will be scarying and you might be frightened… But remember, Christ is with you! He is there with you always. If you feel you cannot do it, seek Him in prayer to gather your strength…
We are given no task we cannot handle. Yet, we will never know what we can do if we don’t try.

I implore you, I beg you… Go to the Bishop or Another Priest. Make an appointment… Meet with him… If you must have anonimity, meet with him in Confession and know the Seal of Confession will prevent him discussing the talk.

You were given the Cross of a Priest who is not able to help you along with whatelse may be bothering you. It may be hard, but you must take up that cross. Find another Priest to converse with…

You say you have one hand left inside and you need the Priest to grab it and pull you in… He cannot do so if you cover your hand in grease… Figuratively of course 👍 . You’ve attempted one Priest and he could not help you… Go to another, and another, and another seeking guidance… You will never know whose waiting to grab hold of your hand and to never let go unless you try.

Sorry if I seem a little harsh, yet I somewhat understand what you are going through… A few years ago I was out of surgery and had to start therapy to start walking again… Yet, this would be an extremely, slowly, painful process so I was reluctant to start… Yet, every second you wait, you worsen the chance to walk again…
As stubborn as I was, my parents made one of the hardest choices they’ve had to make… They said “Alright… If you won’t start, we’re leaving… We’ll visit once a week. Goodbye.” And they started towards the door…
Now, these are my parents… and I know they would never leave… Yet, to see them going because of my inaction to try therapy because of fear was more painful then the therapy.

As they called it, at times one needs to use tough love…
If you can’t solve your issues with the Parish Priest, you know were you next step lies… Find another Priest… Start out small and slowly if you must… Contact Father Serpa through Personal Message on the Board… See what he has to say, being a Priest himself…

Remember, “Our backs might be pressed to the wood of our cross, but our heads are always resting on the outstretched arms of our God who was lying there before us.”

May Christ Guide You in these Times… I will pray that your situation improves.

In Christ,

Am I right in concluding from what you said that talking to an understanding Priest is what you need to pull you through this? And the problem being that you are in a remote area and the nearby Priest is not an option?

What if a good Priest were willing to exchange emails with you for a period of time until you could work out the problems of betrayal and disappointment and wrong actions of the Church? You would probably be able to get clear guidance this way. Is that something that would work for you?
Hello Eliza10

Although difficult, yes this would probably work.

Thank you for the many thoughts suggestions and such. I have been fighting this with every ounce of being. I am near the end. I went to a different church with the intent of going in confessing and attending daily mass. Yet when I arrived, I could not enter the church. Something is terribly wrong, it is 4 days till christmas and I fear that the other arm is outside the door and it has all but closed. I don’t think I can fight this anymore. I am lost

My heart goes out to you. My prayers as well! I don’t know everything you have gone through, but I can tell you, I lost a twin and I was given two options, either I could have an autopsy to determine what happened or I could have a funeral and burial for my child. They made it clear I couldn’t do both! I so desperately needed to know what happened to my baby, so I chose autopsy. I was criticized severely for my decision, and it still haunts me sometimes. My other twin, thankfully made it and is now 16 yrs old. At times it was a mixed blessing because the more I saw him, the more I was reminded of the baby I lost. To make matters worse, my ex was in a terrible accident at his college and was so affected by it that he totally withdrew from life, I had no support from anyone! My own family thought it would just go away if they didn’t mention it. At my son’s first birthday, I broke down and couldn’t stop crying. It was the first time I was able to grieve the loss of my child. During that first year I was miserable. I was angry, I blamed God for taking my child from me. I was angry at the world. Within the next year I became pregnant again and delivered a beautiful baby girl, but, I also suffered from post partum depression and had too many problems to count. The reason I tell you this is because I didn’t begin to heal from these events until I finally got so mad at God that I screamed, cussed, ranted and generally threw a temper tantrum and got help for the PPD. Then, I prayed. I asked God to help me. I gave him all my hurts and this time I didn’t take them back. I slowly started to get better. I went to my pastor at the time and he was totally useless too! He was still pissed at me because I wasn’t married in the church. I did so many things the wrong way, yet God still loved me. That is what you have to remember…God loves you, no matter what you do to mess up his plan for you (not saying you did anything to mess up, I’m saying I did). God’s plan isn’t always what we have planned, but I assure you, his plan is better…even if we don’t understand it. I thankfully moved and found a new parish and I sat down and talked to my priest about everything. He wasn’t sure what to do for me but refered me to Catholic Charities. I didn’t go to them right away, I finally did when my ex took off and I was worried about the kids without their dad around. Just as I got used to a new parish, our pastor retired! We got a new, more reserved pastor and I wasn’t sure I would be able to relate to him. Turns out that this pastor has been such a blessing to my family. It is because of him that my children went to Catholic schools, he has offered to talk to my boys when they needed an adult male to talk to, etc. Today when I read your post I remembered how blest I am, I learned that no matter what God would never abandon me.

I think the people here have given you some good advice. Don’t give up now, you are almost there, you recognize your need for God in your life and the value of the sacraments. Anything worth having is worth fighting for! Thank God, the best way to fight is to give up your problems and give them to God, let him take your burdens and have faith that things will get better!
Thank you all for your (name removed by moderator)ut.

Any activity in our parish goes through our priest, we are so small we don’t have a secretary or office hours, you call or email the priest and wait for him to get back to you.

The way I see it and yes I realize that it may be a bit skewed, is that the sacraments are lost to me. …
So to go to reconcillation, I need to see a priest, Ok so my parish priest is out of the question, so say I find one, I think there will be alot of questions especially about the sacred person, so then I have to go through the whole thing. Chances are I will be in alot of trouble, only good thing about confession and being in trouble the seal of confession applies so at least the priest cann’t go to the bishop or priest. Of course as pennace I could be assigned to go to the bishop, then what would I do, go to another priest to get it remmitted because it is too hard. I don’t think any of them would remmit that one. You ask where I get the idea that would be the pennance, I did discuss this with a priest, whom I can’t go to confession with for personal reasons, and he told me exactly what would be expected by most priests along with getting my butt kicked figuratively although that was only him because he knows that is what I need, which the truth be told that is probably exactly what I need is a good priest that will dictate to me with kindness and love that I have no choice I must do 1,2,3,4,5, etc. I do know that if I was given it as penance no matter how hard, or how much I disliked it, I would have to do it because I would know that it was done with love and for my own good. But most priests wouldn’t do that, I would get the one our father.

So no reconcilliation, thus the cycle gets going faster and faster and I grow more distant from christ and God. Which is pretty much where I am now. …

I am scared, scared that the end of my spiritual life has come and only the fires of Hell await me. Nice prospect

The sacrament of reconciliation is there for people who, like you, need healing. It is the sacrament that keeps the sacraments from being lost to us. God loves you, and confession is a place where he offers you His forgiveness and mercy. Remember it is* God* who forgives you in the confessional, the priest acts as a representative. The forgiveness is still there even if the priest in question is not compassionate. There are no Vatican police who will come and punish you because you have been away from the church, or hurt by people in the church, or because you haven’t been to mass. You can be forgiven. Do not despair of that. Even if it is just for the one occasion, find a parish priest somewhere out of the small rural town where you live to talk to you. The church is enormous. There are a lot of priests out there and they are not all like the ones you have encountered. Please give it a try, though you are terrified. You have the prayers of everyone here supporting you.

*For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
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As for going to a bishop, let me encourage you to speak to him about this parish priest of yours. His treatment of you is scandalous, in my opinion, and should be brought to his attention.
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