Lent begins on my birthday: February 26, which is Ash Wednesday. Do I have to fast on that day?
Yes you do. I suggest you celebrate it the day before and offer up the lack of festivities the day of to God.Lent begins on my birthday: February 26, which is Ash Wednesday. Do I have to fast on that day?
If you are an adult Catholic of the Latin Rite, yes. Otherwise, it is up to you.Lent begins on my birthday: February 26, which is Ash Wednesday. Do I have to fast on that day?
Yep, happened to me too in the past. No cake, no sweets, no special foods … and it’ll happen again in future years.Lent begins on my birthday: February 26, which is Ash Wednesday. Do I have to fast on that day?
Trust me, I’ve been there. Lent once started on my birthday, February 16th, and it was hard for me too.I guess that will have to do.