Left wants to pack the Supreme Court

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Do you think there should be a new amendment added to the Constitution to prevent court packing? Currently, the Democrat party wants to pack the supreme court in order to push their agendas. Such talk has heavily politicized the court. Do you think Congress should amend the constitution to prevent such politicization?
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It’s just talk, mainly by the fearful right. It’ll never happen. Relax.
Never say never. FDR tried to but faced enough backlash he didn’t dare proceed. There’s nothing explicitly detailing the number of justices, so it wouldn’t technically be illegal. And Biden’s refusal to answer the question directly is telling. By refusing to say no, he’s leaving yes on the table.
The “fearful right”. All the left has ever done is fear monger about coronavirus and non-existent systemic racism and global warming, and subsequently destroyed our economy in the process. But anyway, Kamala Harris openly said she would be for supreme court packing in 2019, and refused to answer Mike Pence’s question in the debate about packing the supreme court. Joe Biden too, who was once against packing, now refuses to speak about it and when asked literally said “You’ll know my position if I become president.”
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I’m moving this to World News (as there is no US News), this is very much not casual!
It’s just talk, mainly by the fearful right. It’ll never happen. Relax.

It’s entirely the left that has proposed adding justices.
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It’s entirely the left that has proposed adding justices.
Agreed. However, it’s the right that’s overreacting, in my opinion.

On the other hand, in today’s hyperpolarized US politics, anything is possible. Anything. A future President might nominate additional justices, and a future Senate might confirm them. It seems like a long shot, but I shouldn’t rule out that possibility.
Why are we still pretending like this is some massive number? Over 70% of the deaths are people over the age of 70. Old people get sick and die. It’s literally what we do Covid or no.
Spot on! Notice how it’s always the “ fearful right” ,the paranoid POTUS?
This is gaslighting to the nth degree.
We can try to argue the facts that are in plain sight until the cows come home.Clearly it’s a waste of time.
Truth will out!🙏
I’ve been registered “Nonpartisan” for over 35 years. But I have to say, the Left keeps pushing me further and further away. When they have majority power, it’s “Elections have consequences” to keep things how they want them. When they are not majority power, they threaten to change rules, DO change rules, whine, twist words, cause ciaos and unrest until they think enough people will vote them back in to stop it all. Having had two year olds forty years ago, I hated the “do every whiny, selfish, make every body miserable” bit then, and I REALLY hate it in adults now. I have lost all respect for the Left.
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You can sacrifice yourself or your family if you like, but don’t expect that of others. That’s 200,000 people who otherwise might have lived a decade or more of life.
fear monger about coronavirus
Tell that to the families of 213,000 dead.
IIRC, 40% of whom have died in nursing homes, many of them in progressive Democrat run states where infected seniors were placed back into that setting.
I’ve lived my life as normal as possible the whole time. Took a trip to the gulf fishing in June, I’ve worked every day, I can count on one hand how many times I’ve put a mask on, I have done zero of what the fear mongers have suggested and I’m still here.

If Trump and governor Christie can get this and survive, two over weight old men, then this has truly been blown out of proportion.
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