Let us give thanks to the Lord our God . It is right and just

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It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father,
almighty and eternal God.

For you, eternal Shepherd,
do not desert your flock,
but through St James and the other blessed Apostles
watch over it and protect it always,
so that it may be governed
by those you have appointed shepherds
to lead it in the name of your Son.
Thank you for the squirrels, birds, and rabbit that come to eat in my back yard. They are beautiful.
Thank you God for creating me, taking care of myself, my family friends and enemies. Thank you for today and everyday and all the opportunites you send me for doing good, the inspiration and will to do so.
Thank you for Philomena who gave me a lift home from town and for Trevor my barber who cut my hair .
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