Let's encourage one another by sharing our answered prayers

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Hello, everyone! If you have any testimony on how GOD answered your prayer(s), I strongly encourage you to share them with us here in this thread, to serve as an inspiration to our brothers and sisters, especially to those who are on the verge of giving up on life, to continue their journey, and keep up their faith / hope in GOD.

Please be reminded that only positive, constructive, comforting and uplifting messages are allowed. Try to avoid any negative comments as much as possible. Thank you.

Your kind cooperation is highly appreciated.

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May the peace of our Lord be with us all.

Shalom! 😇😇😇
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Superb initiative! Well we are praying for my wife to conceive a second child. Hope in the coming weeks and months I can share some positive news 🙂
I’ll be praying for that. At the same time, kindly update us on the matter as we look forward to hearing some good news from you very soon.

Cheers! 😊😊😊
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Recently I had an idea before bed of drawing Our Lady Of Sorrows and drawing five tears that each held the ten beads of a single decade of the rosary. I didn’t want to forget this idea so I asked Jesus and Mary to remind me of it tomorrow. The next day I hadn’t remembered it until I opened Reddit and saw someone posted Our Lady of Sorrows with exactly five tears.
I am an artist, and have been since I could hold a pencil. One thing I’ve found is that God knows how to woo a soul…

When I was fourteen, my Mom decided to allow me and my sister to watch ‘The Passion of the Christ’ with her. Afterwards, feeling inspired to draw, I wanted to draw a portrait of Jesus based on the film. The act of drawing is an inherently meditative experience in itself; what is the subject feeling, thinking, how should His posture be…

That was the night I fell in love with Him.

I have been raised Catholic all my life, but that was the moment I made the decision for myself and became serious, and have been ever since…

Fast forward a couple years and the initial “honeymoon phase” went away and I began to go through a lot of psychological struggles. This was accompanied by a lack of artistic motivation. A particular comic book project of mine gave me a lot of grief in that I wasn’t happy with it (but didn’t want to admit it), and didn’t want to try changing it in fear of loosing my plans for it forever.

During one particularly anxious night, I asked God to give me some reassurance, and specifically asked Him “Maybe show me something in a dream?”

That night, I dreamt that my main character was peacefully resting in the hands of God and God keeping careful watch over him.

The dream only lasted a minute or so, and there was nothing ecstasy inducing about it or anything, but it resulted in a supernatural peace that has never completely left (or if it did, it wasn’t for good); that God was taking care of the dreams He’s planted in me and has a plan for them. In the end (though the project is still ongoing and has been through hiatus after hiatus), it has become SO much more than I could ever have imagined it to be back in my teen years. I am thankful I didn’t get my way just as I wanted. His plans are far better!
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Praise GOD! Thank you so much for sharing. I’m happy for you.

As what scripture says:

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GOD bless!
Everything good that happens to us is an answer to a prayer. It’s just a question of whether we prayed that prayer, or if it was a prayer that God answered but we didn’t even make.
I just wanted to thank God for answering a prayer intention for a successful breast cancer removal surgery today for my beloved wife. I also wanted to thank St. Bede, who doesn’t know me but who was prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray for a prayer intention for me on the ‘Let’s Pray A Perpetual Rosary’ thread that I didn’t even communicate to him. I am not even Catholic, but I appreciate St. Bede for heeding the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Thanks for being a true prayer warrior, St. Bede and for continuing to pray for my wife’s full recovery.
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You’re most welcome, my brother!

Thank you, too, for taking time to share your testimony here, which I firmly believe, will serve as an inspiration to many and encourage them to persevere in faith, especially those who are going through difficulties and feeling hopeless in life.

I pray that our Good Lord will continue to pour His abundant blessings upon you and your beloved wife, as well as your family. Peace! 😊😊😊

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You may want to take a couple of breaths…
Several years ago, I was praying on behalf of a man named George, a fellow parishioner who, like me, had a herniated lumbar disc. His wife told me that he was struggling after his surgery, was not recovering as well as he had hoped, and needed a cane to walk. As I prayed, I was shocked to hear myself asking to bear his back pain for him. I had spinal surgery in 2002 and 2004, and I well knew what that entailed. I could not believe that I had spontaneously asked to receive more back pain! But, I did. As I asked, I felt a dull pain mysteriously arrive on the right side of my lumbar spine. It remained for about 15 minutes, then faded just as mysteriously. What struck me at that time was that our Lord bore the brunt of it, allowing me to experience only a tiny portion of the pain.

I saw George about a week after, and he was walking without his cane. I asked him about the pain, and he said that “the other day, it just went away”. Given the time frame of the prayer, there appeared to be a direct connection. My herniation is on the left side, and I have nerve damage from it. All of my pain was and is on the left side. I asked George about his herniation and he told me that it was on the right and toward the front. Thus, his pain appeared on his right side, as that is where his nerves were exposed to the pressure of the herniated disc. I had never had right side pain, and still don’t, so I knew that there was a connection to the prayer.

The week after, I was before the Blessed Sacrament praying for a young man with cancer. As I prayed, the dull pain suddenly returned in my back. This puzzled me until, not 30 seconds later, I saw George entering the chapel for adoration. I knew then that all of this was related, as the pain that I received was in the exact spot where his had been. The Holy Spirit told me, via the return of the pain, that George was still in need of prayer.
On another occasion, I was praying for Nora, a wonderful prayer warrior who had a serious jaw infection, caused by a tooth problem. She was experiencing intense pain, and her medication was only partially controlling it. The antibiotic was not clearing the infection as expected. Such infections can be fatal, and the specter of jaw surgery loomed. As I prayed for Nora before the Blessed Sacrament, I suddenly felt a wave of almost indescribable comfort wash over me. It was the most spiritually reassuring sensation I have ever experienced - pure peace in my inmost being. A few days after, I spoke with Nora and she told me that, the night on which I prayed, her pain broke and the infection was now being controlled. She recovered completely. My charismatic priest told me later that what I experienced is known as the “word of knowledge”, since I received spiritual “knowledge” that Nora would be fine.

On another occasion, Dawn, the daughter of my son’s godfather was pregnant, but the baby’s blood type was incompatible with hers, and she was suffering from increasing toxemia. Doctors were warning her that, to spare her life, they would have to take the baby early - at about 24 weeks. Once I found out about this, I had the custodian let me into the church and I went into prayer before the Tabernacle. At about 2:45 PM, as I prayed, I again received the same sudden rush of spiritual comfort. I spoke with Dawn’s mother a day or two after and learned that blood taken from Dawn at that same time showed that she was well enough to carry her baby until the additional time needed. Today, their baby, Ava Marie, is a happy and healthy girl. Praise God!

On another occasion, I read a prayer thread posted by another CAF member who was being treated in a hospital for depression. Something in the thread struck me deeply and I went into prayer before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. I asked to bear her depression. As I prayed, I felt a sudden heaviness that seemed to be pressing me to the floor more strongly than mere gravity. The breath rushed out of me and I felt a profound sadness. This remained with me as I completed my holy hour. When I got up, my head just hung and I could look only down at the floor. The sensation remained with me on my drive home, but then faded. Her subsequent post revealed that she had been released from the hospital shortly after.

My current situation might have been brought about by the willingness to spare another a test of their faith, but I will not know with certainty in this life.

Nothing like this had ever happened in my Catholic life until I was ‘baptized’ in the Holy Spirit by a charismatic priest. After this, my faith life opened up and reached a level which I could not conceive of - all through simply releasing the gifts that I was already given at my Baptism. There is no natural explanation for these events, and thus they must be credited to the supernatural. I fully realize that I may sound crazy by relating these incidents, but I simply don’t care! All praise and glory to God. Amen.
I believe every word you said. Thank you for sharing. May the Lord continue to use you as His instrument to inspire more people.

GOD bless! 😇😇😇
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You are very kind. That was a cut and paste from a 2010 thread. Since then, life has taken quite a different turn and the challenges have been much more personal and profound, but God’s grace has sustained me.
I pray that GOD will continue to give you the strength you need to overcome your trials in life.
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May the peace of our Lord be with you always! 😇😇😇
At least 7,000 prayers in several threads in the old CAF sustained me through cancer, a relapse, and eventually three cancers simultaneously as well as a stem cell transplant and rejection issues. I was given a 99.5% chance of not surviving. I know that Saint Bernadette has had a huge role in this. It was at the grotto in Lourdes that my faith journey began way back in 1985.
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